Adb shell input keyevent 26. If the screen is already locked, it wakes up the device.
Adb shell input keyevent 26 This correctly emulates the power button keypress if the screen is on, but will not 组合使用`adb shell input keyevent`可以模拟各种硬件按键操作。 例如,`adb shell input keyevent 3`可以模拟按下电源键,而`adb shell input keyevent 4`可以模拟按下主页键。每 adb shell input keyevent 26 // Turn Android device ON and OFF. Zoom in a little bit: adb shell input keyevent 168 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_ZOOM_IN. Add a comment | 1 Answer Sorted by: Reset to default 0 . mInteractive worked better for me - mScreenOn did not input keyevent lock_settings logcat magisk media_controls monkey netpolicy network_time_update_service network_watchlist notifications pm reboot_readiness adb shell keytool is a command-line utility for managing cryptographic keys and certificates on an Android device. bharath bharath. Use below command to find your key mappings specifically to your device: ####Wireless usage. keyevent事件有一张对应的表,可以直接发送对应的数字,也可以方式字符串,如下两个方法都能实现back键。打开cmd输入指令 # 方法一: > adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_BACK # 方法二: > adb shell Use adb shell input keyevent 26 to wake up the device. " else echo "Screen is already on. Now do the text input or whatsoever you want to do. keyevent事件有一张对应的表,可以直接发送对应的数字,也可以方式字符串,如下两个方法都能实现back键。打开cmd输入指令 # 方法一: > adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_BACK # 方法二: > adb shell adb shell input keyevent 26 :这个命令也会模拟按下电源键,但是不会将设备休眠,屏幕会关闭,但是设备仍然处于解锁状态。如果再次按下电源键,屏幕会重新点亮,不需要输入密码或手势解锁。 因此,如果你想让设备进入休眠状态,可以使用第一个命令;如果 adb shell input keyevent 3 #HOME 键 adb shell input keyevent 4 #返回键 adb shell input keyevent 24 #增加音量 adb shell input keyevent 25 #降低音量 adb shell input keyevent 26 #电源键 adb shell input keyevent 82 #菜单 adb shell @shell: input keyevent 26 @shell: (enter or via hidden command empty line) @shell: exit this worked for me on some android versions ;) (NOTE: this will turn the screen on and off, depends on the actual screen state) To detect the current state of the screen u can use the following ways: Android < 5. My project draws about 120ma with screen off, but only 23ma in sleep mode (disconnect USB cable). `adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP`:模拟按下音量加键操作。 After googleing I can to know about adb shell input keyevent 65 but using this command I can send only one keyevent. My problem is, my volume key is broken. 3k 6 6 gold badges 43 43 silver badges 103 103 bronze badges. I want to simulate like " SHIFT_KEY + special character". 重启设备:adb reboot. 1. " adb shell input keyevent 26 # wakeup adb shell input touchscreen swipe 930 380 1080 380 # unlock echo "OK, should be on now. adb shell进入android设备,执行命令input keyevent keycode即可,例如:input keyevent 3 3为KEYCODE_HOME 2. def adb(command): os. 查看日志信息:adb logcat. Follow edited Apr 7, 2017 at 18:42. 10. 组合按键: 有时需要模拟组合按键操作,例如Ctrl+C。可以通过以下命令实现: adb shell input @Robert To add on regarding the functionality of the power key, unlike the standard power key function, on this head unit the power key shuts off all system audio, but when long pressed it will invoke a dialogue prompt asking whether the user wants to reboot the system or not. My guess is that the only way to ensure that the screen is locked (off), is to unlock (we use keyevent 82 (menu), then lock it with the power button keyevent. Get Screen density. 直接adb shell input keyevent keycode也可以,adb shellinput keyevent 3 3为KEYCODE_HOME KEYCODE和对应的数值在android源码中定_input keyevent 我正在使用KEYCODE_POWER来打开和关闭我的手机。波纹管命令用于打开和关闭屏幕。如何使用adb命令打开和关闭屏幕?adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER但是,我想在分开的情况下使用它:打开和关闭。 我有两个功能:打开和关闭功能。如果屏幕关闭,我打开打开功能,它将打开屏幕。 adb shell input keyevent 26 :这个命令也会模拟按下电源键,但是不会将设备休眠,屏幕会关闭,但是设备仍然处于解锁状态。如果再次按下电源键,屏幕会重新点亮,不需要输入密码或手势解锁。 因此,如果你想让设备进入休眠状态,可以使用第一个命令;如果 前言:input keyeven操作发送手机上常用的一些按键操作 电话键 KEYCODE_CALL: 拨号键 KEYCODE_ENDCALL: 挂机键 KEYCODE_HOME: 按键Home KEYCODE_MENU: 菜单键 KEYCODE_BACK: 返回键 KEYCODE_SEARCH: 搜 比如使用 adb shell input keyevent <keycode> 命令,不同的 keycode 能实现不同的功能,完整的 keycode 列表详见 KeyEvent adb shell input keyevent 26. 查看adb命令版本号:adb version . 5. 播放上一首: adb shell input keyevent 88. x_position y_position: These are the screen coordinates where the tap will occur. Turning on. Timeout 1 minute. 9k次。前言接着上篇介绍input里面的按键操作keyevent事件,发送手机上常用的一些按键操作keyevent1. It will toggle device to on/off status. 以上所述是小编给大家介绍的adb shell input keyevent 控制按键输入的数值。 要使用adb keyevent模拟按键事件,请输入以下命令: adb shell input keyevent [key_code] 其中[key_code]是您要模拟的按键代码。例如,要模拟点击电源按钮,可以使用以下命令: adb shell input keyevent 26 要查看可用的按键代码,可以输入以下命 adb shell input keyevent 命令用于模拟物理按键的输入事件,其参数是按键的键码(keycode)。键码是一个整数值,代表不同的按键,具体的键码可以在 Android 官方文档中找到 以下是 Android 系统中键码列表: KEYCODE_UNKNOWN (0): 未知键码 K KEYCODE_POWER (26): 电源键 adb shell input keyevent 26 //解鎖滑屏 adb shell input keyevent 82 //在螢幕上做劃屏操作,前四個數為座標點,後面是滑動的時間(單位毫秒) Connect your device to the PC, and connect via ADB; Run: adb shell input keyevent 26; Share. 19. 键盘事件:input keyevent ,其中KEYCODE参考下文。 例:点击返回键,相应指令: input keyevent 4. keyevent事件有一张对应的表,可以直接发送对应的数字,也可以方式字符串,如下两个方法都能实现back键。打开cmd输入指令 2. `adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER`:模拟按下电源键操作。 9. Neither does the serial console. Tomáš Zato I added the info to the question. Can't use `adb shell` in recovery mode. adb shell input keyevent 26 && adb shell input swipe 600 600 0 0 && adb shell input text <pass> && adb shell input keyevent 66 put your password in <pass> and done. 1] ProtonROM. Even if you don’t have a hardware key you still can use a keyevent to perform the equivalent action adb shell input keyevent CAMERA. 总结. adb shell input keyevent 27 // Camera: adb shell input keyevent 64 // Open browser: adb shell input keyevent 66 // Enter: adb shell input keyevent 67 // Delete (backspace) adb shell input keyevent 207 有些时候,需要使用终端模拟点手机的击触摸滑动事件。手机链接电脑后,在终端上,敲入 adb shell input 即可弹出相应可以操作的命令和方法。点击menu adb shell input keyevent 82//(82是menu建) 就相当与手指点击menu了。adb shell input tap x y //x,y是你想点的屏幕的坐标点。 (打 Android 命令模拟按键输入-adb、串口都可以 在调试Android平台的时候,经常发些屏幕不方便操作的时候,这个时候想要退出或者干嘛很不方便,有这些命令就可以模拟一些基本的简单的操作,调试的时候也基本是哪个用得到 . 2. Commented Sep 14, 2019 at 8:04. The same command can put the device to sleep as adb shell input keyevent <keycode> for the next key event dpad_down 21 keycode_dpad_left 22 keycode_dpad_right 23 keycode_dpad_center 24 keycode_volume_up 25 keycode_volume_down 26 使用ADB命令在Android设备上模拟虚拟按键操作指南 引言 在Android开发过程中,调试和自动化测试是不可或缺的环节。Android Debug Bridge(ADB)作为一种强大的命令行工具,允许开发者与Android设备进行通信,执行各种操作。其中,使用ADB命令模拟虚拟按键操作是一个非常实用的功能。 6. 1k次,点赞10次,收藏69次。简介:ADB,即 Android Debug Bridge,它是 Android 开发/测试人员不可替代的强大工具,也是 Android 设备玩家的好玩具。持续更新中,欢迎提 PR 和 Issue 补充指正,觉得有用的可以将 此 GitHub 仓库 Star 收藏备用。注: 有部分命令的支持情况可能与 Android 系统版本及 ADB shell 上で input コマンドを使用すると、任意のキー入力やテキスト入力をエミュレートすることができます。 キー入力の例 (input keyevent) input keyevent コマンドを使用することで、単一のキー入力をエミュレートできま 以下是具体的命令示例: adb shell input keyevent 24 // 模拟音量减小键 adb shell input keyevent 26 // 模拟电源键 这两个命令通常需要连续发送,以模拟实际的用户操作。 如果你需要在自动化脚本中实现这一操作,可能需要在发送命令后等待一段时间,以确保系统响应。 文章浏览阅读3. My test fixture does have access to the battery and external power line separately. You phone is hopefully opened. 降低音量: adb shell input keyevent 25. Does anyone have any idea if this is true? 电源键:adb shell input keyevent 26. adb shell进入android设备,运行getevent命令得到如下信息,为各类事件的驱动设备。最近做LCD模组的gamma自动化测试过程中用到了input命令,于是也来了解一下该命令的使用。在运行adb shell 后输入input后运行就会输出input的使用方法,如下: adb shell input keyevent 82 音量增加: adb shell input keyevent 24 音量减少: adb shell input keyevent 25 电源键: adb shell input keyevent 26 解锁屏幕: adb shell input keyevent 82 四、进阶用法. A [A50][OneUI 6. adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL //delete 3 times adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_1 adb shell cat /dev/input/eventX (where X is a number, you will need to know before hand!) adb input keyevent 26 - Not waking device up. 执行灭屏亮屏:adb shell input keyevent 26 . Follow answered Apr 4, 2018 at 12:04. keyevent事件有一张对应的表,可以直接发送对应的数字,也可以方式字符串,如下两个方法都能实现back键。打开cmd输入指令# 方法一:> adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_BACK# 方法二:> adb shell 1. 文章浏览阅读3. Improve this 电源键。命令:adb shell input keyevent 26执行效果相当于按电源键。adb shell input keyevent --longpress 26执行效果相当于长按电源键。; 菜单键。命令:adb shell input keyevent 82 HOME键。命令:adb shell input keyevent 3 返回键。命令:adb shell input keyevent 4 音量控制. adb shell input keyevent 6 // End call: adb shell input keyevent 26 // Turn Android device ON and OFF. adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP. 柴华松 最新推荐文章于 2025-02-11 15:26:26 例:手机端输出demo字符串,指令:adb shell input “demo”. b) When the TV in StandBy, android sleeps, so, it isn't adb command. Get Screen Resolution. 例: 点击坐标(300,600),对应输入: input tap 300 600. See all the official KeyEvents on Google Developer's page: Android KeyEvent adb shell input keyevent 26. # Granting & revoking API 23+ permissions A one-liner that helps 比如使用 adb shell input keyevent <keycode> 命令,不同的 keycode 能实现不同的功能,完整的 keycode 列表详见 KeyEvent ,摘引部分我觉得有意思的如下: 模拟用户输入事件 adb模拟输入事件 - 模拟点击事件, adb shell input keyevent 26 模拟按下返回键: adb shell input keyevent 4 模拟按下主页键: adb shell input keyevent 3 模拟按下音量增加键: adb shell input keyevent 24 模拟按下音量减少键: adb shell input keyevent 25 方法二:使用sendevent命令. Connect your Android device and adb host computer to a common Wi-Fi network accessible to both. It is the most powerful and versatile way to control an Android device via adb. 7. Eighth approach. 4. 停止播放: adb shell input keyevent 86. However, it is also possible to use over Wi-Fi, as described here. 常用的keyevent事件 解锁(KEYCODE_ # 直接输入数字 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME # 输入字符串 adb shell input keyevent 3. input: Used to initialize an input event. . 0xAliHn 0xAliHn. x. Issuing adb shell commands with arguments. New posts. 8k 26 26 gold badges 205 205 silver badges 277 277 bronze badges. I can toggle the power line (with battery connected) to wake it up. Therefore I need to know if I can enable a wake up using the alarm manager. 关于tap的话,他模拟的是touch屏幕的事件,只需给出x、y坐标即可。 此x、y坐标对应的是真实的屏幕分辨率,所以要根据具体手机具体看,比如你想点击屏幕(x, y) = (250, 250)位置: Hi, I'm trying to Wake my device using the adb interface. Hi all I want to press the 'Done' key in the android phone dial pad. This topic was split from ADB (Android Debug Bridge) (opens new window) due to reaching the limit of examples, many of which were involving adb shell command. If so try keyevent 66 looking like: adb shell input keyevent 66 – Bo Lawson. adb shell input keyevent 26 这条命令会发送一个键值为26的按键事件,对应的是KEYCODE_POWER,即电源键。执行该命令后,设备的屏幕会立即锁定。 2. asked Oct 30, 2012 at 7:04. x adb shell dumpsys input_method adb shell input keyevent 24. adb shell wm size. Send touch event as input. 4k次。通过Androidkeyevent 向系统发送命令使用方法:# adb shell# input keyevent 3//3为Home键# input keyevent 4//4为Back键# input keyevent 26 //26为power键ASCII码所对应的键值:input keyevent 82 menuinput_android input keyevent adb shell input keyevent 26 which locks the screen if the screen is unlocked. 3k 24 24 gold badges 94 94 silver badges 115 115 bronze badges. adb shell input keyevent 27 // Camera: adb shell input keyevent 64 // Open browser: adb shell input keyevent 66 // Enter: adb shell input keyevent 67 // Delete (backspace) adb shell input keyevent 207 adb shell input keyevent 26 fi Share. " echo "Turning off. And input keyevent lock_settings logcat magisk media_controls monkey netpolicy network_time_update_service network_watchlist notifications pm reboot_readiness adb key_power: adb shell input keyevent 26; key_camera: adb shell input keyevent 27; key_clear: adb shell input keyevent 28; key_a: adb shell input keyevent 29; key_b: adb shell #adb shell. adb is usually used over USB. 唤醒是解锁屏幕的操作,可以使用ADB Shell命令来模拟电源键的按下事件。具体的命令如下: 作者:如果从下文中没有获取到你想要的答案,可以留言给我,我们可以一起探究~~ 在 adb shell 里有个很实用的命令叫 input,通过它可以做一些有趣的事情。 input 命令的完整 help 信息如下: Usage: input [<source 作为一名 Android 开发者,了解如何与设备交互至关重要。ADB(Android 调试桥)提供了一系列命令来简化此过程。其中,“input keyevent”和“sendevent”命令用于发送输入事件。本文将介绍这两种命令的差异、使用场景、代码示例和常见问题解答,帮助您有效地控制 Android 设备,执行各种任务。 adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event2 1 172 1 adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event2 0 0 0 timeout 1 adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event2 1 172 0 adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event2 0 0 0 asked May 26, 2016 at 12:09. adb shell 'am broadcast Android ADB `adb shell input keyevent` Codes. 请查阅上述文章,根据具体keycode编辑即可。 2. adb shell input tap Xpoint Ypoint. "adb shell input keyevent 26" does not work in this mode. adb shell mount command: documentation? 0. 增加音量:adb shell input keyevent 24 Turns off the TV (in StandBy mode), here i use adb shell input keyevent 26. 播放/暂停: adb shell input keyevent 85. # Add a value to default shared preferences. 查看当前系统CPU信息:adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo 或 adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo. Dan Brown Dan Brown. 在使用ADB命令控制设备时,有时需要唤醒屏幕以进行后续操作。例如,使用adb shell input keyevent 26命令可以模拟按下电源键,但如果屏幕已经是亮屏状态,执行此命令反而会关闭屏幕。为了避免这种情况,我们需要在唤醒屏幕前判断屏幕的当前状态。 adb shell input keyevent 24 The command above will trigger a Volume Key Up event, for example. by adb shell input keyevent, either an event_code or a string will be sent to the device. Unable to get in Recovery Mode in AllWinner A23 tablet. And, unlocking can also be done using input command but different locks requires different technique, so you'll have to Google a bit, or provide the info here so that I/others can answer it. You need to replace these placeholders with actual numbers to simulate a tap at the desired location on When you want to delete something or repeat some Event or just input a lot of numbers, you can use code like the following. 静音: adb shell input keyevent 164 媒体控制. Android ADB `adb shell input keyevent` Codes. 执行解锁屏幕:adb shell input keyevent 82. 1,721 1 1 gold badge 16 16 silver badges 39 39 bronze badges. 直接adb shell input keyevent keycode也可以,adb shell input keyevent 3 3为KEYCODE_HOME KEYCODE和对应的数值在android源码中定 文章浏览阅读907次。在adb shell里有一个非常使用的命令,模拟按键输入,这里首先不要理解为是键盘的模拟按键,下面命令的使用和键值做一个详解。 input命令格式adb shell input keyevent <keycode><keycode>对应的数值在android源码中定义如 文章浏览阅读3. xavier_fakerat. adb input keyevent 26 - Not waking device up. If the screen is already locked, it wakes up the device. Follow answered Aug 5, 2016 at 21:12. adb hi guys, Please help me What's the adb command for the input keyevent for long press of Power button I know '26' is for power button But i need for Home. EN 前面有介绍过由于持续集成每日测试,需要通过adb操作安卓亮屏解锁打开app,那ios怎么办呢?接下来介绍一下通过ssh操作IOS亮屏解锁打开app。首先ios要越狱,然后从Cydia安装一下软件: AppSync for iOSx(可安装破解软件)、 afc2add补丁(可访问整个iOS设备的系统文件)、 openssh(可打开ssh服务)、 open adb shell input keyevent 26:这个命令会模拟按下电源键,将屏幕关闭,并让设备进入休眠状态。如果再次按下电源键,设备会被唤醒,需要输入密码或者手势解锁才能使用。 可以在minicom里或,adb shell (需要root)下输入 input keyevent n 来进行相关操作. or alternatively adb shell input keyevent POWER. 收藏 分享 票数 17. 4w次,点赞3次,收藏25次。1. 2. 唤醒. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. tap: Specifies that the input event is a tap/single touch. adb shell进入android设备,执行命令input keyevent keycode即可,例如:input keyevent 3 3为KEYCODE_HOME2. usage: input [text|keyevent] input text <string> input keyevent <event_code "input keyevent KEYCODE_X" and to send more than one: Commented Dec 26, 2014 at 16:51. Apr 13, 2018 View. I works fine is when I turn it off using: adb shell input keyevent 26 but it does not turn back on using the same turn off the screen (adb shell input keyevent 26) wait 50 seconds (sleep 50) turn on the screen and unlock the device (adb shell input keyevent 3 & adb shell swipe x1 y1 x2 y2) Once the device is in sleep mode the sleep 50 take longer than expected. `adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_ENDCALL`:模拟挂断电话操作。 7. Problems arise in the point 3: a) I use SecureCRT emulator and when the TV in StandBy, the console doesn't work. Forums. " adb shell input keyevent 26 # sleep fi. 38. adb shell input keyevent 7 # for key '0' adb shell input keyevent 8 # for key '1' adb shell input keyevent 29 # for key 'A' adb shell input keyevent 54 # for key 'B' adb shell input text "ANDROID" 支持的KEYCODE, 只列出了一部分,黄色 adb 全名 Andorid Debug Bridge,直接翻译安卓调试桥,环境变量中配置好 adb 的环境变量,直接通过命令行可以省很多事。 Android 常用 adb shell 命令大全 - Android教程 CommandNotFound ⚡️ 坑否 ———— 中文,免费,零起点,帮助攻城狮们避免在技术上遇到各种坑! 前言 接着上篇介绍input里面的按键操作keyevent事件,发送手机上常用的一些按键操作 keyevent 1. adb shell input keyevent 26 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER. is there any way we can click the 'Done' button? I tried all the key code like: adb Shell Input keyevent 66. adb input keyevent 26. 前言 接着上篇介绍input里面的按键操作keyevent事件,发送手机上常用的一些按键操作 keyevent 1. 26: KEYCODE_POWER: adb shell input keyevent 26. Share. `adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_CAMERA`:模拟打开相机操作。 8. 0. 2: while before adb keyevent 26 was a dedicated "screen-off", and adb shell input keyevent 82 a dedicated "screen-on" switch, now adb keyevent 26 is a toggle which turns the screen off (when it's on) and on (when it's off), as noted by Pepelac. adb shell input keycombination 113 34 (On a side note, in the accepted answer, 97 is the keycode for BUTTON_B, which has the desired side adb 全名 Andorid Debug Bridge,直接翻译安卓调试桥,环境变量中配置好 adb 的环境变量,直接通过命令行可以省很多事。 Android 常用 adb shell 命令大全 - Android教程 CommandNotFound ⚡️ 坑否 ———— 中文,免费,零起点,帮助攻城狮们避免在技术上遇到各种坑! 在adb shell里有一个非常使用的命令,模拟按键输入,这里首先不要理解为是键盘的模拟按键,下面命令的使用和键值做一个详解。 input命令格式 adb shell input keyevent <keycode> <keycode>对应的数值在android源码中定义如下 Additionally, as Shurane pointed out, behavior of adb keyevent seems to have changed with Android 4. Which command can I turn on the TV? 例如“adb shell input keyevent 3”就可以按下Home键。] 执行返回:adb shell input keyevent 4 . 连接设备: 同样需要确保设备已连接并开启USB I am trying to wake a device up using the following adb command. Cœur. **关闭屏幕**: ``` adb shell input keyevent 26 // 这个命令发送电源键的长按事件,通常对应的是关机或熄屏操作 ``` 2. 扬声器静音键:adb shell input keyevent 164. Related. adb shell: Opens a shell session with the Android device. adb shell opens a Linux shell in a target device or emulator. Turns on the TV. Basically any key defined in the KeyEvent specs would be useful 发送键盘事件:命令格式1:adb shell input keyevent “value”其中value以及对应的key code如下表所列:KeyEvent Value KEYCODEComment0KEYCODE_UNKNOWN1KEYCO_adb shell 移动鼠标位置 最新推荐文章于 2025-02-11 15:26:26 发布. 17 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges. 播放下一首: adb shell input keyevent 87. **开启屏幕**: 如果设备支持屏幕锁定后手动解锁,你需要先解锁屏幕再打开。 这通常需要模拟触摸屏幕上的锁屏按钮,例如Home键(取决于你的设备 adb shell input keyevent [--longpress] <keycode> Popular <keycode>s are: 25 Volume down; 26 Toggle screen on/off; 220 Brightness down; 221 Brightness up; Display. Improve this answer. You can use adb shell input keyevent --longpress KEYCODE_POWER to longpress in power button. dead programmer dead Android ADB息屏命令,#AndroidADB息屏命令详解在手机的日常使用中,用户常常需要用到“息屏”这一功能。特别是在开发和调试过程中,使用ADB(AndroidDebugBridge)命令来控制Android设备的显示状态,显得尤为重要。本文将为大家介绍如何使用ADB命令实现手机的息屏功能,包括流程、代码示例以及可视化 例子://这条命令相当于按了设备的Backkey键adb shell input keyevent 4//可以解锁屏幕adb shell input keyevent 82//在屏幕上做划屏操作,前四个数为坐标点,后面是滑动的时间(单位毫秒)adb shell input swipe 50 250 250 250 500//在屏幕上点击坐标点x=50 y=250的位置 adb shell input keyevent 26 :这个命令也会模拟按下电源键,但是不会将设备休眠,屏幕会关闭,但是设备仍然处于解锁状态。如果再次按下电源键,屏幕会重新点亮,不需要输入密码或手势解锁。 因此,如果你想让设备进入休眠状态,可以使用第一个命令;如果 Press Power Button to wake up screen: adb shell input keyevent 26 Turn ON the camera: adb shell input keyevent 27 Open web browser: adb shell input keyevent 64 Toggle - `adb shell input keyevent 26` 可以模拟按下电源键,这通常用于屏幕的开/关。 - `adb shell input keyevent 82` 可以模拟按下菜单键,如果设备支持的话。 这个命令在自动化脚本和测试用例中尤其有用,可以实现设备的无接触控制,比如模拟用户交互、触发特定功能、自动化 文章浏览阅读8. system(f"adb shell {command}") class KeyMap: zero = "input keyevent 0" soft_left = "input keyevent 1" soft_right = "input keyevent 2" home = "input I am trying to wake a device up using the following adb command. `adb shell input keyevent`命令用于向设备发送键盘事件,这对于自动化测试或者模拟用户输入非常有用。组合使用`adb shell input keyevent`可以模拟各种硬件按键操作。 例如,`adb shell input keyevent 3`可以模拟按下电源键,而`adb shell input keyevent 4`可以模拟按下 asked Aug 30, 2019 at 7:26. It will imitate a longpress on a keyboard:. Follow edited Dec 14, 2019 at 14:31. $ adb shell input keyevent 26 works! Seventh approach: If you want the long press $ adb shell <<! > sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 107 1 > sleep 1 > sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 107 0 > exit > ! You device may use a different input device than /dev/input/event5. It provides functions for generating, importing, exporting, and managing Is there a way I can connect ADB over the internet? Or access an android phone over the network with the terminal? Yes, you will need to: Install adb on your terminal's platform/OS. Zoom out a little bit: adb shell input keyevent 169 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_ZOOM_OUT. 恢复播放: adb shell input 发送键盘事件: 命令格式1:adb shell input keyevent “value” 其中value以及对应的key code如下表所列: KeyEvent Val 26 KEYCODE_POWER 27 KEYCODE_CAMERA 28 KEYCODE_CLEAR 29 KEYCODE_A adb shell "sendevent dev/input/event4 1 330 1;sendevent dev/input/event4 3 48 20;sendevent dev/input/event4 3 53 380;sendevent dev adb shell input keyevent 6 // End call: adb shell input keyevent 26 // Turn Android device ON and OFF. This is unlike keyevent 26, which on this system appears to toggle the visual display on or off. qowqsomyqjfvdyuadsnnyappbtttsvftzjbuwuppdqvwptymwnmhjagdyzxjiscqrowksnjlr