Astro pixel processor Astro Pixel Processor releases. View astropixelprocessor’s profile on Facebook; View AstroPixelProc’s profile on Twitter; Sara Wager explains, simple and short, how you can register images of different image scales, focal lengths and field of views in Astro Pixel Processor. RE: What is "working directory"? @thomehm Is it possible to set up a workinmg Part 1: introduction; Part 2: calibrate, register, normalize & integrate the individual mosaic panels; Part 3: register, normalize, integrate the mosaic; Part 4: perform gradient/light pollution correction and background calibration to make a gray Data calibration, registration, normalization and the 2 panel mosaic integration was done completely with Astro Pixel Processor. Minicam 8M By Paolo Banci, 3 days ago. Aries Productions – latest release APP 2. com Social. This video gives a solid overview of how to use Astro Pixel Processor to process and stretch your astrophotography images in a simple and streamlined manner. Upload server for upload of data issues:. Haverkamp Blikman Astro Pixel Processor logo designed by Stefanie Haverkamp, Mabula’s sister. 15 Posts. This image Update regarding Astro Pixel Processor development and it's support on the forum and by email can be found by clicking here. 4 has the other two tick boxes but does not have the "Details" one. Topic starter October 8, As Charles Bracken has stated in his "Astro Pixel Processor Quick Start Guide," in most cases the default settings work very well. 074, it now works. Look, for example, at Integration. 0-beta33 release notes Plea By Mabula-Admin , 2 days ago RE: Potential normalization problem on my latest mosaic Astro Pixel Processor 2. View Full Profile → Contact Info: Aries Productions Dutch KvK: 68270291 drs. a RGB composite tool with Luminance Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 0 By Peter Stüssi , 4 days ago RE: Light integration settings with large number of subs Astro Pixel Processor 2. But what Astro Pixel Processor 2. A HDU1 - SOFTWARE= 'Astro Pixel Processor by Aries Productions' / software HDU1 - VERSION = '1. 1 FIXED, Mosaic registration, running mosaic registration did not work in 1. Hot Pixels – these pixels respond very strongly on incoming photons (and/or to the dark current of your sensor). RE: Astro Pixel Processor. ASI supply a free suite of tools for stacking - so if I use the ASIDeepStack module to stack the exact same files, then it comes up with Master Dark Flat file with an average ADU of 766 (min=360; max=5240) which is basically exactly what I would expect given the input files Astro Pixel Processor - 2. Some recommend it for its speed, quality and ease of use, while others prefer Astro Pixel Processor (APP) was released in June 2017 and was developed to make deep-sky image processing as easy as possible. Yes, some of the tooltips give you the answer, but not always. Hi all, This tutorial demonstrates the new comet registration functionality introduced in Astro Pixel Processor 1. These will be detected using flat frames . However, it would be nice to know what the settings do. First post your issue in a new forum topic, in the appropriate subforum, and please only try to upload your data when we ask you to do so. 0 By Peter Stüssi , 5 days ago RE: Light integration settings with large number of subs Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. Astro Pixel Processor by Aries Productions Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 083. W. P. 0-beta35 release notes FI By Mabula-Admin , 4 days ago Cone Nebula, Christmas Tree Cluster and Fox Fur Nebula in SHO Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 2 . Cone Nebula, Christmas Tree Cluster and Fox Fur Nebula in SHO . 0-beta33 release notes Plea By Mabula-Admin, 4 days ago. Menu Home. Astro Pixel Processor - 2. RE: Unistellar FITS . When the upload is approved, please make a folder with your name and issue, like "mabula-register-mosaic". The upload server address is : Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. For those who would prefer a text guide to look at, I've created this Learn how to stack photos using the APP program for astrophotography with this step-by-step guide. RE: Registration failure for select Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 07 Visit the post for more. I am using the ASIAir to capture my files. That's great @Mabula-Admin, thanks ! Next step, astro By Dav78, 1 week ago. But unfortunately, the documentation for it is scattered and mostly in video form. The next beta/stable release will also include special comet integration modes and probably also a special Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 0-beta35 release notes - work in progress By Mabula-Admin 1 week ago | Last Post: 1 week ago Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 0-beta33. Haverkamp Blikman Astro Pixel Processor 2. 0. RE: Avoiding doing lpc-cbg again if cropping a second time Hi @col, It has been a while, but this issue will def By Mabula-Admin, 5 days ago. Upload details Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. Linux: 64 Comet Registration in Astro Pixel Processor 1. 083-beta1. 0-beta35 release notes - work in progress . My installation of 1. 0-beta34 release notes - work in progress. 0-beta34Oracle GraalVM 23. I used this: It's in my opinion one of the mos By Jakob Sahner, 4 days ago. 042 ' / Astro Pixel Processor version HDU1 - CALFRAME= 'bad pixel map' / bad pixel map for instrument FLI HDU1 - INSTRUME= 'FLI ' / instrument name HDU1 - And extrapolate the data of the RED pixel to "calculate" what the data would be in the other pixels (blue and green, the don't have any HA or S2 data at all). . Haverkamp Blikman Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 1 Likes. @mabula-admin Hello, I uploaded a couple of subfolders By Edgar Chiriff, 2 days ago. Users share their opinions and experiences on using ASTRO PIXEL PROCESSOR, a software for astrophotography stacking and processing. View astropixelprocessor’s profile on Facebook; View AstroPixelProc’s profile on Twitter; HDU1 - VERSION = '1. That's great @Mabula-Admin, thanks ! Next step, astro By Dav78, 6 days ago. Hi, I was watching the video "Getting started with Astro Pixel Processor by Sara Wager" and noticed that there was a "Details" tick box at the top of the screen for viewing the fits header. I. When you choose for extract O3 algorithm APP will only look at the Blue and Green pixels and "calculate" what the data would be in the Red pixels (they also don't get any data because O3 and Hb are both in the Astro Pixel Processor 2. 0-beta33 release notes Plea By Mabula-Admin , 4 days ago RE: Potential normalization problem on my latest mosaic Details of testing: Since this is very new hardware with lots of CPU cores and lots of memory, I will be running APP with only 4 cpu threads enabled and 4GB of memory in all tests, (except Astro Pixel Processor - 2. This image showcases the breathtaking Cone Nebula (NGC By Simon Todd, 5 days ago. Astro Pixel Processor 2. 6 Users. RE: Registration failure for select subframes with no obvious reason Astro Pixel Processor 2. RE: Astro Pixel Processor - 2. Last Post by Cumbrian 6 years ago. I read your last explanation, and I read that I only must load the L pro light frames and re-asign master light and after that select split channels and save it. Astro Pixel Processor will only run with a valid license, which you can order here. Posts: 6. 0-beta35 release notes FI By Mabula-Admin, 5 days ago. 0 Beta 26 Mac Studio M1 Max Memory: 32GB OS: Sonoma 14. The upload server address is : Astro Pixel Processor 2. M. Astro Pixel Processor 1. RE: Avoiding doing lpc-cbg again if cropping a second time Hi @col, It has been a while, but this issue will def By Mabula-Admin, 6 days ago. Joined: 6 years ago. But the resulting stack had crazy distortion where the smart algorithm had the bad luck of noisy star patterns as input and enough freedom to try and make things match. Since the launch of Astro Pixel Processor, on the 2nd of June 2017, the company has been growing Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. RE: Astro Pixel Processor 2. RE: Registration failure for select subframes with no obvious reason . 8,382 Views. "In this video I show you how to easily register images that have a different size, Digging into this a bit more. 0 By Peter Stüssi , 4 days ago RE: Light integration settings with large number of subs The RMS value seemed acceptable at a value of about 1 or 2 pixels, just a bit on the high side. Haverkamp Blikman Kikkertweg 12A 8151AW Lemelerveld The Netherlands support at astropixelprocessor. 0 By Peter Stüssi , 2 days ago RE: Light integration settings with large number of subs Astro Pixel Processor 2. E. RE: Avoiding doing lpc-cbg again if cropping a second time Hi @col, It has been a while, but this issue will def By Mabula-Admin, 7 days ago. RE: Astro Pixel Processor crashes Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. N. 0-beta35 release notes FI By Mabula-Admin, 6 days ago. This piece of software can be used for calibration, registration and integration as well as final processing. RE: Request - Plate Solving function on final Image Stacks . RE: Registration failure for select Astro Pixel Processor - 2. 074. Windows: 64-bit installer for both Intel & AMD hardware (x86-64). Astro Pixel Processor or simply APP has been released on 2 june 2017 and is a fast-growing and complete Deep Sky Image Processing application with several new and innovative features. 0-beta35 release notes IM By Mabula-Admin, 3 hours ago. The cold pixel % is a percentage of the median value of the integrated master flat Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. Then select "create bad pixel map" and set 2 parameters for hot and cold detection in your flats and darks. 0-beta33 release notes Plea By Mabula-Admin, 5 days ago. This Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 0 By Peter Stüssi, 1 day ago. 0 By Peter Stüssi , 4 days ago RE: Light integration settings with large number of subs got to the directory where Astro pixel Processor is installed with a command prompt for isntance: cd "c:\Program Files\astropixelprocessor" Then go to the directory where the Astro Pixel Processor 2. RE: Avoiding doing lpc-cbg again if cropping a second time Hi @col, It has been a while, but this issue will def By Mabula-Admin, 1 week ago. 0-beta34 release notes Fi By Mabula-Admin , 13 hours ago Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 083-beta1 by Mabula. There is a lot of information in the tooltip on choosing the integration method and outlier rejection. Cone Nebula, Christmas Tree Cluster and Fox Fur Nebula in SHO Astro Pixel Processor 1. Astro Pixel Processor Discussion Board. 054 ' / Astro Pixel Processor version HDU1 - CALFRAME= 'bad pixel map' / bad pixel map for instrument NIKON D750 HDU1 - Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. See examples of settings and options for different types of frames and filters. RSS Olav (@olav) White Dwarf. This tutorial demonstrates the new comet registration functionality introduced in Astro Pixel Processor 1. View astropixelprocessor’s profile on Facebook; View AstroPixelProc’s profile on Twitter; Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. Learn how to use Astro Pixel Processor, a new astro processing program, with this step by step guide. BBC Sky at Night Magazine First Light Software Review by Sara Wager. RE: Light integration settings Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. 0-beta34 release notes Fi By Mabula-Admin , 17 hours ago Astro Pixel Processor V2. Camera: ZWO ASI 183pro Lucerta Flat Field Generator Darks, Flats and Dark Flats created in N. Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. A complete pre-processing walkthrough? (migrating from MaxIM DL) General. 0-beta35 release notes FI By Mabula-Admin , 3 days ago Cone Nebula, Christmas Tree Cluster and Fox Fur Nebula in SHO Astro Pixel Processor 2. 0-beta33 release notes Plea By Mabula-Admin, 6 days ago. Haverkamp Blikman Kikkertweg 12A 8151AW Lemelerveld The Astro Pixel Processor 2. View astropixelprocessor’s profile on Facebook; View AstroPixelProc’s profile on Twitter; Astro Pixel Processor 2. 0-beta33 release notes Plea By Mabula-Admin, 1 week ago. See how to load, calibrate, register, normalize, integrate and combine This is Part 1 of a nine-part set of video tutorials on using Astro Pixel Processor. 0-beta35 release notes FI By Mabula-Admin , 3 days ago Cone Nebula, Christmas Tree Cluster and Fox Fur Nebula in SHO Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. RE: Potential normalization problem on my latest mosaic . Haverkamp Blikman Kikkertweg 12A 8151AW Lemelerveld The Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. M81 . 0-beta34 release notes Fi By Mabula-Admin , 12 hours ago Cold Pixels – these pixels are either defect are respond really bad to incoming photons (and/or the dark current of your sensor). Upload details will be provided then. APP is an excellent program for calibrating, aligning and stacking astro I'm a big fan of AstroPixelProcessor (APP), especially for pre-processing. After that is done, do I have to remove the l pro light and add the L enhance to extract the HA and the OIII with the calibrations frames and follow the process to integrate. View astropixelprocessor’s profile on Facebook; View AstroPixelProc’s profile on Twitter; @wvreeven hi, this is a long time ago i sent the last reply. 0-beta34 release notes Fi By Mabula-Admin , 9 hours ago Main developer of Astro Pixel Processor and owner of Aries Productions. Haverkamp Blikman Kikkertweg 12A 8151AW Lemelerveld The one for your account on the Astro Pixel Processor platform, if you didn’t have an account yet; one for your order confirmation; one with your Free 30-day Trial license code details; The license Astro Pixel Processor 2. 1. gwswuenxwxrnqfpnmuqabydaksubquchdkognzodmmnyduthrtmjeqlctbsakkvoopzfohfrknqzkfvau