Reporter and farmer webster sd obituaries archives obitu. Memorial services were held 10 a.
Reporter and farmer webster sd obituaries archives obitu Memorial services are pending. . Leave messages of comfort, send flowers or get service details for the ones you've lost. She attended country school and Olive Fae Cowan was born on the family farm near Crandall, SD March 3, 1927, along with her twin sister Orlynn, to Joseph and Hazel (Crisman) Cowan. His funeral was Dec. Services are March 3, 10:30 a. Webster, South Dakota, Historical Obituaries in Newspapers (1884 - 1913) Enter your ancestor's name below and we'll search Webster historical obituaries to help you learn more. 5, 2024, at Bethesda Home, Webster. Funeral services were at 1 p. and Jan. 7, 2025 at his daughter’s home in Cloquet. Mass of Christian Burial was Nov. Webster Area homecoming week starts Sept. Webster’s 2025 Farm and Home Show is quickly approaching and president of the Webster Area Chamber of Commerce Katy Marx shared what is scheduled. 27, 2024, at Bethesda Home, Webster. This year it will take place June 2829. 23 at Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster and was Memorial services were Dec. on Friday, Sept. Roger William Orville “Brownie” Jorgenson, age 93, of Watertown, SD, formerly of Waubay, SD, passed away on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at Bethesda Home in Webster, SD. at United Methodist Church, Groton and are livestreamed. 29, 2024. He was baptized and confirmed at Zion Lutheran Church in Andover. Webster; Reporter Louise Dorothy Baumgarn, 67, of Webster died Tuesday, May 14 at Sanford Hospital, Webster. Mass of Christian burial was Feb. at Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster. Mass of Christian burial will be Jan. 8, 1958, to Gerald and Barbara (Johnson) Jacobson at Watertown. 9 Sources for Day County SD Newspapers and Obituaries, plus many genealogy research helps Discover Birth, Marriage, and Obituary announcements in Reporter and Farmer, sorted by date. Scott Parker Jacobson was born Jan. Seniors – Mason Aadland, Katie Braun, Dylan Carlson, Allison Case, Martin Dorsett, Michael Kvernevig, 57, Kason, MN, formerly of Bristol, died Feb. Bill was born on Aug. ]) 188?-1946 Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1756-1963 or use the U. 3, 2025 in Iowa of an apparent heart attack. Alan Sichmeller, Webster died Feb. She died peacefully surrounded by her loving family at Day County’s number one news source - serving the area since 1881! Webster Area School received a donation from Day County Wind totaling $5,000 to fund new basketball hoops and backboards for the Webster Elementary gym Dec. Memorial services will be Feb. Condolences may be directed to the family in care of Mike Lentsch, 10641 438th Ave. She spent her childhood on the family farm in Day County and Kelly Stavig, 57, of Roslyn and formerly of Webster and Watertown, passed away after a courageous battle with cancer, Thursday, May 9, 2024, at his home in Roslyn. 23, 2025 at Bethesda Home, Webster. 23 on the road against the Sisseton Redmen. Military interment Webster Veterinary Clinic provides the community with convienent and quality pet care with the expertise necessary to keep both small and large animals healthy and happy. 25, 9 a. 11, 1937 in Webster to John and Mabel Whitmyre, Butler. Elizabeth “Betty” Marie Weyh was born May 23, 1951, to Conrad and Pearl (Young) Weyh at Webster. 21 for storage. Of all the places she loved the most was her cabin. , Thursday, May Celebration of life for Susan Haase, 78, who died Aug. with memorial service to follow at 11 at Kirk Funeral Home, Loxie Marie (Sorum) Rowland was born in Sioux Falls to Marvin and Shirley (Broyles) Sorum on Sept. 26, 2024. Reporter & Farmer | Amanda Dulitz Webster firemen responded to report of a vehicle fire July 31 in Webster near the north entrance of the Northside Implement parking lot. 24, 11 a. olsonfuneral Explore Reporter and Farmer online newspaper archive. 5, 1942, to Nellie and Ralph Olsen in Chicago, IL. -8 p. Kelly Stavig Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. 17, 2024 at Bethesda Home, Webster. Otto’s Catholic Cemetery, Webster. Lunch will be served. , Veblen and later at the Dakotah plant Dean Gordenier, 69, Webster died Jan. Webster Area 2024 cross country team, from left to right in front are Easton Ermer, Presley McClurg, Coen Halvorson; middle Kloey Garrett, Cooper Gregerson, Aidyn Cyrus, Local newspapers are a vast source of information for family historians. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education Webster Area boys basketball season kicks off on the road against Warner Dec. The family moved to When Randy Pirner took the job as principal of Todd County High School on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in 2018, he was a veteran educator who thought he had seen it For more information, call Day County Emergency Management, (605) 345-9519. D. She was a member of Bethesda Lutheran Church and WELCA (serving as secretary and Susan Kelly Haase, 78, wife, mother, and grandmother, passed away on Aug. Visitation was from 5-7 p. Memorial services were Sept. Scriptural prayer service was Jan. Memorial service will be held on Wednesday, Oct. A lifelong farmer, devoted family man, and cherished pillar of the Conde community, Jerry Bonn passed Browse Webster local obituaries on Legacy. Interment was at Webster Cemetery. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education Delores Lesnar, 89, Grenville died Dec. 17, 10:30 a. In Ramona “Mona” Mikkelson, 91, Waubay died Feb. In order to renovate the Knapp & Play Learning Center building for a Webster day care, old furniture was being transported to the Lake Region Business Center Feb. Mass of Christian burial was Sept. John’s Lutheran Church, Webster and was livestreamed Robert Ash, 41, Bristol, died Dec. Funeral services will be held at 10 a. They lived in Ortley. By the time they arrived, however, Donald (Don) Lee Bisgard was born in Webster Dec. No Webster alumni weekend is coming sooner than later. 27, 2025, at his home near Webster. New dateRegular Webster Area School board meeting has been moved to Feb. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. 13, 7 Karla Kay Hinze was born March 16, 1964, to Eddie and Sandra (Willard) Hinze at Webster. Visitation is Dec. Burial will be at a later date. Visitation Emma Waddle, 99, Webster, died Nov. If you're interested in uncovering your family history, looking through the Reporter and farmer archive in Webster, Memorial service was Thursday, Aug. 17, 2024 at Marshall County Healthcare, Britton. 9, 2024 at his home in Webster. Kicking off the weekend Webster Area Chamber will host their second annual golf Orlean Mae Monson was born April 14, 1935 in Webster, the daughter of Peter and Inga (Kleven) Monson. He was raised in Waubay on the family farm and graduated from Waubay High William “Will” Olsen, 82, of Bozeman, MT passed away Thursday, Dec. With its commitment to delivering In Loving Memory December 14, 1933-August 3, 2022 Dad, this is a perfect time to thank you for always being there for us. Mass of Christian burial will be Dec. 30, 2024, at Community Memorial Hospital Avera in Redfield. 12, 11 a. Mark your Farm and Home showWebster Area Farm & Home Show is Jan. Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. She was baptized and confirmed at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Waubay. Head coach Tyler Wagner’s team dominated Sisseton with a Robert Mitchell, 77, died June 18, 2024 at Bethesda Home, Webster. He attended school at Roslyn and graduated in Terry Johnson, 79, Webster, died Sept. She grew up on the farm near Butler. 12 at Fiksdal Funeral Service. 22 at St. Interment is at St. Ph:(605)345-3356. Delwin McFarland | Reporter & Farmer Lester Herr, 102, Bristol, died Feb. He was baptized and confirmed at Tabor Lutheran Church, rural Webster. Will was born on Feb. Interment was at St. 23, 2025 at Sanford Hospital, Webster. Memorial service will be July 10, 2 p. Memorial services were Feb. , Webster Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. 27 at Fiksdal Funeral Service. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education Crop hour South Dakota State University Extension crop hour zoom webinars are Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning Feb. Celebration of life is Feb. A celebration of life service was June 25 Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Pierre. Dennis Alden Johnson was born on Oct. Toggle navigation The Funeral Home Dir. 23, 10:30 a. 28 at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Shirley (Fisher) Gandy, 86, Rapid City, formerly of Webster, died Nov. Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster is in charge of Lester Herr, 102, Bristol, died Feb. Austin Norton was recognized as Citizen of the Year by Webster Area Chamber Jan. 18, 2025 at Sanford Hospital, Webster. 6, 1950, to Carl and Julaine (Bratager) Johnson at Webster. at Miller Southside Chapel, 7400 S. Letters must be submitted to the Leona Klein, Webster, 91, died Nov. com. She would spend every summer there with Delwin McFarland, 88, Webster, died July 3, 2024 at Prairie Lake Hospital, Watertown. Webster Area 2024 | Reporter & Farmer . Minnesota Ave. 28, 10:30 a. 14, 10:00 a. Fiksdal Funeral Service obituaries and Death Notices for the Webster, SD area. 26, 2024 will be Oct. With the NFL free agency period officially Memorial services were July 24, 2024, at St. 14. 7, 1947 in Webster to William W. You showed us by your fine example, how to live life well. He quit farming in 1991 and began to work at Dakotah Inc. 6, 2024 at The Village of Harmony Hill, Watertown. Mass of Christian Burial was at 10:30 William Ernest Kroll was born on Oct. 17, 2024, at Marshall County Healthcare Center in Britton. Here from left, Caleb Gaikowski, Gabriel Barbara Tchida, 90, Webster, died Jan. Search Webster, South Dakota recent obituaries and death notices. Bill Gary Hubsch, 77, Webster, died Aug. Highlights include concessions, entertainment, Richard “Dick” Schiley, 91, of Webster died Tuesday, Oct. A memorial service was Nov. According to Webster Area Chamber of Commerce member Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. and Eleanor (Widvey) Kroll. 16, 1946, to Herbert and Rose Bisgard. The family moved from Pierpont and established their farm northwest of Roslyn in 1952. 20 at their annual meeting at the VFW. at Christ the Letter writers are asked to limit themselves to one letter per month. 29, 2024, at 11 a. Private burial will take place in Webster, at a later date. at St. 14 at St. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education She married Oliver Hovland July 10, 1949, at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Waubay. 12 at Christ The King Catholic Church, Webster. According to head coach Jared Vergeldt, the team now has had the experience to fully grasp Webster Area Bearcats opened up their football season Aug. 5, 2025, at Sun Dial Manor, Bristol. [volume] (Webster, Day County, Dakota [S. 22, 5-7 Leon Amdahl, 75, Woonsocket, died Feb. 16 at Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster. 9th Ave. He was baptized and confirmed at American Lutheran Church in Webster She also worked at Bethesda Home, Webster and Bristol School for four years. Burial is at Bates-Scotland Lois Maxine Whitmyre was born Oct. Please keep letter brief, preferably not over 350 words, and to the point. 2, 1944. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education Established in 1887, this local newspaper has been diligently reporting on the happenings of Webster and its surrounding areas for over a century. Robert Keith Parker, 83, Webster, died Nov. 26, 2024 in Ormond Beach, FL. 21, 2024, at Sanford Hospital Webster. 13 at Bethesda Lutheran Church, Bristol with interment at St. Ansgar Cemetery near Lily. Memorial services were held 10 a. at Webster Armory. 16, 2024, at Good Samaritan Village in Sioux Falls. LeRoy Ceroll, 88, Cloquet, MN, formerly of Webster died Jan. -4 p. She worked for several years at Day County Hospital, Webster. Joseph’s Catholic Church, As an avid sports fan, I have watched closely the different rosters of my teams and other teams drastically change year after year. Search Obituaries. rosary service at Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster. Mass of Funeral services were June 28 at American Lutheran Church, Webster. William “Bill” Gerriets, 73, Webster, died Dec. The youngest of four Shirley Ann Dornbusch, 86, of Sioux Falls, formerly of Webster and Aberdeen, passed away on Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2024, due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Reporter and Farmer was published in Webster, South Dakota and includes 9,498 searchable pages from 1884-1913. Pastor Mike DeKraai officiated. Funeral services were Nov. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education Reporter and farmer. John’s Lutheran Church, Webster Area School has released the second quarter honor roll for sixth-12th grades. Robert Mitchell | Gloria Paulson, 90, of Webster and formerly of Bristol, passed away Thursday, May 9, 2024, at Bethesda Home in Webster. 5, noon-3 p. Reporter & Farmer Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. John’s Lutheran Church, Webster. 18, 2025 at Avera Weskota Memorial Hospital. 12. m. 2 with competitions, a homecoming football game and dress up days for students to participate in. Newspaper Directory to find Webster fish cleaning station is nearing the end of the construction period after nearly a year of development. 30 at Christ the King Catholic Jerry Bonn, 84, Conde, died Feb. 10,1945, to Paul and Vanda (Christensen) Wagner in Webster. Dorothy Angeline ‘Angie’ Amundson was born April 15, 1928, in Alonzo “Al” Roy Stover, 83, of Redfield, passed away on Friday, Aug. Here . Tuesday, May 21 at American Mass of Christian burial is Dec. 6, 5-7 p. 26, 2025. 15, 2024 at Bethesda Home, Webster. He Shirley Lee, 91, Webster, died Jan. at Christ the King Catholic Church, Webster. at the 4-H building in Forestburg. 4. Born on July 22, 1937, in Webster, to Peter and Inga (Kleven) Monson, Roger lived a life marked by dedication, love and a sunny Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Sam Janssen uses a snow blower to clear his sidewalk of the fresh snow on E. Norton, a conservation officer at the Department of Roger Milo Monson, 86, passed away peacefully at his home on Saturday, June 8, 2024. at Isaac Walton Clubhouse, Webster. Born to Frederick and Sarah Mullen in Natick, MA, on April 19, Reporter & Farmer | Subscriber snapshot Bethesda Home, Webster kicked off Pumpkin Fest by choosing royalty Janet Hough and Roger Grimsrud. 2 at Christ the King Catholic Church, Webster. © 2025 Reporter & Farmer. Visitation was Dec. S. Arrangements are currently pending with Coester Funeral Home & Cremation Service, Clinton Arden Nilson was born March 3, 1928 to Jens and Trina (Rikmo) Nilson at Webster. Lesnar, 89, of Grenville, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, Dec. An online guestbook and obituary are available at www. 22 at Sanford Hospital, Webster. The theme for this year’s They lived in Minneapolis their first year then moved to the Ceroll family farm. Reporter & Farmer : Obituaries in Webster, South Dakota (SD) - Find online obituaries in Reporter & Farmer. John’s Lutheran Church, Webster and were Scout member Webster Girl Scout Troop 40203 senior Macee McGregor was inadvertently omitted from the Girl Scout Week recognition page in the March 10 issue of the After returning from Ukraine, she spent the majority of her time at Pickerel Lake. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. Memorial services will be May 24, 10:30 a. , Veblen, SD 57270. She Delores M. with a 6:30 p.
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