Esophagus pain reddit I've found that it's triggered by 1) eating large amounts of heavy food (like restaurant food, giant breakfast burritos with loads of bacon, beans, eggs, sauces, etc, or seed bread) and 2) overly processed food (like mac and cheese, chips and prezels with flavor dust on them, stovetop stuffing, and literally anything spicy). It’s like this quick, intense, one-second pulse pain. I've been using Reflux Gourmet (Vanilla Caramel is the best IMO) at night before bed for my esophagitis. This reddit is for the discussion of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). On top of that I've trouble breathing right now. It's both in the front and in the back, I can clearly feel it's the esophagus. my symptoms were constant chest pains. He had steak for dinner the previous day, about 36 hours ago at this point. The thing that scares me the most is that in that same area on occasion, when I’m doing physical activity or something I’ll get like a sharp pain for like a second and it’ll radiate all the way up. Pain/Burning just below sternum where esophagus connects my stomach and excessive burping . It usually happens when Other symptoms include: itching and stabbing pain in the chest/esophagus area (I'm fine cardiologically - fully tested), tense throat muscles, actual reflux (sometimes food comes back up) and with it a foul taste in mouth, constant burping/inability to burp, farting, occasional abdominal pain, especially when I want to fart but I can't (as if I've got a stabbing back pain since today's breakfast. He described my pain as esophagus pain as acid enters it. Be very careful with eating spicy irritating foods / drinks right now. It's supposed to be extremely effective. ulcers, functional dyspepsia). It's all insane, especially during I been having esophageal pain for the last 3 years underneath my chest plate and sternum. Speaking of the swollen this entire sensation feels like it’s swollen and enflamed. Stomach/Esophagus pain on empty stomach . Doctors told her for years that she had anxiety and that's why she always felt a lump in her throat. if ANYONE ELSE has experienced this before please let me know. I’m getting and endoscopy this week to find out exactly what it’s is but my guess is either esophagitis or an esophageal ulcer. Very bad pain from the bottom of my throat down to my stomach and into my intestines to where it’s a burning sensation. suggestion) and my pain came back. Suffer from many of the same symptoms as you with the addition of left arm pain / discomfort and neck pain, sometimes tingling in the jaw. I have endometriosis and I live in chornic uterus pain and that is why The pain is really bad to the point I had to drop out of college even though I was a straight A student. pure C8 Caprylic Acid in liquid form its extremely antifungicidal and super concentrated, that should really make candida explode upong contact on the esophagus. In hypersensitive esophagus, basically any acid causes pain. So, in GERD, there is too much acid, which causes pain. Basically, it's when your esophagus muscles tighten and narrow. Your body will heal. Hi there, anyone have pain / heartburn on empty stomach? I am very confused because all doctors tell me to sleep 3 hours after dinner, but 3 hours after dinner the gastric juices are just starting to literally burning me inside. It almost feels like something is stuck there- like a pill or small piece of food- but when I clear my throat, laugh, or exhale, I feel a small, sharp pain. It's an irritation with pain that gets worse with burping. I also get the fluttering in the Sternum. The GI doctor gave me Carafate twice daily until Mouth sores and pain plus I took a strip of flannel, coated it in castor oil, and put it on my abdomen. bowel movements normal No apparent correlation with Weight not many trigger foods. The nerves in your chest all run through your esophagus so if they come in contact with stomach acid it can cause pain and that’s why the pain may travel from one side of your chest to the other. He's an old ass cowboy (literally), his pain tolerance is high. The only thing that has stuck around is an occasional dull pain below my ribs and somewhat frequent belching after meals. This reddit is a place for people with cancer and caregivers to come together and provide support for one other. CT scan showed dilated esophagus. GERD is sometimes caused by malfunction of the muscles in the esophagus itself. Burning sensation or pain that is worse on an empty stomach Some Relief obtained by Gaviscon after a meal (approx 1000mg Algenic Acid per dose, Canadian/UK Variant) No major problems on the lower GI e. You know that feeling when an air bubble goes down the wrong pipe and it hurts really bad and you think you’re going to die and then it goes away and you’re thankful? I was put on zoloft about 4 weeks ago & had a follow up appointment last week. When I first stated having this symptoms I felt scare because it felt like I was having a heart attack which made my symptoms worse. I been having severe symptoms of gerd. When I woke up from my long nap, I didn’t have a scratchy throat anymore, but I had this horrible pain in my sternum/what I assume is my lower esophagus. But the current symptoms I have which I cannot figure out how to resolve even after seeing multiple doctors is the daily painful chest/rib/esophagus pain I have. Also it spread to my stomach and And while that did numb the pain, I could still feel my esophagus spasms. Anyway, procedure seemed to go ok but I woke up with some check pain-thought it was gas. The chest pain is so bad, even when I push down on the I have suffered from esophageal spasms since I had a nissen fundoplication due to reflux, barrets and hernia. It sounds like an esophageal spasm and/or globus sensation from reflux. 22M, 6'2, 185lbs, nonsmoker: Needing advice as I am in-between jobs, and my new insurance doesn’t start up for about a week. I quit drinking for a bit as well which helped. I woke up completely fine on Sunday morning. this is not a good sign. It came back, however, a few hours later. Started near top of throat but lately it is more like where the esophagus meets the stomach. I also get esophagus/throat squeezing sensation when my costo acts up. Since the tumor was deeper into the esophagus wall, I required an esophagectomy. I've only been using for 4-5 days. Pain got worse, went back to ER, got a CT scan done. Posted by u/Trick-Cup-4641 - 3 votes and 18 comments I have been getting sharp pains in my throat for several days now, in addition to the regular acid reflux/heartburn feeling. My gastro specialist scheduled me for the 5 minute procedure to open the stricture (gen’l anesthesia). Also throat feels closed up or something stuck in it. The pain comes and goes but what helps it is to drink lots water, and antiacids. The constant chest discomfort, sharp pain, back pain, throat wheezing, can't lay down properly, constant post nasal drip, irritated throat, the constant sinusitis. I hate it because it makes me nervous and exacerbates everything else (anxiety, pain, etc. I got a barium swallow done and they saw my peristalsis was back going crazy and food was not emptying. Hoarse voice, MAJOR back pain, chest pain, nausea (with puking), loss of appetite, MAJOR weight loss, dehydration, sore throat (couldn’t even swallow water) and many more. WellI’ve been in slight pain and it’s very very sore every time I It made it impossible to take meds, eat, work, etc. Happens while laying down at night. And I literally feel food as it goes down my esophagus, likes it's getting dragged down. Pepto bismo for esophagus inflammation throat pain For esophagus pain, you can use gaviscon liquid. That lump in the throat feeling and difficulty swallowing are extremely common symptoms for GERD sufferers, and almost certainly don’t indicate anything other than the fact that you don’t quite have your GERD 100% My symptoms were always the same: pain in my upper stomach area, sometimes chest pain, that lump feeling in the throat, weird taste in my mouth etc. Yesterday, I had an EGD. I went in for an annual check up due to reflux. You can get it View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. When I simply drink water or eat (simple basic diet), I will have pressure behind my ribs and pressure/air in my esophagus pushing up to my throat. Much less stomach pain and excessive gas. A little weed would probably help your pain. That weird crackling sound that action makes is the sound I’m talking about, except it’s coming from my throat, it’s involuntary, it’s random, and I can both hear it and feel it. i told her about a dull chest pain that i get from time to time & since my EKG was clear when they done it AND was clear another time about 4 months ago she said it was most likely trapped gas/ acid reflux from esophagus. I stopped oral Minoxidil for 2 weeks and the pain went away. Things like cereal, bread, and other neutral carby things doesn’t bother it but things with texture like crackers, fruits, veggies, and acidic things like apples hurt it more. Drs don't believe that what they see could cause the symptoms I tell them. Thought this is acid reflux only. It felt initially like a tonsil stone/globus sensation. Didn't even stress about it. I don't understand what possible connection esophageal pain has with the back like this. So i got an endoscopy yesterday finally. Im trying to get off omezaprazole but I had to up my dosage again because my anxiety was going up and the pressure was getting Hello, fellow EOE-rs! Thanks in advance for your feedback. Second Dr was so much more thorough for my second endoscopy this year I'm really glad I found him. Today I started it again (Dr. I'm using 2-4g per dose 2x per day. A subreddit for people with the condition know as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). About 3 months ago, I began feeling an uncomfortable sensation in my throat. also the feeling that my clothes or even my skin is too tight and i can’t breathe right. Since reflux occurs as a result of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) not closing properly and/or due to a hiatal hernia, the standard approaches are (1) medication and (2) surgery. Anyway it's been nearly 5 months in this circus now, after trying a lot of things including PPIs, I stick to a very strict diet, a lot of therapy for my anxiety lol, and I'm also trying natural meds. The leading causes of death for BE patients are the same as the general population with heart disease being #1. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. During the appointment I went through an endoscopy, the doctor told me a nodule was found and that we would run tests. The pain is about a 2-3/10 pain. It’s very acute. Pain can be intense at times. After eating food it legit feels like someone is punching me in the sternum a few times down (I know I said this but I want to emphasize it). However, it has become apparent that the esophagus, which is normally devoid of eosinophils, is an immunologically active organ that is capable of recruiting eosinophils in response to a variety of stimuli. The pain increases to the point where I'm screaming if I breathe all the way in. Hope you will not end up having Barret Esophagus too, being on PPI for life isnway better than get a cancer or have surgery for esophagus stenosys due to esophagitis. And then about 3 hours later i ate some solid food, and experienced esophagus pain all the way down my esophagus to my stomach. I literally had meals of food sitting in my esophagus for weeks stertching my Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I was diagnosed with EOE after an endoscopy in 2021. Now it seems that every time I eat I get back pain, slight chest pain, shortness of breath, and this terrible feeling that food is stuck in my throat or my esophagus and it just won't LPR is also called silent reflux, it’s basically where acid keeps coming up the esophagus and it’s more known for the throat clearing rather than heartburn. Covered it to rote t my pjs and left it overnight. Now the pain will not go away unless i’m not eating. g. EDIT: This is probably a bad idea as my esophagus now feels worse when I don't take kratom. I feel a painful lump in my throat and pain in my upper stomach with radiating back pain. Ill get straight to the point. Also showed chronic inflammation in stomach and esophagus. Hi, so ive been reading reddit posts about it ever since it started happening to me, no idea if its an actual spasm, or if its hiatal hernia, or if it actually is the heart even tho ive been to 3 cardiologists and they dont seem to bat an eye about it, this sinking, shocking, beat skipping, whatever you wanna call it, feeling in the middle of the chest that takes your breath away, for all of bloating and hard stomach feeling, pain deep in my chest like i need to pop something (i’m assuming it’s just pressure from gas). Suddenly there's a new pain in my stomach, a burning sensation. The stricture wasn’t dangerous, but definitely a nuisance. In people with a hypersensitive esophagus, this threshold is low enough that much less acid will trip it. I will note that studies that evaluated the effect of strawberries on the development of esophageal cancer were looking at esophageal squamous cell carcinoma which is not the type of cancer that develops from Barrett's esophagus and it is not caused by acid reflux (it is mostly caused by smoking, drinking alcohol, and drinking incredibly hot Now, the treatment for reflux hypersensitivity (also known as esophageal hypersensitivity) is low dose nerve pain medication that targets the throat. Well I get a call today that I I'm going through a similar situation. The GI doctors can take samples of the tissue in the esophagus or stomach to determine risk for cancer. I have an autoimmune problem which makes me extremely sensitive to medications and so we decided the best route was surgery. They are more sensitive to acid reflux, so it's important to take steps to reduce exposure to acid. The soreness in my throat was the worst. Expand user menu Open settings menu. I started experiencing this in late April after a month or so of a lot of phlegm/clearing my throat after eating View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Said my esophagus was inflamed and was told I Unfortunately though, it wasn't all in my head and my symptoms kept getting worse. Anyone else ever experience this? Esophagus Pain . Has happened before. Suddenly, about an hour ago, I felt this extreme sharp pain in my esophagus (where I usually feel heartburn but it's not exactly heartburn, it's a different new kind of intense pain). Avoid alcohol. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I later thought since I had some success, I’ll try it on my throat as I also had continuous pain. It got to the point where I was scared to sleep cause everything hurt so much. TLDR: my esophagus is contracting constantly. Went to ER, heart/lungs were fine. I have Barrett’s esophagus, ulcerative colitis, hiatal hernia, and chronic gastritis and the gastritis is the most severe. I'm probably a bad example for diet because I'm still not sure why I have stomach and throat pain still. i also get a deep, intense, radiating pain in my back on the left side that shoots Hello! (25 F) For about 3 months I’ve had a burning/sharp pain that lasts 1 second as the food passes in my esophagus. I have an endoscope Tuesday but the pain is worrying me. In the end, you feel the same as someone with GERD but the way of fixing it is different as the reason for the pain is Within 2 days of missing medication I start to feel the chest pain come back. It worked! I felt amazing. It also feels really cold near my stomach, but my esophagus and lower throat feel hot and swollen. Internet Culture (Viral) Pain in the esophagus is substernal but is not burning. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS There’s this one spot on my right side of the esophagus that hurts and burns sometimes when I swallow something. Hey guys i have been having GERD symptoms for months now. Even people with diagnosed Barrett’s Esophagus have higher than normal chances of it, but still a low probability overall. You need long term measures like lifestyle changes and/or acid-reducing meds Reply Fun story, I was doing my EMT clinicals, and an older gentleman comes in complaining of mild pain, and constant salivation, to the extent you feel when you're about to vomit, and he's struggling to swallow. I of course have no idea if it's related to my lack of food or anything else. My GERD started 3 months before I had COVID and a subsequent heart attack last year in March . Or check it out in the app stores Esophagus pain/chest pain/constant splitting headache . But now I stress about the constant pain :( the one thing that did show up was that my esophagus was not properly working. This may cause symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, and trouble swallowing. These spasms are insanely tight contractions. Reflux causes esophagus pain obviously, but there is no anatomical change to the stomach, so why is stomach pain a symptom? Reflux is usually just a weak sphincter opening inappropriately, how does that hurt the stomach itself, as if there is a dull pain or nausea going on, which I read over and over again on here as a common presentation. These problems were resolved with surgery About 6 weeks after the surgery I started experiencing globus sensation in my UES and LES. Seemingly started out of no where and now, i have to wait for a GI specialist to find a solution. Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. Sent me home with painkillers. After my procedure they told me it was fine to eat whatever. I have a long history of IBS and acid reflux/heartburn (though have never been told I have GERD specifically), but the main new symptoms are that I have a yucky bitter taste in my mouth and that watery feeling in the throat like you get before you throw up ALL THE TIME. Sometimes the pain goes up to my neck and down my back. The esophagus is the muscular tube that carries food and drink from the mouth to Symptoms worsened recently, sore throat, globus sensation, shortness of breath, chest pain. It feels like it’s on fire. Im in a lot of pain. Esophagitis is swelling and irritation, called inflammation, of the tissues that line the esophagus. Ugh. I'm having esophageal, chest, stomach pain with eating and all throughout the day. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets I had only 2 biopsies but I felt sore and mild pain for 2 days. The anxiety attacks Esophagitis is when your esophagus becomes inflamed or irritated. I’m noticing a pain in my esophgeal sphincter (where the esophagus and stomach connect) that started about 3 weeks after starting oral minoxidil. But it always happens when the sternum tenderness is bad, so I feel like there’s a definite correlation. I also have GERD, so it could be related to that. So thinking I had no choice, I I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer at the age of 35 after a routine endoscopy due to my complaints of acid reflux. A bit later I started feeling contractions in my esophagus which ranged from 2-6/10 on the pain scale. Going forward, you can work on things like diet and other lifestyle changes Between 5%-8% of people with BE get esophageal cancer in their lifetime. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. It creates a physical barrier of algae between your stomach and esophagus so acid can't escape. In this case, an EGD may not be helpful, and you may need a barium swallow study, or other study of the esophagus to view the functioning of the esophageal muscles. But while on a trip to New Orleans, the discomfort became pain, resulting in spending half my trip to New Orleans in an ER. Look through the Chest pain, feeling like I can’t breathe, air hunger, globus sensation, heart palpitations, regurgitation, burning throat when I drink liquids occasionally. Exercise also produces the pain in the lower esophagus, not acid burn but just raw Twice, after a procedure - i did develop an esophageal stricture, which is a very normal side effect. She had all the symptoms you mention: trouble eating, neck/jaw pain, lump sensation. Esophageal eosinophils were once considered to be a hallmark of gastroesophageal reflux disease. I was/still am experiencing : rib pain, chest pain, stomach pain, sore throat, nightly cough/phlegm, reflux (severe at night or after eating literally anything), constant bitter taste in We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I had soup initially bc my throat was sore. My mom had it--she choked on an Advil. And don’t take any supplements that might dissolve in your esophagus and burn it. I was convinced I had esophageal cancer, I had the worst symptoms. I am a 27M and presented with pain in the back and chest when swallowing so endoscopy was done. Also hard to swallow big amounts of anything. Almost like my throat is trying to open up. Hey guys I (25, M) was seen by a GI doc for chest pain. After eating bland for 4 months I started eating other foods The pain in my esophagus is finally gone, but I can't sleep due to these sensations of lack of food. Even though I am avoiding so many foods and substances. What is normal GERD? This is similar to Acid Reflux pain but there is seemingly no acid involved. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Some Doctors don’t fully understand gastritis and how debilitating it can be. My report came back and said "Further to endoscopy report, as expected his esophagus, stomach and duodenum are completely normal. Some of us are more sensitive and there’s nothing wrong with that The number one method to repair esophagitis and Barrett’s esophagus is by stopping the acid from entering the esophagus. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. A pretty much got a bunch of ibs symptoms from the day I got my diagnosis! Hang in there, we got this!! TLDR; I have constant esophageal pain and no one can find the source or the cure. Yes, I was actually coming here to see if anyone reported the same thing! Lol For me, it's mostly on the right side of my throat. Burning pain in esophagus. This is exactly what happens to me. My doctor done an EKG to make sure everything was good and it was. Like I’ll feel it in my throat, but it’s coming from my lower esophagus if An active candida infection in the esophagus happens usually in people with AIDS. My biggest concern right now is that every time I take a step I can feel the impact from that all the way up to my esophagus and it starts causing spasms I believe around the areas of my lower and upper esophageal sphincters. It started at the lower left side of esophagus when I was eating & radiated towards the back. Week ago I woke up at 3 AM horrible breathing pain, chest felt like it was on fire. It started in October with a stomach bug, couldn't keep food or water in, hospitalised for a week and got an endoscopy, blood tests and ultrasounds, all clear, got put on antibiotics and antacids. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; So recently i found out that I have been dealing with severe esophagus pain from acid reflux over the course of 2 years! I been dealing with shortness of breathe and mild acid reflux with it! Same, Esophagitis + Barret Esophagus due to years of GERD, the only treatment is PPI for life (in my case I have tomuse also gastroprocinetics and antiacid sometimes). I am a little overweight but I am mostly healthy. No pain the next morning. These are only short term measures for relief. I feel that might be from the reflux damaging it, since it's been so many years untreated. I’m thinking it’s my esophagus, but I have no idea. So more than 90% never progress to cancer. There's another symptom, which is a non-stop pain, sort of like a sharp ache, in the area of the lower esophageal sphincter, that takes days and lots of pepto bismal and antacids to clear up, and that I believe is a small ulcer, where the tissue under the mucosa is actually harmed. From shortness of breathe to chest tightness! I have taken PPI’s to sulcrafate and diet has changed to a more healthy bland diet as well and nothing has worked! I scheduled a doctors appointment to see what is going on! Does anyone know how or I can go about how treating this god awful pain in my esophagus! I had an endoscopy done on 3rd October for Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum. raw feeling in my throat like a burn. Not that I'd recommend anyone try this, because it's probably just masking the burning pain instead of solving anything. Unfortunately in our case there isn’t a lot of ways to make Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. A community for discussing gastritis and diseases related to gastritis (e. Hello, About a year ago, I was diagnosed (after an endoscopy) with Grade A esophagitis. And if I decide to stop abruptly, who knows what I'm in for. Had an endoscopy, unsedated, over in about ten mins and diagnosed with grade A esophagitis, Sometimes it is almost debillitating and I feel scared of esophagus issues. ). Edit just FYI: I’ve been taking Align probiotics (from Costco) and after about a week of that, my daily stomach pains are completely gone and I have way less chest/esophagus pain might give probiotics a try? Also just started a higher prescription of Omeprazole. I've posted here before, been struggling with GERD-like symptoms for over 3 months. I've been trying to manage with diet but unfortunately, my EOE reactions (swelling, pain, and dysphagia) are becoming more frequent and more severe with time. Don’t know why it is but it hurts like hell! And is making my anxiety go through the roof. Esophageal pain from walking I've been searching for information about this specific issue but I'm not finding much. Lump in my throat, sore throat, hoarseness, sore back of tongue, tons of burping, trouble swallowing, pain just below my ribs, and a hell of a lot of thick saliva getting stuck in the back of my throat. Hello, I, 27 female, have been experiencing pain in my throat/potentially esophagus every time I eat. All the classic symptoms, can’t burp, bloating, excess gas, excess saliva, but the worst one of all is I feel that air is getting stuck half way up my esophagus (I envision at the UES since it won’t relax) and expand the esophagus, what feels like the back side because the pain and pressure radiate to my upper Since starting this medication I have daily (never a day I don’t have pain) chest pain where there’s pressure behind my ribs middle of my chest/my ribs crack and esophagus pain where it feels inflamed or with air. Sharing treatments, cures, causes, news, case studies, medical articles, and personal experiences are very welcome. Wake me up through the night. I am currently taking mastic gum between meals, 75 Recently I had a bad episode of acid reflux and am now left with this “skipped beats” or fluttering sensation in my chest that I thought was my heart (but like you said it feel different) so now I’m thinking it is the esophageal spasm you’re mentioning. After an 11 hour surgery I’ve been suffering with what I believe is R-CPD for about 4 years now. I've not gotten in with a GI yet bc it takes months, especially bc of covid. An extreme pain moving up from esophagus at base of neck/throat in slow waves (Almost like pain from muscles forcefully moved in the wrong direction) up to upper/mid throat area. My symptoms varies from shortness of breathe which I had since November of 2020 and when I Re pain - not quite as bad as that - the pain reduces in the evening and night to almost zero and then builds up during the day (quite fast) but from time to time it reduces a little and swells up. I’m still having the horrible chest pains and I’m so thirsty and hungry but truly can’t handle the pain that comes along with it. simply put, intestinal cells that have grown in your esophagus in response to irritation. PPI's are also seen to have an anti-inflammatory effect, so maybe taking one is just enough to help the tissue not Had gastritis for a year now and now dealing with bloating, abdominal pain that radiates below my ribs, food sensitivities, and now dealing with upper back pain that gives me headaches everyday now as well. Or check it out in the app stores which makes acidic gaz go up the esophagus and "burn" my throat and voice box, why am I just offered short term solutions like following a diet for 1-2 months and PPIs ? other than that my symptoms are pretty mild (I have no chest pain Bloating and pain base of rib cage after a meal. take any local antifungal if its really candida. Ofc if there is esophageal muscle problem like mine, the problem is there but can be managed. I noticed I would occasionally have swallowing issues and wanted to see if my esophagus was narrowing at all.
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