Reddit wife wants a divorce. My F(27) wife wants me M(28) back .

Reddit wife wants a divorce We started having sex a little more but I'll admit that I let things peter out. Show her zero emotion. After more digging into his business finances, I discovered he has taken this woman on 2 trips out of the country as well, while he left me home with HIS kids. My wife is leaving tomorrow to spend the weekend with him at his house to what she says is to figure out her feelings. I read a story on Reddit a while back of a husband and wife who had maybe 1-2 kids. There wasn't any dispute between my exhusband and I. She says there are issues in our marriage that have made her unhappy, and that is why she wants to divorce. Or check it out in the app stores   My wife wants a separation . TL;DR: Wife wants a divorce. My parents stayed together ‘for the kids sake’ when I was a teen and it was a shit show for 3 years. My (28M) wife (27F) wants to get a divorce because she has trust issues. We have our ups and downs like any other couple, but overall we're pretty solid. why did you even marry your wife since you love Sasha. etc. Complete the divorce first. Man get divorced she’s 100 percent cheating on you. She may be helping a friend who is in belief their SO is cheating. hang in tight. Or check it out in the app stores wife (30f) wants a divorce after I found out about her talking to a man she met online. Strongly recommend starting with an initial So much of this divorce bullshit depends on one thing or another. Vestectomies can often and usually be reversed, though it can be expensive and isn’t guaranteed. In time I would have been happy for a decent guy and a good role model to be in my kids lives. Otherwise, the wife can challenge the divorce and still be allowed to keep the marriage going legally or try to get any/more of his assets to be ruled as hers. My wife wants a divorce after ~8 months of things getting better . Then he says there's a reason for the distance and I ask him to tell me why. I helped with that. If you don't Your wife cheated. I have been with my husband Josh since we were seniors in hey you are me. However, despite wanting a separation My ex wife "chose herself" (meaning maintaining relationships with an affair partner) and then, after we were divorced, decided that the whole downfall was a huge mistake. Leave. Keep in mind I was divorced in 2012, so it's probably inflation now. He’s manipulating her. I’m heartbroken, terrified and embarrassed. OP reread your text, lost his job, he wants to divorce, he finds a job, wants to divorce, no sex, wants to divorce, 2 x a week Sex, he wants to divorce, you work harder, he wants to divorce, he finds a new better job he wants to divorce, cheated the blame is on you, you were no supposed to know his plans until after the holidays so he can enjoy He wants the divorce, so he isn't responsible for you, only child support. She would go out all dressed up, some times over night. Definitely ask her, but ensure that if it is just a misunderstanding, that she knows the stress it put you through. I started taking medicine to help me with these things. Calling her bluff and showing her you don't need her, she needs you, is the only strategy that has Legally speaking it doesn't matter if she wants a divorce or not, you can find a lawyer and get things moving. Wants me to initiate sex more. The question I have boils down to my wife (37) wants an open relationship with me (40) and I have always said this is an absolute no go for me, it would mean divorce for me. I would not say you are an idiot for wanting to reconcile, it is natural to want to keep your family together. When she requested a divorce, you ceased to be a couple. My wife now wants a divorce, and she says wants to be single. This is why she eventually decided to go with OP to his next duty station. From the religious/theological side of things, y'all need to get with your pastor or a licensed Christian counselor ASAP. I had a period of mental illness due to hormone issues and trauma. That is, she wants to be free of you, to be able to date whoever she wants. I myself as a husband have not been fully dedicated to our marriage and have not shown consistent husbandly leadership. I (22M) have been married to my wife (21F) for almost 3 years. I will talk to her about parting Well, the IG happily dumps the spouse off to agencies like the Family Advocacy Program. She's telling you to butt out of her life. That old relationship is over. Later that night we're discussing the situation again, and I express how it feels like he's not listening to me and how distant he's been lately. This has come as a bit of a shock to me, although our marriage has certainly Wife wants divorce Going Through the Process Hello there been confused past couple of days my wife says she wants out of marriage because she no longer loves me and or didn’t love me for about 2 years now but just went with the motions because of friends and family. It's a disgusting fantasy. Get the divorce, heal yourself and live the happy life I bet you he’s using Reddit now to seem like the apologetic husband so his wife can see this and get back together. And have since learned to enjoy gardening because its something we get to do together. We decided to try again, I gave my wife the condition that obviously she would not see this guy. And Sasha, the bitch knows what she’s doing. Idk how to present this information. She wants your attention and to be listened to, you push her away. She wants to be intimate with you, you push her away. If the divorce gets contentious, FAP is only too willing to coach your spouse into making fantastical claims of emotional and physical abuse. If OPs wife was genuniely only curious she would have stopped the first time. Fast forward 2 years later and my wife is wanting a divorce. Once divorced, if you two want to approach a NEW relationship where you start over, you can consider it, but you definitely don't want to go "back" to a relationship with a cheater. She needs me to show her that I love her. I’m not sure where to go from here because I am so close to getting it right but I’ve run out of time. Or check it out in the app stores Codependent for 8 years. Your wife wants a divorce but she wants to keep the benefits she has from being married. I don't want to lose her, nor do I want to trap her. She said she wants a divorce so that’s how you need to behave. Now my wife wants a divorce, but she says it's not because of Mariah. Good day everyone. We have two kids, too. "I went on a trip with my ex-boyfriend and now his wife wants a divorce". The only reason seems to be that she feels trapped as a wife and mom. So my wife and I have been going through some bad months, we recently moved into a place where the rent is almost twice as much as our last place and I ended up losing my job. Love her for all her good I am currently separated from my wife after 6 years of marriage as my wife is marching towards divorce. Heartbroken, what to do? I am a male (52) married to f(54) with a son(11), we have been married for almost 20 years. I'm sorry if this isn't what you want to hear. Trigger warning: talk of abuse and sexual assault, attempted suicide Mood spoiler: distressing story to read My husband forgot the past 8 years and wants a divorce Jan 28, 2023 . This is what my husband said in our latest therapy session, he feels used. But I only paid 1500, because the lawyer said my divorce was simple and straight forward. If the business truly has nothing, your offer to buy her out for half of your $17k debt is more than generous (assuming she has any legal obligation to assume half that debt. Let her move on and you work on you. Maybe it's her She likes to garden. Or check it out in the app stores   my wife wants an "open relationship" so she can explore with other women not another woman, singular, women, plural. She said “I want an open marriage. Archived post. So we bought a tiller and made this huge garden plot in our back yard. First off, the best advice I’ve gotten from Reddit about divorce is someone saying, “you don’t want to be married to someone who This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. But now I just hope his wife wins the kids, the house, and everything else in the divorce, as a reasonable compensation of 4. She cheated on you and you'll never forget that. Stopped enabling. She says all they did was kiss, but I'm not convinced. Reddit is probably not the best source. We've been together for 13 years, married for 10 and have two kids 8 (girl) and 4 (boy). /r/divorce_men addresses the unique challenges facing men during divorce - from custody to assets, finances, attorneys and social issues. Some basic info, my wife and I have been married for close to 7 years in CA. My wife wants a divorce help me. This is now a business relationship. Mid 30s couple here. There is no reason to stay together after the divorce, this man is financially abusive. My plans may change in the future, but right now, I don't see that happening. Only talk about the kids when you do talk and don't let her take you to the cleaners during the Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Embed Go to Divorce_Men r/Divorce_Men • by [deleted] Wife wants a divorce but 4 months later and we're still married. Her It sounds like that OPs wife never got over her fling and wants to either be with him or hook up again. He wants to buy a home after the divorce, so you have no right to it. We tried couples therapy for about five weeks until she decided in December she for sure wants to divorce. I asked about continuing counselling and seeing where it takes us. OP wife thought her and her lover had something "real," but once he rejected her she's very emotionally hurt. Sounds like she wants a free pass. Posted by u/pleaseolveorhlp - 2 votes and 5 comments Marriages are not meant to end in divorce. Members Online • Nirvana678. 6K votes, 3. 6 months ago my wife brought up a divorce, we had gone through hard times, mentally, emotionally, and physically. This suggests that the wife should avoid divorce if possible. My father was a victim of that in my Wife wants a divorce, I don't. Is it a Sin for the Man to Allow Her to Divorce Him? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. OP FUBARd her plans by filing for divorce before she wanted It seems like a separation and divorce are inevitable, we have moved into seperate rooms and I am staying at home (from advice from family law) to provide and support my kids. I bet if you push heavy for the divorce she will beg you not to go. 5 years brings up divorce after seeing videos of the kind of porn I (m24) watched. It’s not like she divorced him, he divorced her! What a psycho, she’s lucky she got away from him and he was so blinded by lust he didn’t think through what getting a divorce would actually mean (her taking all her belongings) because sadly women have If she’s anything like my wife, it may be entirely unrelated. My wife (26f) wants to divorce me (29m) after 10 years. He had his other chick pressuring the hell out of him to divorce ASAP by any means possible so he was agreeable to whatever. We both cheated 12-15 years Attorney up or talk about things. I'm currently the sole income earner and have been primary by a significant margin for 25+ years because my wife has been a stay at home mom I am not The OOP, OOP is Infinite_Scarcity146. I would probably divorce her within weeks. What kind of asshole applies for divorce then cries about it when the divorce proceeds. So my wife wants to get a divorce because she and her friend and I ended up in a weird conversation about my wife being a twin where I said in a vacuum physically yes her (twin) sister would be my time but not emotionally or mentally. I don't think or can see how any amount of theraphy will fix this. She wants it on her pace while she tests the green Wife(41f) cheated 12 years ago, now I(43m) want a divorce. It would be a win-win Wife wants a divorce and I don’t. It looks like you two got together when she was 19 and you were 25. I'm fairly new at this all so my question is whether this is common/normal It sounds to me like she's not invested. Nothing. Then I found out about the affair and said we can try to work through this. My wife found out at what frequency i smoke it and told her mom. My stbx wife left me in August. She 100% wanted a divorce. She doesn't need your approval to divorce. TLDR- wife of 20 years cheated 12 years ago and I made a deal to stay, now I feel guilty for wanting to leave ll be brief because of character count, ask questions in comments and I'll reply with context if applicable. bumpy road ahead, About seven hours ago, my wife said to me five words that I believe has set us on a path for divorce. A bit of a rambling story, sorry in advanced. It would be a clear indicator that Posted by u/Ok-Necessary-6455 - 8 votes and 43 comments As for my wife and I, we're probably one of those situations where people would probably tell me I'm a fool. Maybe when She wants a divorce, and it seems as though she has found another man or wants to. 4. Hand her divorce papers and move on. I agree with the advice of just shuttering the business and starting a new one. We’ve been together 20 years and our oldest just turned 18 and youngest turns 17 next week. But I’m trying to think logically about my Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. She's in a manic/mixed episode at the moment and is adamant about wanting a divorce, says she doesn't love me anymore, says hateful things, etc. Don’t get angry. She's been manipulative and abusive and moulded you to be what she wants you to be. We’ve spent much of the weekend going back and forth on this and I think it’s pretty clear she’s made up her mind. living separate for 2 months. Frankly, I think it's an excuse. She feels since I have always given her everything she has become useless as a human and can't contribute to our relationship. I (41M) have been married to my wife (36F) for over 4 years now. I will never have one just because she wants one. We have a 6 year old son together. I want to keep on fighting because we have so much to fight for. Our living arrangements will remain same and we will just split out assets. My wife wants a divorce My wife (22f) and I (25m) have been married for over a year and have recently moved in together about 7 months ago. Infidelity I'm sure you're aware that some states give incredible deference to the wife in divorce proceedings. What's the best way to approach a trial separation and mend my relationship? My(39M) wife(34F) have been together for almost 8 years, married for 4. Don’t get emotion. im still not over it butttt i know deep in my heart that life shouldnt always be like this. She is a cheater and now she can’t deal with the consequences. We’ve had our problems as any couple 20 years deep would. I think your wife has done an awful thing to you. ADMIN MOD Wife wants to divorce because i smoke weed . I’m still struggling with my emotions, this isn’t what I want at all. We didn't get divorced over more kids and it was more of a long-term unhappiness on her part. Wants me to love on her more than I do. You are right that she is inconsistent and it must be super frustrating to not have a solid rational reasoning for her wanting a divorce. On Friday (06/28) afternoon, I saw his location leaving work so I decided to call him since we used to have phone calls on his drive home. By the time your wife asks for a divorce she has been checked out of the relationship for 12-18 months. She should definitely start getting ready to take care of herself, but it will take more than a month. If she does, she should remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband (1 Corinthians 7:10-11). Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce. I was your age when I got divorced from my ex-wife with an only child. He wants a temporary divorce. You guys should absolutely be able to figure out some sort of budget to have money to live as well, to afford the little things like lattes and occasional pedicures. There are plenty of people who want only one person for the rest of your life. I would go talk to a lawyer, many divorce lawyers will give free If this were just my wife and I, and she felt this way and wanted a divorce, maybe it would be differentone adult leaving another adult seems rather simple (but, let me say I still wouldn't I don't think you need to do anything dramatic or threatening to your wife: you can know for yourself that if she pulls something like this again, you are going to go ahead and Me (34M) and my wife (32F) have known each other for 11 years and have been married for 5 years now. We live in NC and don't have a ton of money and can't really afford to lawyer up and honestly are pretty amicable with all things considered. 52M 54F Wife wants a divorce, does not want to talk about fixing marriage. its incredibly hard and sometimes it hits you like waves. 1 (41M) and my wife (38F) had an arranged marriage when we were both fairly young (25 & 22) We grew up together as adults. I can't tell if this is some sort of bipolar phase we need to ride out or what. Wife wants divorce . She wants you to fight for her. Well, she got pregnant. A divorce advice for men podcast would make a damn killing if YouTube wouldn’t censor it. I felt blindsided. No woman is going to be happy in this situation. Or check it out in the app stores Wife wants a divorce . We have a 7 month baby and she feels that she is doing everything in this relationship. Yea, it's tough when one person (wife) only wants a dysfunctional 3 days later, with no signs of anything getting worse, she tells me that she wants to separate. My favorite comments are always “hit the gym and let her go”. Now 3 months ago she had asked for a divorce, wants to move out, divorce filed a month ago and every day I’ve been seeing her moving on. Based on my experience and years of research/learning so far - it's all leading to a divorce eventually. We both lost our jobs a couple of times and fell on hardships but for the Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. She wants to travel with you, you push her away. . He also said he wants a divorce because he thinks it’ll make him happy. She wants to know that you love and you want her and only her. She says it has nothing to do with him but I have read their text messages and have heard them talk on the phone and that is not the case at all. Your wife is really stupid that she is throwing away her good married life on the advice of her so called friend who is miserable herself and is tricking your wife. Hides her phone or closes whatever she’s on if I even get close to her. I see her on the phone all the time, texting and smiling. So while it may be possible you get divorced, it may also be possible to reverse it. She has been very depressed because of work, school and also because we are currently living with My 25M wife 23F has gotten sick of my issues and decided she wants a divorce. Not sure if this is the right place to ask, if not please correct me. He feels he has to give up a lot for nothing. She’ll regret this decision of hers later on in her life. I apologise upfront, this is my first ever reddit post and mistakes will probably be made. Touchy subjects like these should have been mentioned at some point beforehand to ensure you wouldn’t become insecure or worried. She spent a month doing that, then spent two weeks having work drama and quitting. ADMIN MOD Wife wants a divorce - what Next . When I filed for divorce I was the homemaker and was allowed to stay in the home during the divorce (which sucked ass btw) while I took care of the kids and he paid the bills, just as it had been before. OP, your wife can't talk to you about her feelings because she was in love with her AP. I was one of those who wanted to give him benefit of the doubt, when he said he had learned his lesson - people do change, sometimes. She wants more intimacy from me. It is hard but when your wife asks for a divorce then you give her one and keep it as amicable as possible. However, your chances of divorce is going to increase if you aren’t being intimate, which seems directly tied to you getting a vasectomy. This sub is not pro-divorce, anti-women, anti-marriage, or anti-family. She has decided that she wants to find out who she is away from me and wants to divorce to "start over and maybe we will find each other again". Get a lawyer asap and protect your assets. As much as this sucks to hear, the only thing holding you together right now is paperwork. Theres a lot more to it obviously, our marriage has been rocky the last few years. She told you she wants a divorce. I'd be filing for divorce if my wife asked for any sort of open relationship. While I'm not claiming to be without issue, nor fault, I am claiming that I am working on the issues she described. She just wants to move forward and is too afraid to file while she's sleeping next to you. My wife expressed her feelings towards Mariah, and apparently they are mutual. I am still I About a month ago now my wife told me that she did not want to be married anymore. If your wife was patient rather than reactive, she'd be suffering in silence. If you truly love your wife and she means the world to you, please go after her, fight for her, and don't stop till she's in your arms again. Just let her go. ” I’m here to get some advice, insight on poly/open marriage, what could my wife be really thinking Your wife just wants what she wants with no care about how it makes you feel. She has 2 kids boy (16) and a girl (15) from a previous On Friday, my (30M) wife (32F) told me she wants a divorce. Women want attention and to feel loved. It's your feelings. We finally have the divorce finalized 3 days after our 13th wedding anniversary. But sometimes, everyone needs their own time. Hey all, My wife of 12 years, 3 kids, and a mortgage wants a divorce. i have been fighting on/off for a year now. Members Online • aitch87. She probably feels a little robbed of her early 20s and now that she feels like she did back then she probably wants a do-over. You knew about this debt prior to the marriage, so this really isn't on him. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. To fix an ailing marriage, Recently, I came across this story by Reddit user InColour-0331 — who we'll call InColor for short — about her wife's recent decision to file for divorce. I tried to reconcile. Stop doting on someone who doesn't want you. Once contempt enters a relationship, it may be too late to save the marriage. Sometimes childhood traumas and past life experiences are so big and deep that it's just impossible to get to the other person's mind. In the UK, it is key to the legal divorce process to establish the separation date and stay separated for 12 months. We have 3 children together (6f, 4f and 3mo f). I do help out whenever I can like by looking after the baby after work, doing the dishes and the laundry. My wife and I have been married 2 years. Honestly, I feel like she wants things to happen organically or for me to shower her with comments constantly but I just don't feel like that is who I am. We're only hearing one side of the story. Advice Write up your terms for separation/divorce (with legal advice) and give it to her and go grey rock. Do not play the pick me game at all. That obviously misses the mark for somebody in the throes of divorce bullshit. I was not necessarily blindsided by this, as things have not been great over the last few years. Go back to Sasha dude. What if the "Wife" Decides to Divorce Her Husband? - According to Paul's guidance, a wife should not depart from her husband. Now I'm in a position where my focus is on being alright whether or not she is present in my life, while her focus is on regaining what she had with me. Not only will that be introduced into your divorce proceedings, but you wind up screwed over and investigated. This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. 5. Is there a middle ground? Or is divorce inevitable? Update 1: Thank you for your advices. Instead of going ahead and filing, she insisted she needed to finish her degree. My wife and I separated 10 years ago (long since divorced), when kids were 6 and 3, we didn’t stay together for the sake of the kids. He says that he thinks we moved too fast, he doesn't know who he is, and he wants a divorce. I been smoking a weed for a year like couple of times a week. She is depressed and sad right now because her lover basically spurned her. My (38m) wife (38f) told me this morning she wants a divorce. stress, anxiety, always watching over your shoulder waiting for the next little thing to spiral into a massive fight. It took a year to divorce because the court would not grant a divorce for the welfare of the baby, insurance reasons. She left California and moved to Virginia with me because of my work. It doesn't sound like he wants a divorce, it sounds like you want the divorce. She is dating other guys. He answered and basically repeated all the hurtful stuff he said a week before. Seriously. Basically a faux divorce on paper until our problems are solved. During that time I begged her to stay and not leave me and while I wasn't the best partner, I had gone to therapy, journaled my TLDR: wife (f21) of 1. But I don't. You need a good divorce lawyer. If my wife told me this I would lose my shit, too. As a christian, I never saw this coming because I Warning signs include emotional disconnection, loss of romance, and living like roommates. My wife and I have been married for 15 years, and the other day she informed me that she wants a divorce. Your wife wants another baby. That is not a marriage. But she also wants your financial support, place to live, and to not have to think about how it will impact the children in terms of stability and childcare. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. We have had our fair share of ups and downs through life. Vent/Rant/FML It has been almost a year since my ex divorced me. While attempting to refinance our house, I discovered my husband was sending money to another woman. I know I’m young, I’ve heard it plenty of times but we got married right before I went into the military, we’ve known eachother since the 4th grade and were dating for roughly 2 years before we decided to get TLDR: wife told me she wants a separation the day before she left on a solo trip for a long weekend. 5K comments. Especially in the context where the husband has to set his wife up on sex dates. Hold her tight and don't let go of her. Then got married at a young age and had a baby a year later. That said, another option is to show her the balance sheet. But the bottom line is, she wants a divorce. We have 2 children, 10 and 6. Your marriage is now a legal fiction. Her mom told her that “i’m a drug addict and she should leave me” , like only broken My wife and I dated for 7 years and got married in 2022, today after a year and half of our marriage, she said she wanted a divorce because she said she felt trapped and I did not support her emotionally. But you deserve a woman that knows she wants to be with you and someone that's willing to work through the good and bad stuff to come out stronger. We recently had a baby who is 5 months old Sounds like OP's wife checked out of the marriage long ago, and was probably waiting until it was convenient for her to file divorce. Our relationship thus far has had its up's and downs. Don’t cry. My F(27) wife wants me M(28) back . The next morning she told me she wanted a divorce after I showed her I had posted the situation on Reddit Wife just told me she wants a divorce I think I'm still in shock, though I shouldn't be. Communication between us has never been great, (which is likely the biggest culprit), and our sex life has progressively fizzled out to non However, recently, her mind has changed and she is almost certain she wants one. So my wife has said she does not love me anymore and is being quite cold and harsh regarding my presence in the family home. Now she wants to come back. Sounds like she has isolated you and cut you off from friends and you're now hurting yourself. We've been married for 16 years. The wife wanted another, the husband did not. Show her zero. My wife and I have been together for 17 years, married for 9. vdauw hzfi gtqlcres mgpjo ulpxtrfc onsvm jmubm cqfdjy tnb znhp vcunik xhogn gda lyv wjou