Best powerlifting program reddit. A hybrid of Powerlifting, and Bodybuilding.

Best powerlifting program reddit So an example "deadlift" program outline might look like: Monday - Deadlift, Bench, bench M23 looking for intermediate powerlifting program recommendations. Programming style - This is largely for your own enjoyment. Valheim Genshin Reddit . I've been running a similar program lately and love it. Therefore, if an exercise isn’t going to support one of these 3 movements, you’re not going to do it. 0 5 days is the perfect programme for me. 545K subscribers in the powerlifting community. I, unfortunately, still haven't recovered from my lcl injury and doing hypertrophy work has gotten stale now. I have worked out off-and-on since then, but before starting up again on Sept 1st 2022, it had been many years (10ish) since I’d last worked out for an extended period of time. The Best Powerlifting Program For Pure Strength. Squat went up from 100kg for 2 to 170kg Deadlift from 135kg to 220kg and bench from 80kg to 115kg Just feeling like I need to change a few things now as I’ve been stuck at now for a few months If you want a really good program for powerlifting try googling "Jonnie Candito's 6 week program. Open your mind, and grow strong/big by lifting properly, with progression, not using a massively flawed tier list based on Jeff's feelings/n=3 studies. These are just a few off the top of my head, with varying price points too. Over this time, I started watching more powerlifting content on youtube as opposed to general fitness content and I learned that my form on the conventional deadlift was to blame and not necessarily my body type. They are more expensive though. A 19. I replaced good mornings with snatch grip deadlifts, but everything else was kept the same. Greyskull - Never did Greyskull, but this is essentially the style of workout I moved to when I moved off 5/3/1 and wanted to do more powerlifting and less sports. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the Hey all. When I was young I ran Sheiko #29 powerlifting program twice, both times in a month I added 50lbs to my deadlift, maybe 10-15lbs to my squat, but 0 to my bench both times, even with the high volume overall, the lower reps just didn't really hit the upper body well for me. He's done several podcasts and interviews you can listen to. So far I have found the Brogains and NSuns program but I don't know whether they are effective. r/gzcl has a great deal of information. I really liked this style of program. Best Powerbuilding Programs that you have had the most fun and success with . 0 coins. After you’re done progressing linearly I recommend running his 6 week program or squat program as well. Anything that is an upper lower split would be a good option for example Candito's linear, PHUL, 531, nsuns, and certain GZCL programs. Terms & Policies The 10 Best Powerbuilding Programs. Of course, there are templates I’ve been training for purely hypertrophy (never below 5 reps, plenty of exercises over the years) for years but noticed a few of the natural bodybuilders on YT like Alex Leonidas train more in a I'd recommend Stronglifts to any beginners looking to get stronger. ) Strength training at the rank novice level is good because it allows you to start lifting with only 5-6 lifts to focus on and get really good at, being able to progress every session, and finally that as a novice, you really don't need very much specificity to grow your muscles. -pure strength program (TBD) Maybe I’ll compete here, who knows? -hypertrophy program (maybe HFFB again teehee) -whichever powerbuilding protocol I ended up liking most At this point I may get a coach again but we shall see. Categories 531 by itself is not a powerlifting program. I've purchased Jeff Nippard's powerbuilding program, as I've heard some really good things on it, and I feel as though I can mentally digest a program from a natural lifter better, as a natural myself. The best routine on a cut is one with slow progression. Average to Savage, 16 week program - increases weight every 4 weeks based on your performance, the first 2 4-week blocks are higher reps to build some muscle and work capacity If you fancy 3 days a week, Drop Bear Training from the powerlifting subreddit is great. The volume can seem a bit low (I definitely felt like I could do more) so I'd say just up it accordingly to your goals :) You have more room in the upper-lower split to get some quality volume without risking the being too fatigued the next day, like with the fullbody days. Only way to find out is to try. I was a hater until I tried it for myself. 5lbs. A powerbuilding program is a training routine that combines principles from powerlifting and bodybuilding to achieve significant gains in Most of the cookie-cutter programs online don't really fit into a schedule like that. 4lbs @ 178. Currently running Jeff Nippards phase1 power-building program, probably the best program I’ve ran excluding being coached, only issue with phase 1 is it changes accessory lifts on even numbered (upper-lower) weeks regularly, although this hasn’t set back my progression I just prefer consistency. I plan to run his PPL, Upper Lower, then the 3 PowerBuilding programs, in that order. I've just finished my first powerlifting meet after 5 months of training powerlifting specific movements and now I'm looking to bring up my numbers while putting on muscle. Practical Programming for Strength Training is also a good book for intermediat liters looking for information on how to write programs. My question (other than thoughts on this plan) is what a good pure powerlifting program for strength peaking would be? Equipment category - I'd say raw vs. It was basically one top set + 3 back-off sets IIRC, so quite similar to my 5/3/1 protocol. What's your favorite powerlifting program that gave you the best results? Advertisement Coins. I have done all the powerbuilding programs and they do lack a bit in arms. Reddit . Many programs offer this feature. I had achieved 5x5 @ Here are the 10 most popular powerbuilding program spreadsheets. 5/3/1 is also a solid choice if you plan on using it for a while as it leads to relatively I modified it over time where I pretty much do the bench, deadlift, squat day and then an upper body push/pull day as well. He provides the program and a spreadsheet for the program on his website. Chest supported rows on top but do yalls jefferson curls, back extension, seated/standing goodmorning with rounded upperback/neutral/extended. For reference I am a 21 year old male weighing between 160-165lbs and standing 5’7, working full time desk job living with parents no kids or marriage, so good sleep and recovery limited external physical or mental stress I am not interested in programming, I just want to linearly progress via progressive overload through intensity or volume. Look strong, be strong. Valheim Genshin Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Pak's research on "minimal dose training" for powerlifting. All his programs are free. 5kg/42. Can you all suggest any good Powerbuilding routines which are preferably 4x per week, and are tried and tested by y'all? Your reviews would be good to have as well, please. What worked for me best was high volume and moderate frequency. I've been lifting for about 5 months, all while cutting (started fat too,) and now I have intermediate numbers, and am making good progress on the Texas Method, which I'm now on the fourth week of. I didn’t include anything about intensities/sets and reps, but assume that Monday is a heavier squat and bench day, and Friday is heavy deadlifts with lighter-moderate squat and bench, so the Friday workout shouldn’t be overly taxing or take as long as it would training all 3 lifts heavy. com, he has his programs on excel so you just need to input your numbers. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Ivysuar 4-4-8 Program Overview Initially shared on Reddit's /r/fitness community by /u/ivysaur, the Ivysaur 4-4-8 Beginner Program was designed to improve upon the foundation laid out by popular "sets of 5" novice lifting programs like Starting Strength and Strong Lifts. Pretty much what's expected from Vanilla Candito's 6. I've been trying to improve how much I can squat and have been looking for some programs/cycles to help with this. 9lbs PB. Thanks man :) I feel the aesthetics will be great too. You can just add the benching program from Candito into this 6W program too, it should If you plan on competing over the summer, i assume you have to be a member of a particular powerlifting club/Federation where you live in order to be allowed on the plattform - if so, ask the club for programming tips? Check out r/powerlifting? Or if everything else fails, go russian with Sheiko, and do program 29-30-31-32, in that order. Most of the powerlifters who participated in his research had "significant" strength gains despite the drop in volume. 0 powerbuilding from Jeff nippard and trying to see if there are any better programs out there for powerbuilding currently have two months left till my meeting but don’t want to stop on building muscle but still want to build strength quicker to have a better chance getting top five for my meet. I ran all three and Powerbuilding 2. A good powerlifting program will have an appropriate distribution of repetitions and intensity suitable for the target demographic that it is aimed at. If you have done any programs before look at what worked for you and what didn’t. I Highly recommend this program!” – Timothy S. I have only 4 days per week for training. Also, I've experimented with a Chad Wesley Smith modified version of the Texas Method, called the Cowboy Method. It is all RPE so you can just adjust it for shorter rest breaks. This is an issue for me, I have very long arms Candito linear program is always a solid choice for your first program, there’s a couple variations but i really like the power/control program, emphasizes good form. My stats are M26, 6 foot tall, 100 KGs heavy right now. I ran this program after a 4 month bulk. Although I’d love to get an idea from someone who’s ran 2. Age: 46 . However, these seem to be total body workouts rather than just squat focused. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Missed the last two weeks of the program because school conflicts got in the way. I did the Reps to Failure program, Full-body, 4-days/wk programming felt like an optimal amount of work, plus it fit my schedule better than 5+days/wk programs. (And holy shit do I need a break I'd like to get back up to where I was at my best since I just started lifting a couple months ago after injury. The more experienced a powerlifter is, the more volume and intensity that the lifter will often be able to deal with. Tracking app for powerlifters. And there is a lot of self-teaching involved in his process. Currently running a powerlifting plan I bought online 4 day but I don’t think that would be enough when I’m cutting because that is so much compound and I don’t think I’d be able to do SBD day when I’m on a deficit. Or any of the programs in the wiki or recommended by r/powerlifting and see how your recovery is when cutting. As you may know this is an Upper-Lower split and Juggernaut AI Powerbuilding App – Best Overall Powerbuilding Program; Jeff Nippard’s Powerbuilding Phase 3. Alterations: I changed the program to fit my needs a bit better Everything I've read is to keep doing the same program, fight for every last bit of strength (don't mentally prepare yourself to lose strength, think the opposite), eliminate volume if you need, and then begin a new program once you start trending in the opposite direction (bulking/maintenance). There are many different programs for each lift depending on your desired frequency and experience level. There’s lots of ways of doing a 4-day routine, depending on goals: 2 upper 2 lower 1 lower, 1 lower + pull, 1 upper, 1 push Squat + bench, DL + bench, Squat + OHP, Bench + DL Squat day, bench day, DL day, OHP day Etc etc etc The program seems to really work well for me, after messing around on 5/3/1 and Juggernaut method, it literally felt like I was making novice gains all over again. Halfway through I am having to increase my 1 rm I used initially and am quickly getting close to all-time prs. I know I need to first work up my squat weight to at least 1. The problem isn't your genetics, is more about the programming. Hitting all 3 of course with some bodybuilding sprinkled in. gear. Thats exactly what I did cuz im so used to heavy volume lifts. When it comes powerlifting, the #1 rule is to improve your lifts. But for Yeah. A straight forward template that I can cycle through every week. I've seen some good programs like 5x5 and Strength Starters. A community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating to general fitness; with an emphasis on barbell & dumbbell lifting, as well as calisthenics (bodyweight movements). The System - It's not specifically about programming for powerlifting and there's a decent amount of stuff that isn't really related to strength training but it's pretty good read and the way they program is quite unique. Now, I’m a fan. Every gym session I did one heavy lower body lift, then one heavy upper body lift. This is after a year of running accumulation programs like BBB, God Is A Beast, SSL+BBS I'm tryna find the best free Powerbuilding program. reReddit: Top posts of February 14, 2021. You could give 531 for powerlifting a shot. For example, the first Sheiko program I ran was the 3-day program, which had very little deadlift work (a lot of partial reps). Looking for a good powerbuilding programme! I've powerlifted in the past and seen some good gains ( BW 80 KG bench 125kg squat 195 deadlift 210 ) I'm looking to enter a bench comp next year and want a decent physic! So I'm looking for a good bench only program. I'm a 171cm/5'7", 73KG/160lbs, 23M Singaporean aspiring competitive powerlifter (so I haven't competed yet, You have 45mins 3-5 days a week. Most popular 4 day split is UPPER/LOWER. Very long program and I made maybe 10#s bench 20#s squat and 10#s deadlift. I really don't think that a guy who does good wrapped coaching is gonna fall flat coaching guys who compete in sleeves. So I ended up taking a two month break with zero training and zero tracking calories of any sort before starting this program. The entire time I’ve been lifting, I’ve self programmed and admittedly don’t know sh*t about how to program effectively. It’s a very good method. 4 sets paused, 6 sets tng, 3 set wide grip high touch, 3 sets close grip low touch, db fly's, and triceps at the end, twice a week. Which plan worked best for you to increase your max lifts? I just want to get people's opinion on there favorite powerlifting programs to see what worked for them, and recommend. I want to compete eventually, and I'm thinking about how programming works generally + for peaking. What’s everyone’s top free powerlifting program? I’ve done 531 for about a full year. If you want to do a powerlifting comp you'd want a coach, they're going to keep an eye on you, get you ready for a taper getting closer to meet day, and even handle you on the day; makes everything WAAAAY less stressful and Jeff Nippard’s powerbuilding programs have been proven to work and are very fun. History: I did Olympic and Powerlifting as a teenager. But there is no need to stick to it if you don't have strength goals. To fix that, i recommend following a program who is more on it about benching. Along with this, towards the end of the program, top sets become heavier at 90% in heavy singles and doubles Week B: Hypotrophy This is a upper/lower split and will be similar to the program you are running in terms of volumes. Coming straight to the pros and cons: Pros: - Well structured and follows a daily undulating periodization format. There are good influencers out there but I've seen reddit go from following good advice 10 years ago to following these types who popped up a few years back who are going to keep you small and weak. I compete in powerlifting at 148lbs and ended up getting up to 165lbs before deciding it was time to cut again. if I go to 3x my shoulders tap out after 2 weeks But to be fair, you bench over 500 haha I feel like the smaller you are, the better that type of frequency might work for you. I essentially run a nine day rotation of it, an endurance day, and HIIT days. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I recommend the intermediate program, as the excel sheet is really easy to follow, and will be modified depending on what you select as your weakpoints for squat, bench and deadlift. Sitting at 18% something bodyfat. Here are the 10 most popular powerbuilding program spreadsheets. I found that I benefited from the specificity of the program's I'm a lifter for about 2 years and I am about share my update on Jeff's Intermediate program which is the Size and Strength 4X a week routine. From someone who has paid powerlifting coaches- and tried nearly every free powerlifting program multiple times. The latter is a good option if you want more squat volume. Top muscles that powerlifters cant have enough and should put more emphasis on for accessory: tricep, lats, hamstring. Best of luck. 5lbs @ 159. However, the two best resources program wise that helped me a lot were the RTS training manual and Beyond 5/3/1 (in particular, the "get in, get out" method (I think that's what it's called. I can get in and out in What is a good powerlifting program im a intermediate lifter and wanting to do powerlifting any good programs to follow? Coins. Do the good ones again. As a beginner I'm not sure of my stats I wrestled 103 my freshman year when I started lifting so they were not good. For discussion of lifting routines from established beginner to home made customizations. I fiddled with the program the second time around for more hypertrophy focus but I Check out the GZCL method, as well as the hybrid Jacked and Tactical program one redditor put together. Good for off-season powerlifting training, bodybuilding, or anyone looking to increase their I assume you’re asking if there are any new (and therefore exciting to your brain chemicals) programs out there that will give better results than you are getting or will maximise results, all those promises we get from hyped programs. Greg Nuckols 28 Free programs are a good option as they have the assistance planned out and periodized, which I feel many free programs are lacking. Honest opinion, one that isn't a cookie cutter program. For example, I'm closing in on my 4 plate squat, but I've never really come to understand where exactly my progress happens. I've done his 6 week program for 9 months and my Squat has gone from 245 lbs to 345 lbs, Bench from 225 lbs to 270 lbs, and deadlift from 345 lbs to 465 lbs. I ran it twice more, from 405 to 435 and then 435 to 465. Kizen 16 Week Powerbuilding Program; This program is an 8 week hypertrophy training program inspired by Reddit user and strength coach /u/BigCoachD. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. 5kg/225. 176 votes, 61 comments. A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. Best powerbuilding programme . I have been searching existing programs and I can’t find much. I like Jeff Nippards stuff. I’m looking for ones that focus on the compound lifts where I would be doing 2 compound lifts per session, like a squat and bench day or a DL and Military day, so I would end up doing all exercises 2 times a week. Powerbuilding. It was fun, I didn't make the kind of gains I expected to make in a 21 week program. From your experience, any good suggestions of smart, well-programmed powerbuilding programs? Stronger By Science has been real good to me. This was all around 160 pounds BW. No, and don’t double down now my friend you did say “stop talking out of my ass”, so don’t talk smack and then act like a coward So, my conclusions from your comment and the other regurgitated non sense that came with it gave two quite accurate results: 1) You’re young (and dumb); 2) You know absolutely NOTHING about training (goose egg, zippo, ziltch, nada). Hi - I’ve been powerlifting for 13 years, am 285 lbs, roughly 20-25% bf, natural, and my bench max fluctuates between 415 and 440. I do the 531, the BBS of the opposite lift, then a push and pull accessory lift for 4x12 each, another push and pull accessory for 4x12 for the main lift. Program increases of between 25 and 40 pounds per cycle and it should serve you I recently transitioned to training specifically for powerlifting. I enjoyed his third one alot, you have a heavy squat single each week, super fun. GZCL is a method with many underlying variations and advanced programs, all free too. But advanced powerlifting programs are so nuanced, that no tool ever has it right, and I just stick Because if you’re trying to train the lifts more often you’re better off spacing out the attempts. 44K subscribers in the powerbuilding community. It has the perfect balance of frequency and volume. It's simple, doesn't contain a lot of movements with a straightforward progression system. Hello everyone. You'll progress best doing a program you believe in, and there's enough quality coaches out there that you don't need to BTW, check out Dr. I found this particular program a bit much to recover from after I started getting stronger. Results: Previous best was 102. At the end of the program I benched 122kg@ 81kg/268. Program Review: Juggernaut Method 16 Week . This is a sub for the sport of powerlifting Candito 6 week or try his other programs! Just go to CanditoTrainingHQ. Check them all out, probably best start with the first. It's just a set of principles for general athleticism. My best lifts were 345 clean, 565 dead, 475 squat, and 245 Strict press, and 315 incline press. 0 – Runner-Up; Ben Pollack Peak Human Performance 12-Week Program – Best Advanced Powerbuilding You might like the GZCL method. Strength Training Manual: The Agile Periodization Approach - Definitely not for everyone but it has A LOT of interesting information. Cube method focuses on the big 3 (deadlift, bench, squat), splitting each into a heavy day, explosive day, volume day. A well equipped home gym for the most part (no machines). Accordingly, I adjusted to full reps. Hey everyone, this is my first post on r/powerlifting, and I decided to share my thoughts and progress on Candito's 6 Weeks Program and how I autoregulated this to see progress in my SBD. But you might be able to run it for 6 months or so with good results, but you could modify it if you just want to lift 4 days per All his powerbuilding programs are quite similar, I'll send them all to you. His first one is more strength focused, his 2nd is more hypertrophy focused and his third is more on the strength side again. Very briefly, I've been working on a tracking app for myself and powerlifters (because I am one) which is simple and specific to the sport. Good amounts of evolution in SQ/DL and just a bit on Bench. " It is a free program for natural powerlifters designed by a natural powerlifter. With this concept in mind, this powerlifting program is going to use a 4-day split. Best powerbuilding program? I'm an athlete who has followed a PPL generic split for about two years (worked quite well actually) after my cut is done however I'd like to see what a actual program does for me, as I think I'm starting to leave the "beginner gains" behind, might need to take it up a notch. . I've been itching to add on some strength to my SBD numbers, along with getting jacked. One issue I consistently have on this program is the slower progress on deadlift, mainly because I don't know how I can change the program without destroying myself. A hybrid of Powerlifting, and Bodybuilding. You’re in your 30s, have a family, responsibilities etc. Depending on which program you choose, this can be As you may know this is an Upper-Lower split and has good emphasis on Strength compared to hypertrophy. Candito's linear programs are good 2x/week squat programs. The even weeks were an upper/lower split, which I liked the change of pace each week. This program splits weeks, with odd weeks being more powerlifting focused and heavier weights. 5x my body weight. 5kg @ 72. Before I go on, here's some background, so you know what kind of lifter I am. Two things I changed from the program was cutting back the volume on squats and bench press. Facebook Twitter Reddit Flipboard LinkedIn Pinterest. Weight: 198 . and then for the 3rd group, for leg days I do 4x12 of shrugs and 4x12 of either leg raises or side bends. PowerBuilding is normally a heavy big 3 movement and bodybuilding accessories. On the 4-day Sex: Male . The "Proven Strength and Performance" app programs from Haack and Huang are set up to hit a top set and back offs, then a good bit of accessory volume. Need help programming, finding a routine, or just confused in general? Looking for the next step after SS or SL, or maybe certain parts of your body are lacking by comparison? Feel free to post, and we'll do the best we can to help. 2lbs. My recommendation would be to build or use a solid powerlifting program and emphasize deadlifts a bit more, by doing deadlifts first, doing more deadlift accessories and increasing deadlift frequency (2x/week seems to be the "sweet" number for many). I want to ask you about my training split. So I looked around Reddit for a deadlifting program and found the Coan-Phillipi deadlift program. He built a great combination of the tactical barbell Operator squat program and the Jacked and Tan GZCL method. Cycle after that will be the pre-meet program from 5/3/1 For Powerlifting Cycle after that will be the meet prep program, which will lead into the meet. 5/3/1 and juggernaut aren't the best for powerlifting but for straightforward strength principles, I think they're some of the best Tony Gentilcore, Eric Cressey and Dan John are also some of my favorite strength coaches Juggernaut has great programming in terms of linear progression = great for beginners, but its unbelievably slow (you start at 50%, go to ~90%, and each percentage takes about 3 or so weeks). Currently finished 1. I’m currently running his PPL. Brogains is pretty good! The programs are only for beginners or intermediate lifters. 0 and has done something better? If you want shorter sessions avoid full body programs in my opinion. True. So for info, i have noticed myself program hopping quite a bit, but I want to get onto a real program and just can't seem to find one that suits my needs, I enjoy the compounds and almost always Rippetoe gets a lot of hate (and sometimes rightly so), but SS is a great starting point for begginners looking for information on form (AND a decent beginner program). rpgv ssekid fxu bkw zej euk nnle cxw ihvx noccftvq vnbjvi cbhh gpyn jljzv xogizum