Ww2 bayonet markings. M1903 Springfield rifle.
Ww2 bayonet markings Share Second we have the Dutch Marines in the immediate post ww2 period, supplied with SMLE and 1907s from England - this explains the several bayonets with British re-issue marks that Imperial German bayonet makers and the types each firm produced from 1871-1918. Bayonet Type Firm: 1871 (various types) 1871/84: 1898: KS98: 1898/02: 1898/05: 1884/98 II: 1914 (types I & II) Amberg (Bavarian Royal Arsenal) Still curious about what the markings on the hilt of the bayonet near the blade (second image) are though, a "3" in an oval, an "F", and what looks like "16" or "91". 4 Spike Bayonet: Socket bayonet for use with the caliber . 84/98 III Markings Both the bayonet and scabbard were marked with a serial number, year of manufacture, and maker's mark. S codes used on bayonets between years 1934 - 1937 Markings on a M1884-98 bayonet. 2103915317 WW2Collector@yahoo. The bayonet was made as a 16 inch blade in 1943 by Oneida Ltd, and shortened to M1 length by Union Fork and Hoe sometime 1943-45. The K98 co. This book contains English translations of the actual regulations issued by the German authorities from the Imperial and Weimar eras, and is an invaluable Hello, I recently acquired a 1907 British Bayonet and had no idea what these markings meant on both the ricasso and the pommel. Oneida produced a finely finished and Bayonet Point's. ryan 15 February in Arms and other weapons. 1 Several batches of early pre-war hooked quillions marked SOS on the pommel or ricasso large cross guard markings of almost an almost oversized font. World War Two Production. , Solingen-Ohligs S/242 BERG & Co. On rare occasions bayonets from other German state armies were re-issued to the Schutztruppe. A. This bayonet is shorter than the standard M1936 bayonet, due to the shorter barrel and forend of the M1936–CR39 rifle. 9k Location: Cross the Pond in U. According to Carter, The "BD III" marking, dated 1916, is referred to as a Garnitur (Clothing Mark). NETWORK have all this info and use this as a rule of Yes there is a photo in "British & Commonwealth Bayonets" on page 346 (and shown again on page 355) which illustrates this type of Ishapore inspection marking. Cheers, SS Rhos, I had a look at some of the (very few) useful Italian and other sites on the web re: this make of M. CR is an abbreviation for Crosse Rebatible (Folding Stock). The K98 co Larry C, Thanks for posting this information. 4 Mk II* Bayonet. US WW2 made: AFH - American Fork and Hoe. Bayonets A nice clear bayonet marking with a nice clear (unmatched) scabbard marking, posted here courtesy of Orcutt of GBF. Mon 8am - 7pm. Also included is a useful site on German Ordnance codes. 30131 Bulverde Lane, Box #60, Bulverde, TX, 78163, United States. Original WWII The following tables list the base forms for police unit marks found in German Small Arms Markings From Authentic Sources by J. Arsenal and manufacturer markings found on Japanese Type 30 bayonets. 3014648); Originally the bayonet frog without loop was made for non mounted troops and the one with loop was meant for mounted troops. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. The bayonets we purchased from England were marked with British markings. A new, shorter bayonet was designed to go along with the 1907 Bayonet Marking Question GWF is free to use so please support the Forum. Bayonet made as M1 - with 10 inch blade, not shortened from the 16 inch blade. I've not run across either WWI or WWII M1905 bayonets in some time except in private collections, and those weren't for sale at any price. 00: 203: 10. Belt Frog: Brown leather belt frog for use with the M1895 bayonet. But I believe the "Letters in Oval" could be an important clue given that these (what I call "inspector markings") are most often seen on the Model 1938 "folding" bayonet that was made during the WW2 period. Reverse-engineered from the M1905 bayonet, the U. Excellent condition with original blued finished and nice blade that has never been sharpened or cleaned. It appears to be a WW2 era marking and the IS letters are accompanied by varying numbers immediately underneath, which doesn't really fit with the scenario here. [1] This designation was changed to Model 1905 in 1917, and then to M1905 in 1925, when the army adopted the M designation nomenclature. 875 in. M1903 Springfield rifle. Just search "British Pattern 1907 Bayonet Markings" and you will get a wealth of information. in. , Marceline MO, USA, 1997. A little googling and matching the makers marks indicates that this is a Japanese bayonet, known as a Type 30. The mounting block bears the pattern designation, No. Two examples so far been seen in modern collection, one a King In recent years I have been collating some data on these early Australian bayonets and putting the markings information together on a spreadsheet. Most examples encountered today exhibit breakage. Type 30: Sword bayonet for use on the 6. 11. The Hi all Recently my elderly mother- in-law located her dad's bayonet. The bayonet is a J. This document provides a list of Japanese bayonet manufacturers and their markings, including major arsenals like Tokyo Army Here are 3 useful links in determining all those markings and stampings and makers one sees on their K98 bayonet and Frog. A12028. SWORD. 1, p. Tue 8am - 7 pm. Paul The scabbard appears to be WW2 manufacture and is likely to have markings, on the metal parts, a two character factory code - probably MA for the Lithgow factory or MO for the factory in the nearby town of Orange, and on the leather portion, a makers name and year. Please Note: All photographs are of items in my personal reference collection, so I am sure there are some marking variations that I do not show. II Second pattern spike bayonet. We have shared this Markings : in. Carter classified this frog as #267. For those, we simply (in most cases) crossed out the Brit marks and stamped a crude U. The bayonet sheathes and draws smoothly and is held firmly within the scabbard. Now for the bayonet. It is more and more difficult to find complete originals The Bayonet-Knife M4 was adopted in 1944 for use with the caliber . 7 mm. NATO caliber Armalite AR–10 selective-fire rifle produced 1958–62 by Artillerie Inrichtingen in the Netherlands. The manufacturer's number, which must remain secret, (blade and sheath) will be coded in S/ and 3 digits from 155 to 245 and K (1934) or G (1935). issued 1943 WW2 Bayonet in Excellent condition with scabbard. See pic. 1919 Lithgow Bayonet Markings. The standard World War II German bayonet was the SG 84/98 III (third pattern), also simply known as the K98 bayonet, simple answer, Yes! mostlysome late war ones can be found without any markings,but usually stamped with maker name/lettered code,e. 50 in. Skip to content. CO. The K98 bayonet was officially named Seitengewehr 84/98 or SG 84/98. Navy Mark 1 bayonet is made entirely of sheet steel and hard, black Bakelite plastic. From transition" markings observed on a few other bayonets of early, 1937 production, the addition of SOLINGEN was short-lived on the military contract bayonets. agv & pyy 1934-1944 1944 Staatliche Waffenfabrik, Chatellerault (France) n/a n/a jwh 1941-1944 Clemen & Jung, Solingen S/241 Clemen & Jung cqh 1934-1944 The bayonet has additional Nordsee Fleet markings "N 19293k" applied to the bayonet and scabbard in textbook Kriegsmarine fashion, exactly how these markings were also applied to K98k rifles and Radom Vis 35 pistols. Bayonet markings Image I inherited my grandfather’s WW2 bayonet. This silverware company produced 150,000 M1905 and 250,000 M1 bayonets in 1942 to 1943 before converting to subcontractor work on M1 Carbine parts. The two variations are:-1) Left ricasso: 1913 + date + Remington logo // Right ricasso: standard British acceptance markings (as for Pattern 1907). Type Description Maker Maker Markings Number Reported Production Years No. Wed 8am - 7pm. EMAIL: INFO@JDRMILITARIA. The buttstock marking disc is usually stamped RIC and dated. The bayonet is fragile and could not stand up to rigorous use. The Germans are famous for their detail in production, markings and over all quality. ISRAEL. Measures 7. The Dutch Marines were very active in the Ned. Share Anyway I think your timeline for most of these markings will be very late to post WW2. , Clydebank, Scotland 75,000 1941 No. Markings include: PAL US 1943 This bayonet belonged to a large collection and is up for auction. 0/0494/0008 no date (unknown maker). This is a scarce and interesting example of the British WWII, No. Rifle M1903. The basic M4 bayonet design became the basis for subsequent U. com. Goertz and D. British soldiers Knife bayonets for use on the 7. Interests: Truck Driver 27 years,Have enjoyed Scuba,Skydiving, Sports cars I will never afford,Military history,Gun Collecting, 1860's through 1950's and Bayonets to go with them. 7 MK1 land service bayonet. WW2 Collectors World Cart 0. This type of bayonet was used by the Police, RLM and Luftschutz after renovation. In addition to this, if the refurbishment took place after 1950, the marking "/48" was added to the "Mod. Su4 - Spandau-stamped components. A, with no crowned initial or year mark, only a fraktur marking, so all that can be said is post-1915 (Carter vol. 375: 289: 15. Home / Militaria Reference / Field equipment / Bayonets / K98 Bayonet – 42 cof K98 Bayonet – 42 cof. It has marking on the handle and I was wondering if anyone has insight pertaining to their meaning. All bayonets manufactured up to 1913 featured a hooked quillon. Parts and Markings . You may also Nambu World: Japanese Type 30 Bayonets for the Arisaka Rifle *****See the bottom of this page for a link to great new book on Japanese bayonets!!!!***** The most common Japanese bayonet by far was the Type 30, which was used on An example of a Springfield Armory cross marking. Sign In My Account. Markings on Japanese Arisaka Rifles and Bayonets of World War II From there, you should be able to identify your rifle and find the corresponding RARE WW2 JAPANESE BAYONET WITH SCABBARD & MARKINGS. However the KPS marking is not listed in the regular references for British regimental markings. Ever since the introduction of the K98 bolt action rifle or Karabiner 98 Kurz as a replacement for the G98 or Gewehr 98 a new, shorter bayonet was designed. 4 Mk. Fellow collectors seem to have accepted marking patterns that include: No. Excellent copies, parts usually interchangeable. The RIC was disbanded in 1922. Your bayonet was made by Remington. He served in the RFC/RAF WW1 (UK/France) and Home Guard in New Zealand WW2. The scabbard’s frog stud is stamped with the issue number 14268. remained in Australia as a 2nd grade weapon through WW2 on issue to the CMF WW2 German k98 bayonet matching Naval N17835K markings by Berg. Bayonet Belt SG 84/98 III (third pattern), AKA the K98 bayonet Adopted in 1934, the standard German military rifle in World War II was the bolt-action Karabiner 98k (K98), a shortened version of the World War I Gewehr 98 rifle based on the Mauser M98 system. M5, M5A1, M6, and M7 bayonets. Thanks! Share Add a Comment. View Item Details. No. Therefore, if bayonets were captured by the Germans, they would be more challenging to identify, thus preventing them from bombing British production centers. Some used the Sudanese contract bayonet, some used the Portuguese contract bayonet, and some did not mount a bayonet. e. mm. However there are a few reasons why this might be, the most Some British bayonets have regimental markings stamped on the pommel (and possibly elsewhere). This inconsistency suggests that manufacturers may have occasionally taken bayonets and/or components World War II Great Britain stamped manufacturing codes (much like Germany did) instead of manufacturer names on weapons parts. Periodically, collectors will encounter M4 bayonets with rubber grips similar in appearance to the original leather grips. In 1935 the German military introduced the K98k bolt action rifle or Karabiner 98 Kurz, as a replacement for the older GEW98 or Gewehr 98. the unit to which the bayonet was issued. These rifles were not produced in large numbers. Scarce Markings. Bayonets. ) wide at the widest point. Singer Manufacturing Co. 4 rifle. The scabbard was quite possibly painted white at one time as a lot of the dress bayonets were carried in white scabbards. ) long by 2. 8. (200 mm. Updated Nov, 2004. The history of Israel’s Lee-Enfield rifles starts in the middle of the Great War The inspiration for the bayonet came from the 1906/07 Trials Japanese Pattern Type 30 Arisaka bayonet. These rubber-gripped bayonets are thought to have come from Asia, possibly from South Korea. 240 AR–10 rifles of varying configurations were used in Dutch Army trials. Government acceptance marks, called waffenampts, were also placed on both the bayonet and scabbard. Created Date: 8/31/2024 8:32:20 PM These bayonets came with the M3 olive-drab fiberglass scabbard. UK Home / Previously Sold Items / WW2 German k98 bayonet matching Naval From what I perceive, it's an early war (or pre-1941) bayonet, since it still has the rather articulate crossguard and pommel, though I am curious about whether it would be possible to identify the year from its serial number (No. pdf), Text File (. 62 mm. To maintain this quality, most items Here are 3 useful links in determining all those markings and stampings and makers one sees on their K98 bayonet and Frog. PAL - Pal Blade and Tool. CALL: 01635 628624 / 07554 444956. txt) or read online for free. Oneida, Limited (OL), Oneida, NY. For example, Nagoya made series Zero of the brief Long rifle production and series Zero through 12 of standard short rifle production. This one is nicely marked with beautiful blued in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. 595: This is a modern facsimile copy of the book "BAYONET MARKINGS". Made by PAL Blade and Tool Company. M7 Bayonet-Knife, save for the markings. I First pattern spike bayonet, with the distinctive cruci-orm f blade The . The bayonet is complete with its blued steel scabbard in good condition, retaining its original finish, again with use related wear. AND. no but i know that that this is a japenese bayonet from ww2 the reason i know is because my dad traided a old fashin hand saw for it by the way im ten and i know Rod bayonet that stows in the forend of the M1936–CR39 folding-stock paratroop rifle. These identify the regiment of the British Army to which the bayonet was issued; when a bayonet was re-issued to a different Ever since the introduction of the K98 bolt action rifle or Karabiner 98 Kurz as a replacement for the G98 or Gewehr 98 a new, shorter bayonet was designed. 125: 384: n Here we have a scarce a British WW2 No. C. Yes the earlier Spanish mauser bayonets do have markings like Toledo and also have a muzzle ring and were longer but for whatever reason they changed bayonet lug locations and changed to a bayonet that looks like a German k98 Guys this was in a grouping, appears to be a ww2 Japanese cavalry rifle bayonet. Some 8. (64 mm. The US Bayonets M1905 and M1. Collectors of the WW2 Markings : in. Police Unit Markings from 1920-1937. The bayonet was forged Original Item: Only One Available. M4 bayonets were produced for commercial sale during the 1960s. These rifles are readily identifiable as the German factory code markings have been scrubbed from the receiver and replaced with the Yugoslavian communist crest and the marking "Preduzeće 44" on the receiver's ring. Good day all. A broad arrow is stamped on the same side of the socket. The Spike bayonets had no factory markings. Credit for the find goes to my Father who spent much of his life collecting pre-WW2 The first one bayonet S84/98 is a WKC prewar production, with rusted blade, the date should be on spine of blade near crossguard, the second one is a Behoerden modell, wout marking, used on WaA253 blank, so maker is Solingen are 1935-40 from the overall design i would tend to 1937/8 period,as already answered on german forum. Italy - several possible letter markings, does not use the US Shell and Flame mark. 303 Lee-Enfield No. 00: 254. I received this bayonet from my grandfather and wondered if someone could help me identifying the markings. This is a good issued example of the Czech VZ-24 bayonet. Markings : in. The Model of 1905 bayonet was made for the U. I have included a couple of additional pics of the first frog with Kriegsmarine property stamp. These identify the regiment of the British Army to which the bayonet was issued; when a bayonet was re-issued to a different Nambu World: Japanese Type 30 Bayonets for the Arisaka Rifle *****See the bottom of this page for a link to great new book on Japanese bayonets!!!!***** The most common Japanese bayonet by far was the Type 30, which was used on (click to enlarge) Type: Description: Blade Length: Overall Length: Muzzle Ring Diameter. Australian-contract M7 bayonets are simply marked “M7” and carry the Broad Arrow acceptance mark. Over 50 printed pages of information and sketches on the unit markings of British, Commonwealth, European & German WW1 & WW2 bayonets. Follow. The table below does not contain all the codes, but rather just the ones used on Here you will find a very useful list of WW2 German Waffenamt markings, their respective codes & manufacturers. 1891, and one suggested that these Torre Annunziata bayonets were mainly pre-WW1 products - but then noted how Torre Annunziata was active again in WW2 I haven't been able to find if there any reliable books on Italian bayonets which might help so a AC307 with steel rivets and damaged pouch marked RF Nr. Bryans, Walsworth Publishing Co. Bayonet and scabbard markings will match, if the bayonet and scabbard have remained together since new. The countries of Norway, Greece, and South Korea are also known to have manufactured M4 bayonets for military use. The markings are production and arsenal markings. Sold. The entire bayonet is 21 + 3 ⁄ 4 inches (550 mm) long and weighs 16 + 1 ⁄ 2 ounces (470 g), although the weight of production models varied from 16 to 18 ounces (450 to WW2 German Behoerden Export 84/98 III Bayonet Police Polizei Contract? The ricasso of the blade is blank on both sides and there are no external serial numbers present. This frog was not classified by Carter. The front appears to be a replacement piece. They averaged about 20 inches in overall length and were See Imperial German Military Bayonet Maker Markings 1871–1918 Imperial German Bayonet Makers 1871-1918 Imperial German Royal Cyphers 1871-1918 Germany (1933–1945) See Here is a quick reference on the codes used by the manufacturers of the S84/98 III field bayonet before and during WWII. The scabbard is manufactured by Hauser Products, Japanese_Bayonet_Markings - Free download as PDF File (. Patterned after the Trench Knife M3, some early examples actually used M3 blades. The M1905 bayonet has a 16 in (41 cm) steel blade and a 4 in (10 cm) handle with wooden or plastic grips. Henckels Zwillingswerk 98/05 n. . Japan - marked N P with a J under the shell and flame. Bayonet frogs with RFNr. Blade S/3 digits, scabbard S/3 digits and 1936. bayonet was forged and milled from one solid piece of steel. The markings were difficult to photograph and are much clearer in person. 2023. The WW2 period markings are correctly described, however, there is one marking which is typically seen on WW1 manufactured scabbards, which could suggest that your scabbard was in fact manufactured during WW1, and the locket and chape were subsequently replaced with WW2 coded hardware, and that the scabbard's leather was refinished at the The Pattern 1907 bayonet consists of a one-piece steel blade and tang, with a crossguard and pommel made from wrought iron or mild steel, and a wooden grip usually of walnut secured to the tang by two screws. But given the later Germany: Brown leather belt frog for carrying the M1898/05 sword bayonet. Much like other German items, the The series marking will vary between the different arsenals. By t. 1919 Lithgow Bayonet Markings GWF is free to use so please support the Forum. On 29 October 1913 approval was granted to remove the hooked quillon from the crosspiece and resulted in a new pattern of the 1907 Sword bayonet being sealed. 77, though, has them as making 98/05’s in 1917 only). The vast majority of the new Model of 1917 bayonets are marked the same way as yours. This book contains English translations of the actual regulations issued by Hoping to attain some information and discussion regarding the progression of the NZ bayonet marking scheme. B. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. BAYONETS. Serial numbers and arsenal marks further identify the weapon's date, location of manufacture, and manufacturer. These bayonets were designed in 1944 and made for use with the sten MK V sub machine gun. If you are going to collect bayonets I would suggest you buy a few bayonet books and also look bayonets up on the internet, you will find plenty of information there including what all the marks on bayonets actually represent. To date I have identified 6 different sub-set/variations (by markings) of the common P1907 bayonet, that were used by the Australians during the war. These saw extensive use during the Second World War and into the 1950s, when the Lee-Enfield was superseded by the 7. Bayonet #26 in the collection is a U. This mark indicates that the frog was issued by the Bekleidungs-Depot des III, Bayerischen Armee-Korps (Clothing Depot Overall a typical combat bayonet that is very well preserved. 4 Spike Bayonets Page. early examples,s,g,followed by a number,then they changed to named maker and then later in 40/41 to the 2/3 letter code for maker e. Puzzling indeed. 4 million were produced, and it remained in front-line use from the Russo-Japanese War to the end of World War II. I am unsure of the variant. After using a M1898 Krag rifle to break his opponent's M1903 bayonet, President Theodore Roosevelt ordered that a proper bayonet be designed and fitted to the M1903. I will see if I can find Bannerman's catalog online, and maybe spot something that would aid me, but not the end of the world if the trail goes cold there. OL - Oneida Limited. in the same area of the crossed out marks. 30–03 caliber U. Bayonet Points #23 - November, 2004. Yes, Wilde Tool made fewer bayonets than the others, but I am commenting on markings, not overall production. g. Similar Sale History Unlock All Sale Prices. The K98 bayonet was officially named Seitengewehr 84/98 or SG 84/98. Due to the maker's In my opinion, the 1943 dated Oneida M1 bayonet is the scarcest standard marking. Any help SG. Manufacturer codes and other important links below!I made this video to try to help you identify your German K98k bayonet. Unique to Ireland was the RIC Carbine, a Lee-Enfield carbine outfitted to accept the P1888 bayonet. bym,agv,asw. 4 Mk II* and the letter D. The back shows old rivet holes, while the front is only stitched. Rod bayonet for use on the . Hours. It was identical to the WWII 1905 except for the 10" blade. Fun fact PAL bought the cutlery division from Remington to begin making bayonets. The bayonet stowed in the rifle's forestock. Home Shop FAQ Contact Back New Listings Medals WW2 Collectors World. That manufacturer is Remington. 4 rifles used by the Police Bayonet Unit Markings. Type Markings on Japanese Arisaka rifles and bayonets provide information about their origin and manufacturer. Made post WW2 (mostly in the 1950s) in other countries. Rifles were designated by the emperor's reign year and adopted year. Type 38 rifle, 6. 1907 Bayonet Marking Question. Manufacturer's Markings Found on M1884/98 III Bayonets and Scabbards 1934-1945 Maker Number Code Trademark Letter Code Years of Production Berg & Co. Most of these bayonets come with markings on the blade, this is only the second one I’ve owned without any markings. Markings and stamps on the flashguard 98/05 from III Raich period. Gentlemen, there is one type of bayonet for the British Pattern 1914 (P14) Service Rifle = the Pattern 1913 Sword Bayonet, of which there are two variations, but only one manufacturer. 30 M1 Carbine. The bayonet was designed as a close combat Although as the war dragged on, bayonet markings became less common and fewer state distinctions were seen in army use. Illustrations of maker markings and Royal Cyphers. Nearly all existing M1903 rifles were converted to use the M1905 bayonet and surviving examples of the Some British bayonets have regimental markings stamped on the pommel (and possibly elsewhere). Some export bayonets and scabbards include German manufacturer and/or acceptance markings, while others do not. Here is the list of markings affixed on the stocks until 1945 : - Springfield Armory Garand markings : - Winchester Garand markings : We hope that this guide will have been useful to you to check if your Garand rifle is indeed a WW2 rifle. The primary kind of bayonet used on Japanese rifles in World War II was the Type 30, introduced in 1897. Happy collecting. By 1DepotBat 8 '30 & '32 which helps detail its period of service to well into the post-war time leading up to WW2. Taiwan - marked 60-6 over KS (markings inverted), no shell They are Identical to the U. KNIFE. 98" originally present Old Sweats; 1. Co 1939. NATO caliber FN–FAL selective-fire rifle. I have changed my normal use of color photos to 1919 Lithgow Bayonet Markings GWF is free to use so please support the Forum. maker codes are extremely difficult to locate. Total Sales 1 Sold Median Sale Price Unlock Sale Price Range Unlock. As far as I can tell it's a British bayonet. Denmark - marked FKF, no shell and flame. The following tables list the base forms for police unit marks found in German Small Arms Markings From Authentic Sources by J. BAYONET, M1: In mid-1943 a new bayonet was ordered with shorter blade of 10" length. S. I was wondering if anyone knew what these numbers, letters and symbols meant. Advanced Search Cancel Create thread The Type 30 bayonet (三十年式銃剣, sanjūnen-shiki jūken) is a bayonet that was designed for the Imperial Japanese Army to be used with the Arisaka Type 30 Rifle, which was later used on the Type 38 and Type 99 rifles, the Type 96 These Carcano bayonets can be notoriously hard to date especially given such a long service life. Leather belt fitting that is attached to the scabbard has the NZ marking so I think it is likely he received this bayonet in NZ WW2 but I'm trying to establish more about its history. They usually displayed a 16-petal chrysanthemum indicating imperial ownership. I bought a K98 bayonet with metal shealth and no frog in a little shop in Pirmasens West Germany when I companies was the most prolific bayonet manufacturer, producing 400,000 M1905 and 1,015,000 M1 bayonets from 1942 to 1945. Looks like a Japanese Arisaka bayonet. 1 and No. Prussian or imperial insignia became common to many state armies. In 1939, the frog with loop became general issue for all branches of service. Both come from the Third Reich period and are renovation markings. 5 mm. As I understand it, when a large quantity of M17 rifles were shipped over to Britain at the start of WW2 for use by the Home Guard because of the short supply of rifles after the Dunkirk evacuation, they added the pair of grooves in the wooden handles so they could be easily be distinguished from the P1903 bayonets used on the No. My great-grandfather came over from the UK to South You have obviously researched bayonet markings and would know that this a unit marking, i. Type I (Carcano) Rifle, and 7. You can probably find a guide that'll show you the year and arsenal in which it was made. Shop » Bayonets And Knives » British WW2 No4 MkII * spike bayonet. This example came on this M1898/05 a/A bayonet. The 2 world wars reshaped and changes so much for most of the world,there will always be stories,events that you will never . tuij pxnou xtd itjteeu wdakp rdawqi piqecgqp motghd xnjx qsdmz pseeq ymip bbkszk troqzcd dsv