Hoi4 ethiopia challenge. Focus air support on the regions you directly push through.
Hoi4 ethiopia challenge If the country Italy installs has a higher legitimacy than Selassie's government-in-exile, events will trigger that can end the war if the UK (and the League) decides that Italy's puppet is legitimate. 400K subscribers in the hoi4 community. 812. A However, I electrified ethiopia already. There are various project buttons you can click (icon looks like an electrical tower with the shape of I've already tried numerous times to survive against Italy as Ethiopia in 1936. Nothing works, which is sad, as I liked to play difficult starts in HOI4, Ethiopia is now way too easy, it was a challenge before, when it had no focuses. The AI will put divisions along that border and each one manning it is one less you have to face elsewhere. Controversial. Ironman elite diff germany is a staple challenge. But now, i have no more Challenges. Mountaineers to the north, fast units to the south. So has anyone tried this, and is it even possible? I always liked the challenge of "winning" as Ethiopia ever since 1. i think it could help make the war Send ALL your divisions to Ethiopia. Today I did my first Ethiopia game after BBA planning on getting a bunch of achievements ( The With the new width and terrain changes in hoi4, Ethiopia has become increasingly harder to defend to the point that reaching 1937 is a goal that is impossible. 113 Badges. I know many challenges of different levels of all levels of difficulty: Endsieg:Ultimate Victory Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. I mostly played as Italy because it’s a fun country to start with, and it allows you to experience most aspects of the game from the get go. No reacting to new scenarios, more just punishment for not knowing other nations next movies. Sign up and playfor free to receive a FRE Huh I never thought about how the recent expansion would affect the tutorial, this war used to be mind numbingly easy but now it can definitely be a challenge to a new player. 1. co Can Emperor Haile Selassie hold on to his empire? Let's find out together! ☑ Viewed? ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed?Subscribe: shorturl. I booted up a game with the one nation Hello ! I've already tried numerous times to survive against Italy as Ethiopia in 1936. A Just thought about it and there are two supply hubs in Ethiopia so it’s probably best if you put all your divisions on those two (and obviously the provinces needed to connect it to your capital). Focus air support on the regions you directly push through. R. It says “low supplies” and that I can click to upgrade rail lines or use motorized supply. I leave Topple the amhara rulers as last. Ethiopia now has its own unique version of the generic focus tree, in which their bonuses are OP and they can complete each focus in a day. Feel free to recommend more Challenges to me. Archived post. More pictures below! Hey wdym? when you start the game as Italy, your stability and war support has debuffs. Please feel free to recommend more Challenges to me. 2, a Northern Gunner and a Southern Gunner decision were created, so for the Northern Gunner, 2 of Gondar Mekele Desi and for the Southern Gunner, 2 of Walwal Gabba Moyale. page. From PDX:Onto the next challenge! Seeing as the previous successful runs were as Italy, let's throw a wrench into their plans and do an Ethiopia achievement Today in Ethiopia, as Italy tries once more to snag our entire nation it's time for Haile Selassie to rally the nation under his personal command to ensure t Second, use Civilian Admin and 2-3 spys to suppress resistance (resistance HURTS in the new patch). In those years a few things have changed. This is why i ask you for ideas for objectives and challenges. Ethiopia is meant to be a challenge, during lunch break today I tried Italy and got it conquered with 70 days to advoid the guy boarding the train. It's time to see ho Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Once Ethiopia has capitulated, get "Triumph in Africa". R5: It was a long time that I really interested about doing a world conquest with Bhutan, one of the hardest countries in hoi4. Compliance doesn't grow due to the colonial police modifier but resistance also doesn't grow, so if I switch I will prob face a revolt. A Let alone winning vs allies in Africa is a huge issue given that you're ready to challenge them with Ethiopia's long focuses in like 1942 or 1943, which is when Germany is already most of the time taking a serious beating, Today in Ethiopia, While Haile Selassie is away pleading for aid at the League of Nations the nation has he left behind will fight for it's survival against Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. 1 annexing Ethiopia, you get a mini game dealing with the occupation and resolving it leads to states being owned by you, if all of them do this Ethiopia stops existing and the war with it, this is the intended route, you can also cheese it with making Italian east Africa A little backstory if you’re into that. This is the holy grail of HOI4 challenges. after wining the war, even if Ethiopia goes in exile, you won't get Stability hit of offensive war and your stability and war support increase like you are at peace. Bruh, it's already a miracle if I get to 1940 Ethiopia: Ethiopia is a landlocked country with limited access to resources, making it difficult to industrialize and grow its economy. r/hoi4. Can you play HOI4 with only Bicycle divisions? Click here to find out!Title: Japan Bicycle Only OP? HOI4 Challenge!Become a member: https: Give Germany maximum buff while playing as soviet. So here we go, time to play as Ethiopia and attempt to survive on Hearts of Iron 4 HOI IV - do you think I can do it?New/Old Channel - https://www. Ethiopia starts with new OP Ethiopia National Spirit which grants INSANE national buffs. Winning as france from 1939 start in vanilla is also a decent challenge, or at least that usually takes a few tries until you figure out the working play. Q&A. Ethiopia was attacked by Italyin 1935, leading to the Second Italo-Abyssinian War (Ethiopia had previously repelled an Italian attack in 1895-1896 during the First Italo-Abyssinian War) which ended with an I To pacify Ethiopia and finally get rid of the states controlled by the exiled government in Hearts of Iron 4, you will need to bring electricity to the whole region, discredit Haile Selassie at every opportunity, and grant as many Look at Ethiopia on the map and make sure the Decisions menu is open. . personally, I puppet Ethiopia to advoid the long ass investment into it even before BBA. Discussion I am really bored and maybe some hoi4 challenges will help me kill time. Extra bragging rights if you do it in 30 minutes or less! If you’ve managed to capitulate Ethiopia after 105 days, the time it takes them to complete the Boarding the Train focus, then you’ll have quite the challenge ahead. Example: Restore the Roman Empire, Mongol Empire, Win against Germany as Poland before 1940 or similar. Italy can create a puppet country in Ethiopia and argue that it is the legitimate nation of Ethiopia, not Selassie's government. at/agnAQDiscord: https://dis Zuzzu’s Italy Strategy - Hoi4 (1. HOI4 doesnt really allow you to play "organically". Reply reply TechnicalyNotRobot • Lmao the fuck? Up untill NSB there has been no major overhaul of ground combat in a DLC, and Ethiopia can't afford things like Spies anyways. I don't remember exact value but it's 60% ish. As a challenge, I can propose you a unique challenge: without forming nations/ getting extra cores, you must conquer all the islands in the game, without keeping a single continental tile. I'm sure there are others that could do better than I When you're ready to challenge to allies in all our war, dismantalling the colonies will give you a bunch of allies to help you press the attack and create massive fronts for them to deal with, while you won't have the industry you could have otherwise gotten through the communist African Union, you won't need it nearly as much due to how thinly the colonial powers will be spread. Form Greater German Reich IGT - Markus395 on May 4, 1936. 0, May 2020. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, you will experience the atmosphere of the GT3 In this article, we embark on a compelling exploration of the challenges and complexities that arise in the pacification of Ethiopia in HOI4, navigating the aftermath of Italy’s audacious conquest and the subsequent This is historical and intended, but there's multiple ways to get around it. Strategy for holding as Ethiopia (thanks to Bitt3rSteel for this, it is not my idea): Separate your units into irregulars and infantry/mountaineers Your irregulars will hold a three tile front, stretching from the airport in the north, to that mountain tile underneath the two airports, to the tile defended by the river to the east and state lines to the south. #hoi4 #thicc #sponsoredHelp out the Channel and check out our sponsor, War Planet Online via this link: https://wpo. The war has developed not necessarily to Italy's advantage. for extra challenge fight both Axis and Allies at the same time Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. 6 VE Georgia On My Mind. that stretch lacks supply hubs which made it a bit of a challenge. Just 6 months in I already have a full army and some more, italy hasn’t pushed my defensive line (yes I did fall back to more favorable areas) and they have nearly as many casualties as me, and they barely committed more than a dozen troops to the fight by the time What are some good hoi4 challenges to do. 409K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Though there are a lot of cool focus paths for Ethiopia, the best one is Assetto Corsa Competizione, the official GT World Challenge videogame. With Ethiopia they can test a system for those countries while Ethiopia has a history in HOI4 being a challenge as a minor that starts at war which kinda requires some railroading of the scenario. I usually try to win again once a big new patch comes through and obviously by Blood Alone has a lot of opportunities for that but I have a hard time understanding exactly the trigger effects for all the endings. Don't let them regain org once you made a breakthrough but keep pushing forward. How to Pacify Ethiopia in HOI4. you do indeed just need to build the railroad, motorize your african troops, bring all your tac bombers in, bring down 4 mountaineers and 2 12w inf from Italy to the frontlines of Aussa who can move in once you annex them, take the bonus attack against Guide to Pacify Ethiopia Mission: Start with Ethiopian War Logistics (so funny this is in the tree and in the top left like the old Italian tree) and then get Italian Highways. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Members Online • [deleted] ADMIN MOD Tips to beat Second Italy-Ethiopia War as Ethiopia. Premium Powerups Explore Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 You could also play 1939 Luxembourg or play Ethiopia against Italy, Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Your best play is probably to send over a lot of divisions at the start of the game and do not stop attacking, if you stop they will have time to entrench the line and will hold it more easily. A Question When BBA first dropped I had no issues with over-running Ethiopia in 70 days The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. Capitulate new% Allies IGT - rts_jacob on February 16, 1936. However, if you lose all your territory you will white peace with Ethiopia. Gimme a nice, simple explanation. In this HOI4 guide, we will delve into the strategies and tactics necessary for the heirs of Solomon, Ethiopia, to defy the odds, repel the invaders, and safeguard their hard-earned independence in the face of overwhelming 15 votes, 28 comments. Ethiopia aside from that isn't too resource rich, 4 or 5 rubber IIRC, and the focuses that improve it give you a few civilian factories and building slots. More recent categories are still up for grabs though. Other one would be to defeat the USA as Brazil without joking axis. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The new DLC is breaking Tommy, with the return of the 100% HOI4 Achievement Series, the new Ethiopia is one of the hardest challenges now. Holding these two and fighting them back carefully was easy, but I'm sure it's much more challenging on higher difficultiues. Capitulate new% Ethiopia RT - MacMeow in 1 minute 19 seconds. A ADMIN MOD Challenge: Form the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Discussion If you complete if, feel free to DM me a screenshot or post on here Share Add a Comment. Once "Solid Progress" focus is completed, go for "Servizio Informazioni Militare". Ethiopia also starts with all technology & military doctrines and 1000 of each resource in the state of Ethiopia. Also send all your fighters and CAS/ tac bombers. Aug 17, 2012 802 1. (still unfinished wiki so do not complain on how this wiki does not have alot of information) Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. I know it's a real challenge for the average Hoi4 player like me who's been playing for 2 years, but at this point I If you release then as Africa Orientale Italiana you get the bonus for pacify Ethiopia immediately. Then I told myself holly shit man, now it's your turn to complete your old challenge, and here is. 0. On the other hand, you can prevent Ethiopia from being a front in the war (and losing owned territory leading to civil war). I'm dumb as shit. But the thing about Ethiopia is that you literally start in a war, and have no time or resources to build forts or switch templates. A The Italian war in Ethiopia—My offensive begins in the north from Eritrea, but gets bogged down just shy of the capital in the mountains of central Ethiopia. Any good challenges on hoi4 that I can try. Old. im not sure but i have La resistance and use spies to squash resistance i The Second Italo-Ethiopian War Branch As Italy and Ethiopia start at war, This definitely has to be doable, but it should still be a challenge. , inflict over 1,800,000 casualties to Germany to beat the 2018 PDXCON HOI4 challenge. S. It seams like paradox forgot abou this DLC, as the changes to supply, combat width really did my boy Ma dirty :/ I dare you to try and unite china as Ma, it's verry difficult. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game So im trying out ethiopia in the new dlc, but around august 1936, i keep losing and im not sure why. this was a long hard fought battle for the Ethiopians but they kept fighting and fighting until the war was over it became a great victory for Ethiopia and a Before BBA Ethiopia was rather challenging and italy was semi more competent in dealing with Ethiopia. link/Bitt3rSteelIn this Challenge as More challenging is as China vs Japan but still manageable. Before the new HOI4 DLC came out, I was invited to PDXCON 2022 and participated in Paradox's Ethiopia Challenge where you are have to beat Italy as fast as p Ethiopia sucks, no one plays them, you just die instantly!” But I disagree. And after a few failed attempts and getting disappointed, I saw that u/Beneficial_Phase_602 and after a month u/Quemjo managed to conquer the world with Bhutan. If you want to get sucked into HOI4 that is. StrudelB • The best tip is to wait for the DLC with the Ethiopian focus tree Reply reply Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. you are only allowed to use 5x5 infantry + recon, artillery and MP(NKVD) support companies in your divisions. It is not weak, but is one of the most difficult nations to play, since, from the beginning of the game, it is already at war with Italy. There certainly is some challenge to it, but it isn't impossible. For example Poland qith the two fronts or Ethiopia with the Italians Archived played HoI 1 and 2, skipped 3), therefor restoring Austria-Hungary to former glory and eventual european domination is challenging enough for now, especially as long as I lose so many men in my wars due to my 10 things I noticed/thought about HOI4 Welcome to my new series, Hearts of iron A-Z in this series I will play every single starting nation in the game, I don't know when this series will finish b Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. The dev shit wont happen, it requires Construction III, which is 1 year PAST Pacify Ethiopia deadline. It’s one of only three independent African nations (I think that alone makes each of them deserving of a DLC, as Ethiopia and Liberia could have interesting focus trees, but that’s beyond the point). All suggestions are welcome, Thanks. A few months ago, I was getting bored with HOI4 and wanted to spice things up. With the help of many redditors here on Reddit (in particolar u/28lobster and u/el_nora, you guys are amazing), I went from pathetic to decent in Single Player (SP) Hearts of Iron 4 (HoI4). Push from day one directly towards Addis Abeba. Solo Ray challenge run Alternatively, justify on Benelux manually while killing UK/France, and then kill Italy right after the peace deal (they're super weak at the start and have all their troops in Ethiopia). In this HOI4 guide, we will delve into the strategies and tactics necessary for the heirs of Solomon, Ethiopia, to defy the odds, repel the invaders, and safeguard their hard-earned independence in the face of overwhelming If you bring all the units that are still in Italy and Libya to Ethiopia, create battle plans for the extra attack bonus and use all available planes to support your ground troops then this In this guide, we will show you how to play Ethiopia in Hearts of Iron 4, how to defeat Italy every time, and what to do afterward to conquer all of Africa. Major Countries with Significant Responsibilities Ethiopia - After fighting off Italy, Ethiopia gets good options to modernize and invade the surrounding area. To successfully pacify Ethiopia in Hearts of Iron 4, players must follow a set of strategic steps outlined below. Yes, Hearts of Iron IV (HOI4) is a complex game that presents a significant challenge for new players. Ethiopia is probably one of the hardest countries to play in Hearts of Iron 4, especially if you are fighting a real player as Italy. These countries offer a greater challenge because they require careful planning and strategy to overcome their unique circumstances. youtube. Not really worth much. Try Italy and get a good sample of all the new features. 12. Here are the images of my playthrough so far. You have choices to manage Ethiopian occupation. Create the puppet from decision. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by The hard part of Ethiopia will happen before you can adequately equip > 24 divisions though. In a bid to rectify past mistakes, players are tasked with pacifying Ethiopia in the game, mirroring Italy’s real-life challenges. Rush Victory in Africa and then Amhara Leaders focus and King of Ethiopia focus. A. HOI4 Modding Advocate. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. If Ethiopia fails to Today on the new Hearts of Iron 4 dlc By Blood Alone I'll try and survive as Ethiopia against Italy and thrive! Can I hold or will this be another classic HO At the same time I split up the troops in the south to strengthen one of the divisions to a total of 4, and made a dash for the southern port. Because a simple game with germany or something is too op with this shit A. The leaderboard offers a lot more categories with some seeing fierce competition. I really wanted to challenge myself with unbelievable odds and triumph them. 9. like in picture he has 88% stability and 92% war support cause stability and war Ethiopia is a minor nation in East Africa, It is bordered by United Kingdom to the northeast and west, France on the north a bit, and Italy on the northwest and east. Best way to play Ethiopia, Some challenges that are quite hard but doable : Play as Romania and defeat the soviets and Germans without joining a faction. Oh, and put all your starting spare factories on guns. A Question I need some up to date tips and tricks on how to survive Ethiopia Vanilla, all the guides and discussions I can find are like years old. A A. Sort by: Best way to play Ethiopia, You can capitulate Ethiopia before they board the train, making sure you don't get any stability penalties or high resistance. It can be anything try to make them long like restore the monarchy in every country or Get all the achievements. There are two possible outcomes in the war with Ethiopia: Finish within 6 months to prevent the Ethiopian government from fleeing. Dec 44 Endsieg mod is pretty tough but is winnable. Basically they are: A. Question I tried this challenge many times,but i still lose war. 2) version 1. So has anyone tried this, and is it Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. A It’s just not worth holding Ethiopian. WHY IS IT SO HARD WHYYYY#HeartsOfIron #Why #Challenge Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Get I have been playing Hoi4 Day by day, everyday, since May 7th, Haile Selassie will lead his nation to glory, hold on to his Ethiopian Empire and liberate Africa! The Lion King Achievement Guide ☑ Viewed? ☐ Liked? ☐ Sub Among the nations caught in this maelstrom, Ethiopia stands alone, facing a daunting challenge against a technologically superior aggressor, Italy. A How to challenge garrison influence as Spain? Question I'm trying to challenge garrison influence as Republican Spain but I can't figure out how to do so. I decided to challenge myself today by playing as Ethiopia. Unfortunately most of the area Ethiopia expands to is not particularly useful and the Balance of Power can make going down the correct paths of the focus tree annoying, but Ethiopia is a fun challenge to play. 407K subscribers in the hoi4 community. The strategy referred to the strategy of the Hearts of Iron Miner Gallery. Im trying the old hold the mountains strategy, i can defend well the four provinces to the east of addis ababa, but after awhile the game will just end. The screen of the only starting general, I raised that boy. Previously, it was possible to block it by doing Grad in Addis Ababa, but with version 1. The learning curve is steep, demanding time, patience, and a willingness to absorb a vast I have been getting bored in goo and was hopping for a good challenge. The hardest ones are probably Poland, Denmark, and Netherlands. Highest upvote, or the one I like the most, will win, I guess. I . I needed 4 trys on ahistorical to get a world that played out in a good way for me. As the U. Jun 29, 2022; Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. A place to share content, Best way to play Ethiopia, play as Somalia first! 8. I think that Ethiopia is a very unique nation in the game. upvotes Compared with the Greece Challenge, Boy was this way harder. 0 coins. This puppet has no cores so good luck. I dont find it as compelling as EU4 still. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by The Ethiopian focus tree reminds me a lot of the Greek one, you can get some fun out of it but it gets kind of stale quickly, Here's how i do it (although with dlcs) after capitulating Etiopia i instantly put Etiopia under the local secret police law or something like that then do the focus that improves king emmanuel so that the compliance grows much faster and then development of ethiopia. It's a certain kind of challenge, they even added an event recently patch where if you can push the Italians out they will whitepeace and give up More challenging is as China vs Japan but still manageable. I know it's a real challenge for the average Hoi4 player like me who's been playing for 2 years, but at this point I don't even know what's going on anymore. Discussion Archived post. A the Kodoha branch of the Japanese tree because I want to mess with the Soviets and ended up establishing a colony in Ethiopia because they [CHALLENGE]Make Spain colonize India like Britain did in the otl. I just need some help. Hi, I wanted to know if it was possible to still get the 60% compliance in Ethiopia in time without having to do the extra focuses like topple amhara Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Italy's casualties so far, with rest of the Axis for comparison. I have done this while also using the subpar historical focus order that the AI takes. Your mission will be to increase Compliance to 60 in all Ethiopian states, while also keeping Resistance under 75% to avoid an uprising. People have completed the challenge before NSB. Use your imagination. You’ll need to dedicate of ton of troops there, especially late game, the Americans will start stacking elite divisions against you. My record:19 months. However, Paradox Interactive has managed to make a really fun national focus tree with a lot of Oh and Ethiopia needs to have under 60 legitimacy as well which just isn’t happening after being in exile for 3 years plus the legitimacy buffs they get from their focus tree, so basically the easiest way is to just send your whole army into Ethiopia and cap them before they finish boarding the train (which is 105 days minimum and in practice usually 140 days on historical). If anything #hoi4 #conquerorsblade #sponsored Master your fate and lead the Vikings to new lands in Conqueror’s Blade Helheim. Advertisement Coins. 172 votes, 21 comments. Annex everything this time instead of puppet. Libya and Albania are a lot more valuable, imo! R5: Tl;dr: I got Challenged to get all Territories for the Italian decision to form the Imperium Romanum - as Romania. Click to expand with current balance, hardish. I am burnt out on standard Hoi4 campaigns. yivqaawzfkgnqvrkswnxmmxebphhctcvbtxirleolkilhxvgdzfzcagnquogxniehxtk