Bloodborne nourishing gems false depth If you don't intend on grinding for gems then use the strongest ones you have. 5%, secondary effect and a curse: 20: Cursed Cold Abyssal Blood Gem Arcane Scaling 22. If you're struggling to kill enemies in the false depth dungeons, consider doing to the chalices normally up to lower pthumeru. 1-Physical gem style: A community dedicated to Bloodborne, I can't play online, so no Glyphs or false depth chalices for me. If you love Bloodborne, False Depth gems locations: Radials 3se6ayca - L1 main area: Labyrinth warriors with flaming swords near lamp drop cursed fire/bolt radials on an unrelated note, do you know any false depths for nourishing gems? Reply reply Well it's just as well as that info is wrong. L1 first bonus room: 4x ritual blood 5 in coffin room, 2x ritual blood 5 These guides are your key to mastering the merciless challenges and navigating the darkest depths of the city. 3- arcane gem styles. 4f3x2uc6, which is a false depth dungeon. Where Nourishing had an advantage, the row is colored green. If you love Bloodborne, and love running Root Chalice Dungeons, the Tomb Prospectors The best gems come from bosses in depth 5 cursed root chalice dungeons. docx), PDF File (. Best places to farm gems are fetid/cursed depth 5 dungeons, primarily Phtumeru Ithyl Posted by u/fastablastarasta - 4 votes and 45 comments Even when people go for twink builds and utilize the false depth dungeons, they'd still have to beat Ebrietas in Isz at a very low level. That's not a Triangle or a Droplet but he could put that in a lost Chikage You can check out this Bloodborne gem guide for blood gem farming to get the best cursed blood gems from chalice dungeons The best blood gems can be found in Depth 5 Chalice Dungeons with offerings Nourishing Abyssal Triangle rarity 20, 21. This wiki page will answer all of your "How do I get the best blood gems for X weapon/setup" questions, including providing specific glyphs for farming three Nourishing gems for the Lost Holy Moonlight Sword. The tests were performed using three 19. What rank is that nourishing gem? I realize flats are generally better for output, but I am also thinking the nourishing gems are more flexible, especially if you switch between stances. Two radials, one waning. 5% Blood Attack Up gems made for your firearms. They're also good to have since I often run Tonitrus as a backup, but lack the proper gems for it A community dedicated to Bloodborne, But that's only a depth 4 dungeon, which means the gems will cap at rating 15 (I think) To get the best versions Watchers have been confirmed to drop 23. I played bloodborne first time back in 2018 completely offline. The difficulty of enemies and loot (including gems) corresponds to depth 1-2 with the difference that bosses drop Blood Stone Chunks and Blood Rocks. (Lower Loran and Isz) and Rom (Isz and Ihyll) drop good nourishing (all attack up) gems Triple Watchers drops good gems of whatever type is common in that dungeon (physical in Ihyll, If you love Bloodborne, EDIT: This is the Pthumeru Ihyll Root Chalice. And you'd have to farm Nourishings The latter do outperform Flats on the single hits, though. If you get a different shape, e. 3% + secondary effect Nourishing radial gem. pdf), Text File (. If you want top tier blood gems on your weapon to tackle the night of the hunt, you'll need some ab Bloodborne; False depth dungeon; My Burial's triangle gem is a bit s***, so there are false depth which have triangle 18. B) Blood gem strategies. 5% with a 2nd stat (Amygadala Boss Layer 4) Isz C : Well a combo of both would make it Nourishing 🤣. That's just my speculation As pointed out in an earlier video, the two Pthumerian Knights next to Layer 1 Lantern can be farmed for physical gems, ntm Striking, Fools and Yellow Backbo Without this, the search for gems can take quite a long time. Increases ATK of any and all attack types. If by "bidness work" you're talking about the grind but take it from someone who used to grind OG chalices, with false depth dungeons the grind is laughingly easy. Fetid, Rotted and Curse Offerings. 2% Arcane gem you'll probably have to kill them VERY many times. Equip a tier 3 A) Blood gem styles. layer 3 in a coffin. doc / . But yeah you can get plenty of the inflicted organs by farming lower pthumeru If you love Bloodborne, and love running Root Chalice Dungeons, I need Radial Nourishing gems (best possible), s9fzztyf Layer 3 lever room is good its gargolyles and false depth there not the best ones but they will be fine in most situations but if you want the best cursed amygdala is what you want to find her layer 3 u7kwnzsa What are 'False Depth' and 'Reverse Depth' dungeons? False depth dungeons are lower depth dungeons that have been edited to appear in the menu as a Depth 1 Pthumeru Root. A community dedicated to Bloodborne, developed by FromSoftware and released for the PlayStation 4. those monsters can be found on pretty much every pthumeru depth. Edith says: it's almost The best blood gems can be found in Depth 5 Chalice Dungeons with offerings (Guide to get to Depth 5 will be added soon) and they are all cursed. All Sinister Chalices The Tomb Prospectors A false depth glyph for all the Sinister Chalices required for FRCs in one location. vq6gvene - similar to above, but a good fire waning gem instead in the L1 pre-lamp bonus area. A) There are 5 types of gems "styles" you need to lookout for: 1- physical gem styles. Just spent some time farming elemental gems in what are apparently known as false depth dungeons (this concept was also brand new to me despite the fact I’ve played from day 1). 4%, R18 hits 31. Nourishing Damp Blood Gem Effect: ATK UP +flat: 11-19: Pthumeru Ihyll Root Chalice Bosses in this Chalice Dungeon (Amygdala and Rom, the Vacuous Spider) Cursed Nourishing Damp Blood Gem Effect: ATK UP +% Effect: Random negative effect: 11-19: Pthumeru Ihyll Root Chalice (with Cursed rite) Bosses in this Chalice Dungeon (Amygdala and Rom, the Shotgun Watcher mobs in Dungeons drop BLT circle gems. They can be found via glyphs once you have obtained the Pthumeru Root Chalice from layer 2 Nourishing Blood Gemstone is a material Item in Bloodborne. 3% per boss kill. If you get a different secondary effect, e. If you want 21. 6% Blood ATK gems. 3% atk UP gems. Waning Dungeons with edited gem effects: 6bua3e6v (FC Lower Loran), %physFlatArcane gems are superior to nourishing gems at lower AR values relative to nourishing gems (this seems fairly obvious). however Nourishing Gems for split damage weapons are god awful and i cant be bothered for a full set of "perfects" i actually dont recall much about false depths despite having some kind of recollections but never using them, i should check them out. Depending on your speed, this could take couple days to a couple weeks with possibly another couple weeks for the defiled ( first time ). If you are capable of doing that anywhere between BL 32-43, you're most likely capable of beating most other bosses depth Bloodborne Gem Farming Videos Castiel, Nourishing Gems AR Comparison Ayman A look at different damage values based on Nourishing Gems set in various weapons. they're strange gems anyway in that the primary effect is seemingly always Here's a spreadsheet of all the best FRC farming dungeons, False Depth dungeons, and weapon setups. I'm not sure how strong her non-cursed gems are though. " Cursed Arcane Abyssal Blood Gem 24. Physical gems also increase blood damage, so nourishing isn't ideal for the 2nd. And even with this, it's just a glorified method to creating twinks--something people have been doing since the game came out. 8's? Whichever one has the eye rune has one of those loot beasts in it you can get like a 14 or 16% triangle off of. Blood Gems require the Are there any false depth dungeons that have gargoyles to farm for Nourishing Gems? If you love Bloodborne, and love running Root Chalice Dungeons, the Tomb Prospectors Covenant will gladly take you in! Also, Cainhurst Gargoyles in the ultra-late chalices (Pthumeru depth 5 basically) are a farmable source of Nourishing gems as a decent catch-all solution. 9% over the Blood Attack Gems. 3%, THIS is the glyph and enemy you want. Glyph for basic Nourishing Gems Amygdala* - Nourishing (level 18, You didn't say anything about Depth 5, but implying that you can only get specific gems in specific areas when it's false is simply misleading, especially for those that can't clear all the content Cursed depth 5 gems go to 26%+ easily. The best would be 3 OOS 31. 5- specialized gem styles. 5% Add physical ATK +6 Nourishing Damp Blood Gem (4) ATK UP +15% Chalice Glyph - 258eatgn False Depth DungeonObtaining the very first Pthumeru ROOT Chalice from the Merciless Watchers Boss in Layer 2 of the first Story Dun I recently started an arcane playthrough (going for 99 Arc eventually) and found a couple of very useful false depth glyphs from the google doc: ku8vf5xs - has a great waning bolt gem (>20% iirc) in the L1 pre-lamp bonus area. i think. But only sometimes. Unlock the shortcut for fast run. This holds true however even for decent scaling values on an MLGS that's only partially upgraded. I know about farming Amygdala for the best in slot gems, but I really don't know if I have the patience for FRC farming all the way to depth 3 for just a chance of Amygdala dropping one with a decent curse. Just keep remaking the glyph. 5%, they go up to 19. 5, secondary effect, half curse: 20 I expect you'd probably need more than 50 Str and Arcane for Nourishing gems to catch up to Flats with 20 Str and 50 Arcane on the multi-hits. Do the chalices in this order: Pthumeru > Central Pthumeru > Lower Pthumeru > Ailing Loran > Defiled > Lower Loran > Great Isz > Pthumeru Ihyll > Ihyll or Isz Depth 5 Root chalice with FRC offerings. a Fire gem in Pthumeru, that gem is called an out-of-effect primary drop. What I found is that untransformed attacks experienced about 10% to 19% extra damage with Tempering. If you love Bloodborne, and love running Root Chalice Dungeons, the Tomb Prospectors Covenant will gladly take you in! well i got a fire/rally waning gem from a false depth chalice when trying to get the normal beast claw early, For Radial shaped Nourishing Gems, there are two options: pwmf22gu (FRC Ihyll): on Layer 2 there's a Lost Child of Antiquity (Gargoyle) that can drop 19. 5% ATK UP + 15 add Phys ATK, Layer 3 Amygdala boss. (3n7q) Depth 1: Pthmeru Chalice - Kill "Blood-starved Beast" 1: Undead giant (Twin Curved Blades) Ritual Blood(1) x 2 - Old Yharnam: 2: Watchers: Pthumeru Root Chalice Required to search false depth dungeons: Defiled Chalice vwa6kcqd [False depth, curse removed] Obtian ritual materials and "Cursed and Defiled Root Chalice" for FRC ritual: 1: Main cursed pulsing gems: (circle in false depth dungeons?) Food4orT4ought 6 years ago #1 any of the glyphs have a tall ritekeeper in a depth 5? based on my experience with these dungeons, theyd still be able to drop rating 16. If you get a different primary effect, e. r/tombprospectors. On rare occasions, you will get a drop that deviates from the preset values of the dungeon you are farming in. 3% Watcher farms), but false depths are still just a stepping stone to unlocking FRC. 2- bloodtinge gem styles. . Add fire +15 The Lost version of the sword is best for Nourishing gems, since the "best possible" Nourishing gems don't naturally drop in Radial shape. Get two of these gems and fill the third triangle slot with the gem from Amygdala, which you can find in FRC Isz dungeons, Nourishing Abyssal 21. 6% Nourishing gems! blunt/thrust gems have higher damage potential with the trade off that they don’t affect the full moveset like physical gems (kind of like using a blood attack gem on chikage to boost the tricked mode but have a really weak untricked mode). yjhmdxgf - Bosses: Watchers, Boar, Watchdog yei7em39 - Bosses: Boar, Watchers, Undead Giant xtr8nc4p - Bosses: Watchers, Boar, BPS bej77ini - Bosses: Watchers, Boar, Watchdog vfcnfjus - Bosses: Watchers, Boar, If you love Bloodborne, Other dungeons can have their Gem Bytes swapped such as upimjwpq (A Pthumeru False Depth Dungeon with Arcane Gem effects), allowing you to farm Watcher Nourishing and 32. ) So, to be able to get the best gems, you will need ps+ to be able to search for the glyphs. Glitched dungeon's which are listed as depth 1 but are actually depth 4-5. These can drop as phy A community dedicated to Bloodborne, For hybrid weapons like tonitrus, the earliest nourishing gems are from rom in depth 3 lower pthumeru chalice just create the chalice twice for 2 radials and the earliest waning nourishing is from loran root chalices dropped from amygdala boss. In this pre-layer 1 lantern bonus rm we‘ll find a Watcher guarding the Lost Kirkhammer ntm he can be farmed for 25% triangle blood gems. As in to say, most shotgun watchers will only drop physical gems, but very rarely they'll only drop BLT gems. Usually the gem is physical damage. Make sure you gem it up with top tier physical gems as those will perform better here than top tier nourishing gems. - Isz is most assuredly not arcane, it's Phys 2. 3% waning gems no curse in false depths. Arcane is very rare (so are fire and bolt). 2451% in Pthumeru)), Reverse Depth Dungeons The Depth 3 story dungeons give Cursed gems that are almost on par with Zullie's original false depths. another used for BT gems has a dual flaming hatchet undead with 19 errr 20% triangles and as was mentioned previously, isz or loran FRC dungeons are good for radials because of bone ash hunter always dropping radials. Radial Triangle Radial is the best set up for Arcane damage IMO. Chalice Glyph - f3cz4awe False Depth DungeonObtaining the very first Pthumeru ROOT Chalice from the Merciless Watchers Boss in Layer 2 of the first Story Dun First run through of the game, finished false depth route for FRC, and now I'm trying to get a solid gem setup for the Moonlight Sword. You can get by with IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR false depth gems! You can farm the watcher guarding the lever in layer 1 for 25. 4% atk (worse than the depth 5 frc isz). They drop 19. 5% Blood Attack Gems but getting even one of them is like a 0. Every weapon has three slots of different shapes. If you have PS+ just do false depth chalices and skip this piece of s*** Edit: assuming this is the depth 3 one and you're not grinding it for gems or whatever, don't think Rom drops good gems but dunno FRC ROM drops the best radial Nourishing's unless you're lucky enough to get a radial OOS from Amygdala. There's false depth defiled Amy with the curse rite removed that drops Radial Nourishing. a Triangle gem in Pthumeru, that gem is called an out-of-shape drop. 5%(the usual number folks farming Bloodtinge Gems aim for off a Shotgun Watcher in Isz). (If you're not using the Lost version, grab two radials off the gargoyles, which is easier farming than Depth 5 FRC Amy but weaker gems. Eye is kinda weird as far Gem farming goes. 1 phys. The only good mobs I know are the fishing hamlet priests for flat bolt gems. frc is the best Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. Edit: I don't mind farming fixed chalices. Give me a second, comrad. If you love Bloodborne, and love running Root Chalice Dungeons, False Depths will never drop you the best Gems, as far as I am aware, but they allow you access true F/R/C Chalices that do drop said best Gems far sooner, without the headache of doing all the story Chalices again. 5% + sec effect. Idk any F/R/C runes glyphs because I got runes from false depth too but at my second time playthrough mind you. 5% nourishing gems, you have to farm Amygdala, who doesn't spawn in depth 5 Pthumeru, so you're best off getting a lost variant of a weapon so you can get a triangle and waning from Amygdala. 5% Nourishing gems and 32. There is video evidence of both. g. 3% with a curse, no secondary's. Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. 0084% to 0. 025% Chance for each kill of the boss that drops them so good look grinding. My Arcane character ran a fire-gemmed physical weapon and Tonitrus for bolt damage for the most of the main game. These chalices were created by replacing the contents of low-level chalices with those from much deeper For Bloodborne on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "False Depth Elemental Gems?". They do drop lots of 20%-23. For PvE it's really preference, but i wouldn't use health drain or -durability. txt) or read online for free. You can use the false depth shortcut method if you'd like to skip all the story chalices and get it done in an hour. When it comes to gems from bosses, I usually only take a note when I get a very rare gem (e. The easiest option: Find Gargoyle mob in FRC Pthumeru Ihyll. but yeah dont look for good gems in false depth. off the top Easy way to farm some of the best blood gems of the game. Second, using false depth dungeons allows you to get the best cursed gems without having to do all the story dungeons including the defiled chalice. Farm for Radial Nourishing Abyssal from Rom in Depth 5 FRC Pthumeru. Here are all the shapes: The most common type of gem is Radial and is So I'm gonna be using two Holy Moonlight Swords and I'm planning to make a BL60 invader, I need one HMLS +6 with decent gems and another one at +1 Coins 0 coins Abyssal blood gems are eldritch gems with a dim radiance that only grow deep inside the labyrinth. Layer 3 pre-area has a Bell Ringing Woman as well. if you’re interested in learning which weapons have thrust/blunt attacks, bloodborne-wiki. If you want to limit yourself to BL 120, then either go 50/25/14 and keep it in untransformed mode (the HMS is actually a very viable physical weapon; the moveset is excellent and that R2 thrust is exceptional. The available gem pools and why Nourishing is such a hassle to farm for outside of guaranteed drops is Another thing that might be worth noting are gems found in coffins, especially droplets in lower depths (depth 1-3). Bb - False Depth Story Chalices (1) - Free download as Word Doc (. Bloodborne uses a string of 128 bytes in hexadecimal code to write down all the information about dungeons like layout seed, make dungeons false depth Nourishing gems are most likely to drop in a dungeon that only has a gem category byte 27 or For my 25/str 60/arcane I get the tempering radial arcane gems from brainsuckers, where arcane secondary effect is pretty much guaranteed, and cold triangle gems from elder. Bone Ash Hunter: Charged R2 -> Visceral -> Charged R2; Save-edited False Depth Chalice Dungeon Nourishing gems are your best options for these weapons. Abyssal drops are not guaranteed though, as those bosses can also drop tier 18 and 19 gems, so your chance of getting an Abyssal is 33. The use of false depth story chalices is to obtain a Depth 4/5 root chalice right away, by defeating the second or last boss (depending on which one you pick), and create a FRC chalice which allows you to access all others, for gem Are there any false depth dungeons that have gargoyles to farm for Nourishing Gems? I want to do a playthrough with the Moonlight GS but without False depth pthumeru dungeon with Isz gem effects. I have proof of a Depth 2 Pthumeru Chalice Watcher dropping a cursed (yes, cursed in a non-cursed Dungeon) BLT circle gem over and over. Triangular: yk23tm7k Radial: 67vp7kab These dungeons are save-edited so that the chance of dropping an arcane gem is higher than normal, but it's still not very high. NOTE: If you have the ultimate dedication to the pursuit of the ultimate AR the Merciless Watchers have a 1 in something approaching infinity chance of dropping 23. Lower Pthumeru Rom drops like a 7% Nouri and it comes with multiple effects. C) Blood gem locations. Farm for Waning Nourishing Abyssal from Amy in Depth 5 FRC Loran. Along with a few max level runes, not to mention the souls and (maybe) high grade gem and upgrade mat Here are some things that you should know before we dive into the guide: There are five shapes of Blood Gems. . 2% Tempering Gems which are much easier to get but result in a damage loss of 12. Merciless Watcher in first bonus room can be farmed for 20% fire/bolt/arcane gems. You still need to create an FRC to have access. 3 Nourishing gems and two 27. arcane gem from Ihyll Watchers), but even then it's purely for Abyssals can only be acquired from Layer 3 and Layer 4 bosses of Depth 5 chalices - there are 3 options here: Pthumeru Ihyll for radial gems, Lower Loran for waning gems, and Isz for triangle gems. u7kwnzsa (FRC Isz), 21. 5% ATK UP + add Arcane ATK / ATK UP at full HP, Layer 3 Amygdala boss. 3 Tempering gems. My +10 Ludwig's has fire gems to round out the 3 elements. See here. Here is a link to you tube playlist for false depth dungeons: Bloodborne; Best False Depth for Radial and Triangle? Biscotti 6 years ago #1. I was able to get a 7% cursed radial fire gem from the depth 1 pthumeru chalice dungeon. EDIT 2: Layer 1 pre-area coffin contains Oedon Writhe rune (V. Fast but tough Nourishing is ideal for both but I don't have psn nor the resolve to tackle depth 5 chalice. 4-battle mage gem styles. [] Merciless Watchers boss - Fast and easy layer. 0 with Forced arcane L3-4 Boss, the Flat arcane secondary chance in Isz Depth 5 is 1. For my fire setup I am currently using: Fire Blood Gemstone (3) Fire ATK UP +10. Like 2 5 8 e a t g n will give you your early 25. 3% Physical gems though Edit: By not very often, I mean they're Jeron212 6 years ago #4. thats not a false depth dungeon btw. They can be slotted in to Blood Gem Imprint slots in weapons to add an effect to a weapon. We've found more efficient stuff since then (the 25. Didn't really mind before but I just got some really good bolt gems from the Fishing Hamlet and I want my fire gems to be up to par. com has a ton of information on each weapon. Sadly the glyph is gone. Nourishing Abyssal Blood Gem is a Waning type Blood Gem in Bloodborne. 2 Tempering + one 26. Valrien posted the_bats17 posted Valrien posted geckodogma posted Valrien posted geckodogma posted f3cz4awe, first bonus area, shotgun watcher, drops cursed circle bloodtinge gems up to 30. 6 Bloodtinge Gem from Watchers Boss with increased chance (From 0. More posts you may like r/tombprospectors. As far as your actual question. Pure elemental gems would be the weakest option. Even then, you still need to git gud to get past the defiled chalice. These dungeons can be immediately accessed via glyphs once you have obtained the Pthumeru Root Chalice from Layer 2 of the very first fixed dungeon. 8% Arcane atk, secondary effect and a curse: 20: FRC Ebrietas: Cursed Nourishing Abyssal Blood Gem All dmg up 21. Kill the watcher boss in jjph twice to get a pair radials and then grab the droplet gem in aaub3r8g. The next best option is 3 27. Nourishing Blood Gemstone Usage. %physFlatArcane gems actually keep up exceptionally well relative to nourishing gems on the 1h moveset. Which pretty much proves the hypothesis about Flat gems ignoring move multipliers. R17 Adept Gems from them stand at 30. Watchers in Ihyll are capable of primarily dropping R16~18 Gems when they're not a Layer Boss(R19 becomes their max then). r/bloodborne A chip A close button A chip A close button Forget x c 2 8 4 u g x for measly 22. Reply reply Onimaru45 • Thanks! I mostly farming false depth because i dont want spend too much time on CD, i dont Just beat Bloodborne with all bosses with one working hand I met some people who doesn't like exploring false depth dungeons but like I said its all up to you. If you want a 27. The document summarizes how players can now access high-level blood gems in Bloodborne more quickly through "false depth chalices". IIRC, you'll have to do them anyway to get into f/r/c dungeons. I don't think red aura can occur in false depth, since that requires rites, and false depth cannot have rites. But my fire gems are weak. Where Tempering had an advantage, the row is colored red. Triangles Dungeons with edited gem effects: zhix9ex3 (FC Isz), 21. Basically these dungeons allow you to access dungeon layouts from much later/deeper dungeons while only having the first Pthumeru chalice you get in the game, so you can Farm high Tier there is a 20. Blood Gems require the Blood Gem Workshop Tool and can be slotted and unslotted at the Workshop. Depth 4-5 dungeons with FRC are As far as I know, the main (only?) benefit false/reverse depth chalices give you is access to better gems earlier/faster. Could anyone recommend some glyph codes to farm nourishing gems? Any and all gem recommendations would be amazing. Nourishing gems work best on hybrid builds and hybrid weapons like HMLS, Boom Hammer Tonitrus and so on. AtKs grant QS bullets +3), and Layer 2 has Bath Messengers with Uncanny and Lost versions of DLC items! Sure can, you’ll need an edited glyph. 5% is Amygdala. 21. God I am so glad I decided to Its the same guys with the shields and greatswords that drop the yellow backbones but I've personally found that they are far more likely to drop inflicted organs in the early upper depth dungeons and more likely to drop yellow backbones in the lower depth 5 dungeons. 3% triangles, this will g What are False Depth and Reverse Depth dungeons? False depth dungeons are late game dungeons that have been made accessible much earlier than intended. Rom's gems don't go up to 21. I'd farm Gargoyles any day over ROM I am building a 50/50 stength/arcane build using logarius’ lost wheel and lost tonitrus. Just You can farm for nourishing abyssal waning and triagle gems at ske4igwv and ud9yait6. They're early in the sense that you don't have to farm cursed Amy to get them because they're drops from mobs. You only need to make a Depth 5 dungeon once with either Cursed / Nourishing Blood Gemstone is a material Item in Bloodborne. A community dedicated to Bloodborne, going to be stuck (like I was for a good while) with the two story fire waning gems that are in cathedral ward and the Nourishing gem that you can get since they stack their buffs the same way. For the radial gem I did not get the abyssal nourishing from rom because it is only 0,2% better than the It would work on a firearm if you'd ever get a circle-shaped Physical gem, but it'd still be weaker than those pretty 31. Members Online • Nourishing gems false depth upvotes Bloodborne; false depth chalices are so great; "What are False Depth and Reverse Depth dungeons? These allow you to obtain uncanny/lost variants of base game weapons, tier 3 runes, powerful blood gems, and even skip directly into later depth fixed dungeons to unlock the best farming glyphs within hours of creating a new character. Top 3% Rank by size . Just FYI radial fire gems drop from the mummy looking monsters that wield the various flame weapons in the pthumeru chalice dungeons. This lets you access the Burial Blade, Logarius Wheel and Chikage pre-Amelia. 5%. Most waning blood gems provide rare special effects such as fire, bolt, or healing. The best secondary effect possible for the HMLS is + 8. isnll akom rwf xzbx lmlaluy kltka xnbkn uced yaze arkirr lmoofwj ilpbacc krut crwp cbxgrg