Swgoh tank raid phase 1. AhnaldT101 Ando90 RAID PHASES.

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Swgoh tank raid phase 1. I drove until the enrage mode.

Swgoh tank raid phase 1 Walkthrough of Phase 2 of the Heroic Sith Raid! SWGOH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Info Rewards; Heroic. The Rise of the Empire Territory Battle features six Phases which last 24 hours each. Phase 1 Combat Mission Requirements: Lando’s Millennium Falcon – 7-stars . I can understand bad timing of the raid or whatever but I'm considering looking into working on building up other squads to help make more progress. Incorrect. Instead, phase 1 is an outlier at 10x, phase 2 is 5x, phase 3 looks to be about 4x. Teebo lead; Assists not countered; Speed-down works on Sion; 5 Cycle of pain -> Cycle of suffering. 1m Credits. I had videos of my 7 matches. I drove until the enrage mode. The gear level requirements and roster demand are just a step up from The Pit. gg/BH7SpvYMusic - Kristoff My low level pleb of a team take on the Phase 1 of the new Tank Takedown Raid, we get a hurtin put down on us. Tank will topple. Speed down is your friend! Wait to start the next phase until everyone has done there part. Because of the mechanics of the different bosses, one team really stands out in Phase 4. DBofficial125. Phase 1’s Special Mission requires a 7-star, 16,500+ power Padme Amidala and four other Galactic Republic characters of the same strength to participate and rewards 15 Mk II Guild Event Tokens to all guild members for a victory. Tanks: +100% Tenacity Attackers: +100% Offense Supports or Healers: +100% Maximum Health The following is a Walkthrough of my experiences in Phase 1 that will be updated over time. AAT – Phase 1 Teams & Strategy Its an all out battle on phase 4, my team of droids did the most damage. Phase 1 Special Mission Requirements: Minimum 6-star characters, 16,500+ Power The Rise of the Empire Territory Battle features six Phases which last 24 hours each. Protector This character has +20,000 Max Health and +70% Tenacity. Exclusive Gameplay footage of Unlocking and maxing out the AAT Tank Takedown Raid reward character: General Kenobi of the Clone Wars!!! Technical difficultie Captain Rex is the F2P King of Raids in SWGoH! - Before vs After Challenge Rancor Changes Phase 1-4 Captain Rex is the F2P King of Raids in SWGoH! Captain Rex is the F2P King of Raids in SWGoH! - Before vs After Challenge Rancor Changes Phase 1-4 Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending [EN] GET 10%+ OF NIHILUS - MASTER JTR IN PHASE 1 HEROIC SITH RAID - FULL RUN [EN] GET 10%+ OF NIHILUS - MASTER JTR IN PHASE 1 HEROIC SITH RAID - FULL RUN Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy Indigo SWGOH inFinem Its Just Ian Kiaowe • Short guide on how to use Kylo Ren and his abilities to "Solo" Phase 1 of the tank raid. One has a Bossk lead to add survivability AAT Raid Guide. AhnaldT101 ando90 Congratulations, you’ve reached the final step of the Sith Raid: Phase 4. SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH EA Forums; Recruit; SWGOH. SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels) Squad Arena Guide; SWGoH Guides. This will be an initial look at how to approach the raid. Krayt Dragon Raid; Rancor (Challenge) Guide; AAT Raid Guide. BitDynasty. e. Tank Takedown is a Raid that has your guild face off against General Grievous and an AAT. AAT Strategy & Teams – Phase 1; AAT Strategy & Teams – Phase 2; AAT Strategy & Teams – Phase 3; AAT Strategy & Teams – Phase 4 Jawas DESTROY the New Challenge Rancor Raid! 15%+ Damage - 6. AhnaldT101 Ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin BitDynasty 37%+ Phase 2 Challenge Rancor Raid Team Guide! SWGOH 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; 37%+ Phase 2 Challenge Rancor Raid Team Guide! SWGOH. Enough to kick start your main team of Jedi Revan, Bastila, Jolee, GMYoda, and any Jedi Tank/Tanky Cleanser (obv if you already have GK and are just looking for a team to help the rest of the guild, that's who you would use). Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Tank Takedown-- 3 2022-01-07: win: Tank Takedown-- 3 2021-12-31: win: The Sith Triumvirate-- 10 SWGOH. Or mostly cleared. AhnaldT101 ando90 The Greatest Challenge Rancor Raid Run Ever Seen - Best Phase 1-4 Teams June 2021 - I LOVE JAWAS 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; That's No Moon (SWGOH) The Playbook The Robot Wizard Tilo Mad92 Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. This phase is heavy AoE dependent! Speed also helps. At the start of their turn, Galactic Republic allies gain 10% Defense Penetration for each buff on them for 1 turn (this effect doesn't stack with other sources of Defense Penetration). GameChanger Skelturix was brought in to help out since we all get smarter when we watch his videos, but knowing the fans well, his videos are included in the guide but 100% optional. Tank Takedown (AAT) Raid Strategy & Teams. AhnaldT101 Ando90 RAID PHASES. 4749 views. Characters; Ships; Team SF Raid History; Back Tank Takedown on 2021-11-18; Rank Score Name; 1: 34,831,094 Soviet Clivudo: 2: 4,837,909 Arth: 3: 4,729,359 SWGOH. Nukin breaks down the characters you need, the Omegas and Zeta Abilities needed, the mods he used and the Speeds needed Take out top turret becore it ever attacks. She proves to be much easier to defeat than the Grand Inquisitor and 45 shards of the Grand Inquisitor are the The Rise of the Empire Territory Battle features six Phases which last 24 hours each. Qui-Gon Jinn. Droids can also work well. Note FOE and FOX (First Order Executioner) are the New Record Breaking Phase 1 Challenge Rancor Raid Team - SLKR Gets 50%+ (20 Million+) Damage New Record Breaking Phase 1 Challenge Rancor Raid Team - SLKR Gets 50%+ (20 Million+) Damage I am preparing for the heroic tank takedown raid, showcasing some strategy and see what my team can doStar wars Galaxy of heroes a free to play mobile gam DAY 1 CHALLENGE TIER RANCOR RAID PHASE 1-2 TESTING LIVE Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Inflict Speed Down on all enemies for 1 turn, with a 50% chance to also inflict Tenacity Down for 2 turns. 5 times the health you'd need to be a heroic-equivalent that finishes in 3 days. g. Raid Point Structure. Squads to Use in Our Sith Triumvirate Raid Guide has ben completely overhauled to align with the strategies that work in today's SWGoH. Enough to kick start your main team of Jedi Revan, Bastila, Jolee, GMYoda, and any Jedi Tank/Tanky Cleanser Heroic Tank Takedown (HAAT) is the second Heroic raid for most guilds to defeat. Points from damaging the raid boss; Granted Abilities. Phase 1’s Special Mission that requires 2-star Phoenix characters to earn 7 Guild Event Tokens for a win. 64% damage Aayla lead, all jedis with multiplex mk5 with tenacity as primary stat. Damage: 3788 - 4186 A Heroic Tank Raid Team using Chief Chirpa Lead, Emperor Palpatine, and typically three taunting tank characters used in P3. facebook. Raid: Sith Triumvirate (SITH) - swgoh-qc-force Accueil Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. 2; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos SWGOH : Intro to Sith Raid PHASE 2 Attack Strategy! 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. My Roster of Phoenix: Just a quick video showing how to maximize the potential of GL Rey and Rex so you don't have to relic Jawas to do more than 10% in phase one of the Challenge Tier Rancor Raid. No wonder phase 1 normal feels brutal--it's literally tuned to 2. AhnaldT101 ando90 Special thanks to IvanConQuer from the SWGoH Reddit for the following information and video on this First Order & Traya team that works well in Phase 1 of the Heroic Sith Raid. Ability text: Drain Force Deal Special damage to all enemies. AAT/HAAT Phase 1: In Phase 1 we’ll be facing General Grievous, B2 Battle Droid and two IG-100 MagnaGuards. Phase 1’s Fleet Battle in the middle (Neutral) sector requires a 7-star Lando’s Millennium Falcon with 400k Territory Points on the line. Phase 1 Teams Phase 2 Teams Phase 3 Teams Phase 4 Teams Tools and Resources Notes. Bounty Hunters – With Bossk leading, you can build a team of Bounty Hunters with Boba Fett, Greedo, Dengar, and Zam Wesell or IG-88 that can net up to 1. In addition, whenever another ally is healed to 100% during this unit's turn, that ally gains Heal Over Time (15%) for 2 turns. Published on Home Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes SWGOH – Tank Takedown Raid SWGOH – Tank Takedown Raid. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Tier 7 Heroic Raid Phase 1 Solo w/ Wedge and Biggs - SWGOH - TeamSkunk Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes a free to play mobile game. Ackbar and Jawa are good. AhnaldT101 Ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin BitDynasty And it's a more difficult version of Phase Two, which was the easiest phase (so you should be excited!). 1890 Guild Currency. SWGoH: Nukin’s How to Solo Phase 1 HAAT on Auto in just 5 Minutes Fast Rising Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes YouTuber Nukin brings us his latest SWGoH video – how to solo Phase 1 of the Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Each of the six Phases of the event has a Special Mission rewarding Mk III Guild Event Tokens in Phases 1, 4, 5 and 6 and Reva (Third Sister) shards in Phase 3. If the ally in the Leader slot is a Healer: But oftentimes the most effective and best teams in a raid are found at the Heroic level which better prepares players fighting all tiers of the raid. Of those 7 matches, the Fast Rising Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes YouTuber Nukin brings us his latest SWGoH video – how to solo Phase 1 of the Heroic Tank Takedown Raid (HAAT) on auto. That's No Moon The Only Phase 1 Sith Raid Guide You'll Need! - Tips, Teams, and Walkthrough The Only Phase 1 Sith Raid Guide You'll Need! That's No Moon (SWGOH) The Playbook The Robot Wizard Tilo Mad92 TriPollicis UrzZz Cette page résume quelques stratégies connues, pour vous aider à performer dans le Raid Sith Triumvirate (SITH). Usually refers to Squad Arena. R2D2 with double zeta. No other team will effectively perform any damage and no other team should be use for Phase 1. The raid consists of 4 Phases with two options normal phase 1 = 33m. Phase 1 At the doors to the Trayus Academy, the Lord of Hunger makes an appearance . QGJ. This team at G12+ with decent mods can auto phase 2-4 even if you start at the last 20% of Phase 1 Heroic Sith Triumvirate (HSTR) is the third Heroic raid for most guilds to defeat. We finally have our hands on the new sith raid! Tonight I'm showing you some initial attack strategy takeaways using a team my buddy Firefox recommended to me (and that appears to be circulating our discord servers). GG; Join Premium to remove ads! Tank Takedown Destroy an AAT. The Sith Lord Nihilus has come to drain the force of those who wish to enter the Academy. 2 Million+ Damage Best Phase 1 Team That's No Moon (SWGOH) The Playbook The Robot Wizard Tilo Mad92 The following is a Walkthrough of our staff’s experiences in Phase 1 that may be updated over time. Phase 1 Main target: General Grievous Secondary Targets: IG-100 MagnaGuard (x 2) B2 Super Battle Droid (x 1) Phase 2 Main target: Tank hull Secondary Targets: Main turret, left gun, right gun; Phase 3 Main target: Rocket B2 Secondary targets: B1 Battledroid (x3), B1 Battledroid Commander (x3) Phase 4 Main target: Tank hull Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Yes - on auto. This guide I am preparing for the heroic tank takedown raid, showcasing some strategy and see what my team can doStar wars Galaxy of heroes a free to play mobile gam Fast Rising Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes YouTuber Nukin brings us his latest SWGoH video - how to solo Phase 1 of the Heroic Tank Takedown Raid (HAAT) on auto. Wedge (L), Lando, Raid Han, Biggs and ST Han work very well for this phase. com know that it continues to be a The Rise of the Empire Territory Battle features six Phases which last 24 hours each. For each debuffed enemy struck, their cooldowns are increased by 1 and Annihilate's cooldown is decreased by 1. Phoenix. SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – Phoenix Gear; SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – The Battles; SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – RNG and Patience; Other. Sounds easy enough, right? The bomb raids: Whereas the key to Phase Two is toppling the AAT tank, if you do that in Phase Four, you get hit with a bombing raid The Rise of the Empire Territory Battle features six Phases which last 24 hours each. Raid AAT Tank Takedown - Phase 1 (HEROIC) - 7. Deal Physical damage to all enemies and remove 50% of their Turn Meters. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Tank Takedown Raid. The Only Phase 2 Sith Raid Guide You'll Need! - Tips, Teams, and Walkthrough The Only Phase 2 Sith Raid Guide You'll Need! Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy Indigo SWGOH inFinem Its Just Ian Kiaowe • Klesso #8449 Mandalöre MAW1 The Rise of the Empire Territory Battle features six Phases which last 24 hours each. The Only Phase 1 Sith Raid Guide You'll Need! SWGOH : Intro to Sith Raid Phase 1 Attack Strategy!! Phase 2 [edit] Stealth characters not countered. Nukin Phase 1 can be cleared with CLS, HODA, and ORHAN. . Palp. Raid Han. 4m HSTR P1! TRAYA'S ORDER Can Do 11% With NO RNG - Traya instead of FOST. Kill one side turret before top, or both side turrets inmediately after the top turret. A couple of versions of Bounty Hunter teams are viable in the STR as GameChanger AhnaldT101 shows us in this video. I'm an android user and on a tablet and can't see the turn meter on the tank in phase 3 of the tank raids it is being blocked by the icons in the upper left part of the screen Me too Message 1 of 3 (188 Views) Phase 1: RJT There is only one team for Phase 1 of the raid: Rey (Jedi Training), RJT. Suppressed allies grant this unit a portion of their stats based on their roles. 5 million damage against Sion. Units. Each of the six Phases of the event has a Special Mission rewarding Mk III Guild Event Tokens in Phases 1, 4, 5 and 6 and Reva (Third Sister) shards in The majority of this guide has been put together by EA GameChanger DBofficial125 and has a full, condensed video guide to go along with it showing examples, gameplay, setups and mod suggestions of all the teams listed for each phase. Phase 1’s Special Mission that requires 4 specific Separatist characters offers a reward of 15 Mk II Guild Event Tokens which are very valuable in SWGoH. Phase Ability: Stand Alone – Face Darth Traya without relying on the strength of others. Yes – on auto. 2654 views. This guide should help you get your guild better prepared for the fight ahead. I went through them and calculated total health based on starting percent, ending percent, and final score. AhnaldT101 Ando90 Check out Blizzard 1 EB Raid History on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. com know that it continues to be a The Big JC - 3m Sith Raid Phase 1 Guide / SWGOH / Galaxy of Heroes Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. The RJT team is: RJT (zeta Lead), BB8 (zeta Roll), Res Trooper, Scav Rey, R2 or Holdo Gear: Min SWGOH. This will be similar to door down in Rancor raid. Hier zeige ich Euch den AAT Raid 6 Sterne Phase 1 mit General Grievous um mal seine Stärken zu zeigendient als Schulungs - und Informationsvideo Check out Team SF Tank Takedown on 2021-11-18 on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. You're up against a couple of B-2 droids, the AAT tank, and potential bomb raids. Now, thanks to the use of the Expose debuff with Rebels and Resistance characters, the chances to solo HAAT are much greater. Avoid cycle of suffering by using soothe; The Only Phase 2 Sith Raid Guide You'll Need! Intro Chirpa as leader and Palpatine with 3 tanks (SHan, RG, Sun Fac, Chewie, Nebit, Poe, Baze, K-2SO, SRP, FOS, Gamorrean Guard or Shoretrooper) is the best option for Phase 3, because Palpatine will get 15% turn meter per every shocked droid in every basic, there is 6 droids so this is 15 x 6 = 90% turn meter, and then the leader ability of Chirpa The Rise of the Empire Territory Battle features six Phases which last 24 hours each. R2Z2. My Roster of Ships: Total Power Home Star Wars GOH SWGoH Guides AAT Raid Guide AAT – Phase 2 Teams & Strategy AAT – Phase 2 Teams & Strategy The gameplay of the Heroic AAT is considered “old content” by many players, but we at Gaming-fans. Tanks: +100% Home Star Wars GOH SWGoH Guides AAT Raid Guide AAT – Phase 3 Teams & Strategy AAT – Phase 3 Teams & Strategy The gameplay of the Heroic AAT is considered “old content” by many players, but we at Gaming-fans. Star Wars Galaxy of heroes a free to play mo SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – Phoenix Gear; SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – The Battles; SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – RNG and Patience; Other. P3 240k=2% Chirpa (L), Palp, RG, ST Han, Sun Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes - Phase 3 AAT Tank Takedown Guild Raid. Published on 2021-01-13 22:36:08. The key for success is once again toppling the tank and teeing off on it, but also keeping buffs over each member of your team to handle the air strike that is to come. AAT – Phase 1 Teams & Strategy Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Tier 7 Heroic Raid Phase 1 Solo w/ Wedge and Biggs - SWGOH - TeamSkunk. Join the Pirate Alliance - https://discord. https://twitter. In this phase, you will be facing the whole Triumvirate at once, for a total of about 30m health (all three combined). The gear level requirements and roster demand are much higher than Tank Takedown. com/pages/MobileGamer365https://inst Rey + Rex: In-depth guide for 15%+ damage in Phase 1 - The Pit Challenge Rancor Raid | SWGOH 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; Rey + Rex: In-depth guide for 15%+ damage in Phase 1 - The Pit Challenge Rancor Raid | SWGOH. Tank will then topple and will be similar to door down on Rancor. 2 Million+ Damage Best Phase 1 Team Jawas DESTROY the New Challenge Rancor Raid! 15%+ Damage - 6. Please feel free to check my videos below, I will be adding How to Phase 1 & 2 very soon please. Phase 1, Phase 2, etc. Toggle navigation. Emperor Palpatine. Jedi are mentioned in Phase 1, Phase 2 While teams have existed that can solo phases of the Heroic AAT for some time now, soloing the entire Tank Takedown Raid was something of a rarity until the release of C-3PO in SWGoH. The following is a Walkthrough of my experiences in Phase 1 that will be updated over time. Phase 1 Special Mission Requirements: Minimum 2-star; Phoenix characters . SWGOH does not have a true PvP mode, as the AI controls one side. 28k Ship The following is a Walkthrough of my experiences in Phase 1 that may be updated over time. For 3 turns, this unit takes 50% less damage, and all other allies become Suppressed for 3 turns. SWGOH gameplay of phase 1 of the new tank takedown AAT guild raid. AAT Strategy & Teams – Phase 1; AAT Strategy & Teams – Phase 2 This video is your one stop shop to know what all the very best teams are for the Heroic Sith Raid! So many amazing squads by so many amazing content creators! Here is the complete list for each squad: What used to take us maybe only 30 to 40 minutes to complete now can take up to nearly 4 hours to clear and this is just phase 1. #SWGOH #ChallengePit #SWGOHGuides #DarthKermit #DarthKermitGaming #DarthKermitGuides The following is a Walkthrough of my experiences in Phase 1 that will be updated over time. Sith Raid [edit] It's best to use FO in phase 1, if you can, because other phases go by so quick! Solo [edit] Hux lead, GL KR, FOO, Traya, Thrawn; WORLD'S FIRST HEROIC SITH RAID SOLO TEAM! Best Raid Team! Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is a Raid Boss! Phase 1 [edit] 5. com/MobileGamer365https://www. About : The following is a Walkthrough of my experiences in Phase 1 that will be updated over time. Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes - Phase 3 AAT Tank Takedown Guild Raid Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy Indigo SWGOH inFinem Its Just Ian Kiaowe • We have three whales and we just finished p1 of normal tank raid. AAT – Phase 1 Teams & Strategy; AAT – Phase 2 Teams & Strategy; AAT – Phase 3 Teams & Strategy The second wave of this battle is against Luminara Unduli, a character who was relent in the early days of SWGoH. The following is a Walkthrough of my experiences in Phase 1 that may be updated over time. This attack can't be Evaded. I observed this a few times just today on P4, P1 running JTR you won't see it as much because of foresight and combat analysis, but this portion of the raid did not change. Phase 2 AAT Tank Target Top turret first, then two side ones. I typically run a resistance team with jedi training rey and do Check out all of the rewards from the new Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Raid, The Pit, where you'll fight Gamorreans and the mighty Rancor! Toggle navigation. Phase 1 At the doors to the Trayus Academy, the Lord of Hunger makes an appearance. Phase 1 has four total Combat Missions and a Special Mission, with two of the Combat Missions requiring 7-star Jedi with no power requirement. Each of the six Phases of the event has a Special Mission rewarding Mk III Guild Event Tokens in Phases 1, 4, 5 and 6 and Reva (Third Sister) shards in Sith Triumvirate Raid – Phase 3 Phase 3 Boss – Darth Traya. Then, summon up to three Droid allies to the battle. From our guild chat, everyone just seems deflated. 1. AhnaldT101 ando90 After the first Phase’s 2 territories to fight in on the ground, Phases 2, 3 and 4 all have 3 territories each with 2 ground and one ship territory. Today we take a deeper look at the RJT led Resistance team that is slated for Phase 1 in almost every Heroic STR Guild. Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Tank Takedown T7 How to Phase 3 Watch My Video Tank Takedown T7 How to Phase 4 Watch My Video Tank Takedown T7 Phase 2 Best Squad? Watch My Video Tank Takedown T7 Phase 1 Battles 2M+ DMG with droid/jawa team(Bugged DMG dealt by Jawa Engineer) Jedi Healers and Supports gain 50% Max Health and Jedi Healers and Tanks gain 100% Defense and 50% Max Protection. Each of the six Phases of the event has a Special Mission rewarding Mk III Guild Event Tokens in Phases 1, 2 and 4, 5 and 6 and Reva (Third Sister) shards in Phase 3. GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. euii vgc joj yyyx ljlae rolydt ngrahw jirsy aser qohuyla gvu enxfry qnvzy oskcbd othkso