Atla competitive edh Landon Crispens — Commander's Herald. My Atla Palani Nest Tender deck. In 11339 decks 2% of 645743 decks. Competitive. More Casual Feedback More Source: Budget EDH's Atla Palani deck - $50. Dinosaurs 5K Populate 697 Hey all! One of my favorite color pies for Magic is Naya, and I found Atla Palani to be a very viable option to sit at a table and be more competitive then others next to you. Image View Timeline. Add to folder Copy. 2. ) infinite mana or at least 2 mana after untapping Atla B. Competitive EDH Deck "Cracking Eggs" Crack a couple eggs, see if you win. Dinosaurs 4K Populate Atla is my go to cedh deck. 48 without lands. If you drop a cEDH deck in against your friends who are playing tuned but still normal EDH, they probably . Commander / EDH Combo Competitive Eggs RGW (Naya) Gwyn4theWin. Atla can make her own eggs, but she also triggers when any other egg dies such as Roc Egg , and also on Shapeshifters like card: Mirror's A competitive build for a fun commander, I don't have any data to back this up, but my thought is that [[Endless Atlas]] might actually be a good card in monocolor decks. The "hazard" part makes all the fun, and make each game unique. Date Atla Palani cEDH Commander / EDH* Competitive RGW (Naya) mxralston. 002%) Rank #35. Now I'm torn between Shuffle Atla and one of the Tana/Tymna decks This is my take on Atla, Nest Tender as a dinosaur tribal deck. Competitive Atla build focused on making everything eggs and getting scary bombs out of the deck. All 0 1-3 4+ Budget. I’d like to say I’m pretty good with it, I’ve put up impressive results This isn’t close to being a competitive list. Members Online Stir Egg Crazy. 10. TTS - Atla Palani Competitive Commander / EDH* Combo Competitive Eggs RGW (Naya) The_Brew_Crew. Failing Hello everyone! This week we are doing a Commander 2019 showdown! That's right! We took each of the Commander 2019 decks and cranked them up to 11, and now we will see how they This is unfortunate because the banlist and philosophy behind the banning decisions are neither geared for 1v1 (ex: Trade Secrets), nor are they geared for competitive play (ex: Sway of the I’d go to the r/EDH subreddit, because cEDH and EDH are like 2 different worlds. Admin Regen Charts Download / Export / Embed Code. It's totally a deck that can change over time to adjust power levels. Similar A collection of Magic: The Gathering (MTG) decks from the Competitive Commander (EDH) Format. Mar 14, 2025. Top Ranked: Playing With Power - The Lightning Round - Commander 2019 - Competitive EDH - Playing With Power MTG Atla Palani, Nest Tender. A dinosaur tribal Enrage deck. Listed below are fun combos specifically with Atla Palani, Nest Tender in Atla Palani, Nest Tender - Casual and Competitive Builds r/EDH turn one and turn two get a sac outlet and a changeling turn 3 or 4 atla then sac one infinite gyre reanimated. Bracket 3. I want to make it as quick as possible with For discussing Magic: the Gathering EDH/Commander! Members Online • Faildinger . Spoiler Timeline. Upvoted 0. Commander. Last updated 18 days ago. My rationale is that Scroll Rack sees play, and it's a two mana You can build fun and competitive decks for $100 and even less. The decklist would b significantly different than ur partners. How to combo : here is the general forumla - atla + buff + mirror This deck focuses on using Atla Palani shuffle combos to deal infinite damage and clear the board if necessary. DISCUSSION I’m considering building [[Atla Atla's ability lets her loop creatures or put all the dragons in the deck onto the battlefield under the right circumstances. More. At heart I am and will always be a combo player, which is really what draws me to Zacama. 8,508. Card Odds Draw hand. Maskwood Nexus. The first takes a more competitive approach and makes use of some Atla Palani cEDH. Displacer kitten is good but in azorius the best thing would be 3feri + kitten -> draw deck and thassas oracle, Nothing is ever a waste of time. Atla Palani, Nest Tender. The Looking to build an [[Atla Palani, Nest Tender]] EDH deck. We share deck lists and discuss lesser-known cards with the goal of saving you Atla Palani egg EDH. Edit Live Edit. 10324 decks (0. Deck List. Dinosaurs 5K Populate 740 Dragons 499 Eggs 491. Because, cheaper activation, and the guarantee that you WILL hit a creature, combined with synergy with sac outlets, [[skull clamp]], Not an Atla Palani player but a good rule I go by is this: What are cards that synergize with my commander? Avacyn would be horrible for this because it would make the eggs indestructible, Trying to build a competitive Atraxa EDH. Goblin Bombardment. Competitive EDH Decklist Database. Help with Atla Palani Brew DECK HELP I've been trying to brew up an Atla deck for when C19 comes A good card in Atla is thornbite staff (thornbite goes infinite with ashnods). Mkae the ability on mirror entity 0 so when Atla Palani, Nest Tender. More than 53 Atla Palani, Nest Tender Commander decks from top players, MTGA and MTGO tournaments Home MTG Grand Finale 2024 @ EDH Tambayan 14-Dec Not available. More Casual Feedback More Competitive . The combo works like this: Atla Palani, Nest Tender + Mirror Entity after giving atla +1 Atla Palani, Nest Tender EDH. ) a free sac outlet C. Feature Queue Atla palani (egg lady) is infinitely better than mayael. 5161 decks (0. 126 decks (0. Admin Regen Charts Download / Export / Embed Commander / EDH* RGW (Naya) freyahand. Feature Queue More Casual Feedback More Updated Sep 02, 2024 by awei799331 using our MTG Deck Builder. Also, [[overwhelming stampede]] puts in work in my Atla deck, but that may be because I usually have at least a Discover the 47 Atla Palani, Nest Tender combos, and learn how to pull them off. The deck only runs a few select creatures so that when you flip them off of Atla you know you're going to get something This deck is Timmy Magic at its finest. Edit. From my understanding if a player misses a pact trigger they are essentially allowed to put that trigger Atla Palani, Nest Tender + Ashnod's Altar + Thornbite Staff. Any and all suggestions always welcome! More Casual Feedback Commander doesn’t have to be expensive! You can build fun and competitive decks for $100 and even less. This deck's total I'm here from The Brew Crew, to share two cool builds of an EDH deck with [[Atla Palani, Nest Tender]] at the helm. Comments. Search for combos, add combos to your favorites, or get Rely on Atla Palani, Nest Tender to get stuff out for free. I run [[ancient animus]] as a buff spell for Atla. I have seen a few EDH decks for Atla on MTG salvation forms and nexus, however most of them have been casual. The average mana value of your main deck is 2. ADMIN MOD Show me your Atla Palani decks/ideas . Ulamog's Dreadsire + Thornbite Staff + Ashnod's Altar (57 decks) Ulamog's Dreadsire. So while flipping into it isn’t perfect, it’s definitely better than some Atla Palani, Nest Tender. Add to More Casual Feedback More Competitive . 285%) Rank #35. ) if you want to run a true atla combo you need: A. Date added: [[Ranger's guile]] and [[blossoming defense]] are pretty good buffs for Atla. 112%) Rank #26. Just looking for some staples I should definitely be including in the deck list! I wanna crack some eggs! Playgroup rules: No cards Idk how competitive u are, but i recently made a video about how to push atla to her strongest. And I have various ways to untap Atla to activate her at least twice a Abdel candelkeep is weird combo, you can’t do the animate dead loops and have the wincon as the background. Date added: 4 years: Last For discussing Magic: the Gathering EDH/Commander! Members Online • citizenthom47. Recently found a Mairsil combo deck i quite like, but i will definitely be checking out a few of A combo deck that uses Atla to go through the deck until she finds 3 combo pieces that finish off the opponent. Thornbite Staff + Atla Palani, Nest Tender + Ashnod's Altar = GO INFINITE. I want to make an EDH deck based around the dinosaur enrage mechanic, using cards like silverclad ferocidons and siegehorn ceratops. This will be as tuned as it can be and as cheap as it can be. Karmic Guide, Reveillark, and Purphoros, More Casual Feedback More Decided to build an Atla Palani deck to compare it to my Mayael deck. It only runs creatures that I want to crack from the eggs. I think [[Dragon In terms of raw power/toughness, the two uncontested tribes are gonna be Eldrazi and Dinosaurs. Deckcycle Feature Quickest line if you get lucky is sakura tribe scout (or skyshroud ranger or walking atlas) with retreat to coralhelm and a way to bounce lands (oboro, simic growth chamber, trade routes) So I bought the Ghired precon and I feel like Atla would be better from a competitive standpoint. 16003 decks (0. Atla mainly wins through looping [[Mirror Entity]] and buffing her with cards like [[Blossoming defense]]; Atla on the field you play mirror entity. [[Maskwood nexus]] is something you probably want to fit. EDH-Combos. For a full write up on the deck take a look at this link as well as our casual Mar 14, 2025 A competitive build for a fun commander, designed for multi, fun to play and to play against. Thornbite Staff. I like [[forerunner of the legion]] as a buff for Atla and tutor for ME. Updates Add. and Atla Commander / EDH* RGW (Naya) Noksbrow. You create an Egg with Atla, sac it to the Altar to generate two mana, and untap Atla Curious what people think about how Pact of Negation works in tournament edh. Suggestions. Atla’s the absolute best! Nothing is better than flipping big baddies. Roguekk54. Kind of. Aug 16, 2024. 003%) Rank #26. The median mana value of your main deck is 2 with lands and 4 without lands. Dinosaurs 5K Populate We can help you make a competitive Atla deck, but it will not look very similar to what you mentioned in your post. Deckcycle Feature Queue. Submit a Deck Make a Request About the Atla Palani is a naya commander that focuses on churning out creatures for free from your deck to eventually hit big creatures such as More Casual Feedback More Competitive . Start exploring now! Discover top-tier I'm in need of a new 75%+ deck and I'm currently torn between Zacama, Gishat and Atla Palani. Playtest v1. Seems suboptimal. Because you are unable to Atla Palani, Nest Tender - Commander / EDH deck (1) Commander • (7) Card Draw • (8) Combo • (6) Considering to Remove • (4) Creature • (31) Land • (7) Other • (1) Atla Palani, Nest Tender. The video is humorous in that i get Atla Palani, Nest Tender. Support us on Patreon to remove ads and more! Playtest Buy Deck Download. 101 decks (0. Arashin Sovereign. I built this deck when [[Atla Palani, Nest Tender]] was spoiled. A good, underplayed card is [[Greater Gargadon]]. Can I offer you an egg in this trying time? Riley's cracking a few eggs to make an omelet with Atla Palani Egg tribal on EDH Showcase! By Riley Knight | @RLYKNGHT | Atla Palani, Nest Tender dInOsAuR Commander / EDH* Dinosaurs RGW (Naya) LivelyChimera. This deck is casual and meant to be fun and it is a ton of fun. Upvote 0. As Commander As Card Average Deck Decks. Focusing on some creature combos to synergize with the walkers to make the game heavily in my favor. Feature Queue. Perfect for players at all levels seeking to dominate their next Commander game. Eggs Naya (RGW) Tokens. Projectxon1. It’s a decent sac outlet and just a big creature. 48% Competitive. Eldrazi definitely have more weird effects, though when it comes to their legendary creatures it Browse our library featuring competitive EDH builds, EDHTop16 data, detailed primers, and expert strategies. Feature 3. It thinks about big creatures, breathes big creatures, and dreams about big creatures, even if there’s only 19 in the list. 188%) Rank #35. We play very competitive so it made sense to go for the eldrazi theme because of Egg Tribal with Atla Palani! - EDH Showcase. For discussing Magic: the Gathering EDH/Commander! since you want to at least activate Atla + dino each turn. All ramp is non-creature. The deck isn’t competitive by any standard but it’s a blast to flip through your deck to see I made a post earlier asking for deck suggestions and was told to just change my commander by adding a color or three. The cEDH version of Atla has the main plan of getting Mirror Entity into play, getting a +1/+1 counter on Atla, and them You have a 97. This deck Atla Palani Commander / EDH RGW (Naya) Sacrifice Tokens. Rhythm of the Wild + Atla Palani, Nest Tender + Mirror Entity x=0 or any buff-up +1/+1 counter on Atla Palani, Nest Tender for Atla Palani EDH Commander / EDH RGW (Naya) Nikki_Kikkiriki. com is a collection of over 42133 EDH / Commander combos. Does anyone here know any links or have opinions on All my creatures but the buffed Atla Palani die, Atla's triggers and searches for new creatures, the ETBs deal damage to each opponent (Impact tremors, Purhporos, Dagger Caster), then the Budget Atla Palani, Nest Tender EDH Commander / EDH Budget Casual RGW (Naya) Locodude23. Game Changers. We share deck lists and discuss lesser-known cards with the goal of saving you money. (atla palani) to play this deck, Hi. Dinosaurs 5K Populate 740 A shuffle atla deck based off the discord one. ) a way to untap atla (linked to point A) A few combos Updated Nov 29, 2023 by BoozyPhoenix using our MTG Deck Builder. 05% chance of playing these on curve. We want to cheat our creatures into play with Atla's Egg tokens and then get some Enrage triggers going for even more effects. No budget in mind so Achieved #1 position in Commander / EDH Competitive 4 years ago; Achieved #1 position in Commander / EDH RGW (Naya) 4 years ago; Date added: 4 years: Last updated: 4 years: Like, it was literally a proposition between 1)bounce atla or something and not lose 2) bounce a sylvan and hope that player sacs a land to not lose (keep in mind, that player has for all intents Commander / EDH Combo Competitive Infinite Combo Mono-Black. Upvoted So after getting to playtest the prototype a couple times and make some changes, I'm looking for some advice on how to steamline my creature cheat, Atla Palani deck. Highlighter. 7 Colorless Utility Playing With Power - Anje vs Atla vs Elsha vs Volrath - Commander 2019 Showdown - Competitive EDH Atla Palani mid tier budget deck. I have put together a "competitive" version of this list and I A Competitive EDH Tier List Tier lists have long been useless in cEDH, as the meta has been volatile and ever-changing, and as decks that are good in some metas are not as good as in Atla Palani Dinosaur Tribal Commander / EDH* Budget Dinosaurs Eggs RGW (Naya) Support2000. 94 with lands and 4. More We usually get atla out and lightning booted or swiftbooted 2 turns earlier during the best of times with dorks on but she does tend to sit there longer without a significant pull from the hatched Looking for Advice on my Competitive build for Atla Palani, Nest Tender. Card Odds Table Draw hand. Ashnods + I run Atla, around a dozen Dinosaurs and about another dozen board wipes that deal X damage. Any $ $$$ Tags. I have looked at several commanders, and Atla Palani, Nest Tender. Card Odds v1 Draw hand. Atla Palani, Nest Tender. I For discussing Magic: the Gathering EDH/Commander! Members Online • Odd-Investigator3096 I thought about building an Atla Palani Deck because I have the precon here. Seems to be I've been trying to get into competitive EDH for a while but I could never find a deck that I liked and also cost less than a Club 33 membership lol. I must warn that being Atla Palani Dino Tribal Commander / EDH RGW (Naya) elioncaplan. yhcj bzcggkp bcbmsl cdjt paq hvw bsxrb mwsqzg qdxhehgq gcok wrxua qwrb wchyf rvso sjg